Bag The benefits to using this powdered filler are:   You can mix up just the amount of Wood Patch or Full-Trowel Filler that you need for your job. Cleans faster than a sponge or string mop, with no … Use it with the 1-qt. For general cleaning, spray an area 4′ x 4′ with WOODWISE No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner, or spray directly onto the terry mop … Cleans all surface-coated floors except wax-based finishes. bottle of WOODWISE Concentrate to mix 16 more bottles of spray! Our simple yet ingenious design suspends your pad inside the polycarbonate... Woodwise's V-Groove Scraper makes cleaning out v-groove flooring during the refinishing process easier. WOODWISE Ready-to-Use Spray Cleaner included, and the job is all but done. Also get a 1-qt. No-Shrink Powdered Filler normally sets up hard within 30 minutes of mixing. They are 1/16 the thickness of a human hair. View the current Woodwise Products available at Jeffco Flooring & Supply (615) 726-3301 Tennessee's Premier Source For Hardwood Flooring Products Learn More. bottle of WOODWISE … The concentrate can be diluted to make about 10-16 gallons. Complete wood floor maintenance instructions included. This Woodwise Terry Mop Kit includes: Swivel head with handle 2 machine-washable 100% cotton Terry Mop covers 32 oz. Woodwise Terry Mop Hardwood Flooring Cleaning Kit 4.3 out of 5 stars 9 $44.99 $ 44. 1-2 Day Delivery. Woodwise Patch-Quick Powdered Wood Filler 1.5 lb Woodwise No Shrink Patch-Quick Powdered Filler 1.5 lb. This can severely damage the flooring, and damage resulting from these actions may not be covered under warranty. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Woodwise Terry Mop Hardwood Flooring Cleaning Kit at Biodegradable and phosphate-free with a fresh scent, our environmentally friendly cleaner works beautifully on all surface-coated floors … WOODWISE Ready-to-Use Spray Cleaner included, and the job is all but done. When the mop cover becomes dirty, simply change the cover or rinse it out. For spills or spot-cleaning, spray WOODWISE No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner directly on the spill, or on the terry cover of our WOODWISE Terry Mop, and clean as needed. Nothing cleans floors like Woodwise Hardwood Floor Cleaner! Woodwise Stair Jig Extension There is simply no quicker or easier way to scribe treads and risers than with our Stair Jig. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Woodwise Concentrate Cleaner 4oz (makes 64 ounces) $1.99 Nothing cleans floors like our WOODWISE Hardwood Floor Cleaner. bottle of WOODWISE Concentrate to mix 16 more bottles of spray! Woodwise Full-Trowel Filler 3.5 Gallon Woodwise wood fillers were developed for water and solvent based stains and finishes. Adjusts easily without tools from 32" to 52" for a perfect fit every time. Giant 22 in. Never wet-mop, damp-mop, or clean your floor with water. This item: Woodwise® 1 Gallon Concentrate No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner $27.37 ($0.21 / 1 Fl Oz) Woodwise Terry Mop Replacement Covers (2 Pack) $11.98 ($3.00 / 1 Count) Woodwise Ready-to-Use No-Wax Hardwood Floor … Available in 1-quart ready-to-use spray and in 3 sizes of concentrate: 1-gallon, 1-quart and a 4-ounce trial size. 木のある暮らし。アセチル化木材アコヤ、高熱乾燥処理木材サーモウッド、Pioneer Millworks社リクレイムドウッド製品など、環境へ配慮したFSC®認証やPEFC認証を取得した製品や、自然素材と共に … Save time and money with these inexpensive applicator pad storage containers. No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner Terry Mop Kit Felt Floor Protector Pads Hardwood Floor Maintenance Instructions Tools & Accessories Dust Collection Bags Easy-Sand Stair Tread Extension … Additionally, do not use hardwood floor … of Woodwise Cleaner Concentrate … Copyright © IKEGAMI & Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. If not, … Use it with the 1-qt. When the mop cover becomes dirty, simply change the cover or rinse it out. PowerPlus Hard Surface Anti-Bacterial Cleaner, MRH III - Moisture and Humidity Meter (Digital), Woodwise Full-Trowel Wood Filler 3.5 Gallon, Woodwise V-Groove Scraper Replacement Blades, Woodwise EXTENDER for No-Shrink Patch-Quick Powdered Filler. For spills or spot cleaning, spray WOODWISE® No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner directly on the spill or on the terry cloth cover of the WOODWISE® mop and clean as needed For general cleaning, spray an area … Free shipping starts at $75 orders. With a workable puddle, just trowel the floor, going back … of Woodwise Ready-to-Use Spray Cleaner 32 oz. Microfiber … 99 $54.99 $54.99 FREE Shipping Only 5 left in stock - order soon. Microfiber Wet-Dry Flip Mop This Microfiber Flip Mop is a 2-in-1 Mop. bottle of WOODWISE … The swivel design and low-profile head make it easy to get to those hard-to-reach areas. © 2000-2020 Floor Mechanics - The World's Fastest Free Delivery For Hardwood Flooring Contractors. Product Brand: Woodwise Product Type: Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl Floor Cleaner Dimensions: Grade/Rating: Price: $14.95/ea SKU: TMKCVRS Product Details: 100% cotton, machine-washable Terry Mop … Terry Mop Kit $29.95 Terry Mop Kit Replacement … The installation company recommended WOODWISE No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner. The right tool sets the professional apart. Woodwise Full-Trowel Wood Filler Gallon Full-Trowel Filler is thinner than Wood Patch, designed to spread across the surface of the wood floor. This cleat set is built to last. Nothing cleans floors like our WOODWISE Hardwood Floor Cleaner. WOODWISE dries fast and contains no oils or waxes that attract and hold soil. It lifts the dirt without leaving a residue which could inhibit re-coating your floors. It can also be thinned and used as a Full-Trowel Filler; simply mix... Woodwise Powdered Wood Filler 14 LB. of Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner, washable Microfiber Cleaning Pad & the Hardwood Floor Care Guide. This item: Woodwise Terry Mop Replacement Covers (2 Pack) $11.98 ($3.00 / 1 Count) Woodwise® 1 Gallon Concentrate No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner $27.37 ($0.21 / 1 Fl Oz) Woodwise Ready-to-Use No-Wax Hardwood Floor … You get... Woodwise  Wood Patch 1 Gallon  The higher solid content of Wood Patch makes it ideal for large fill areas or for spot filling during sanding. For spills or spot cleaning, spray WOODWISE® No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner directly on the spill or on the terry cloth cover of the WOODWISE® mop and clean as needed For general cleaning, spray an area 4ft x 4ft with WOODWISE® No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner, or spray directly onto the terry mop head, making sure not to over-wet your floor. This simple yet ingenious design suspends your pad... 740 Freeport Blvd, Suite 105Sparks, NV 89431, WP944, WP924, WP204, WP104, WP604, WP804, WP304. This Microfiber Flip Mop is a 2-in-1 Mop. These environmentally friendly wood fillers contain no harsh solvents, and... Full-Trowel Filler is thinner than Wood Patch, designed to spread across the surface of the wood floor. Easy-Sand Stair Tread Extension: Instructions For Use (EdgerPlatform for Sanding Stairs) Place the Easy-Sand Stair Tread Extension on the floor or tread (615) 726-3301 … Try it in our Terry Mop … Free Shipping Nationwide. Our Terry Mop Kit contains over 4 gallons of cleaner, and comes … Maintenance Products (WOODWISE No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner, Mop Kit, etc.) Huge Inventory, Same Day Shipping. Ten years later and my floors still look spectacular! 8" x 15" Microfiber Mop Covers are a blend of microscopic polyester and polyamide fibers which are split in such a way as to create microscopic "hooks" which act as claws that scrape up and hold dust, dirt, and grime. Great customer service and fresh products make us a great choice for buying hardwood floor and concrete floor … Our Terry Mop … No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner Terry Mop Kit Felt Floor Protector Pads Hardwood Floor Maintenance Instructions Tools & Accessories Dust Collection Bags Easy-Sand Stair Tread Extension … With over 7,000 sf of wood flooring, I now buy it by the … Floor Maintenance Free Mop Kit Stain Colors Get Started Credit Application Directions Contact Woodwise Stair Jig Home » Products » Woodwise Stair Jig Woodwise Stair Jig CALL FOR … Do not mop your floor for the first month. 「東日本大震災・原子力災害伝承館」は、これまで国内で経験したことのない甚大かつ複合的な災害の記録と記憶を、防災・減災の教訓として、未来へつないでゆくための施設です。アコヤは外壁のサイディングに採用していただきました。, 2020年3月に品川~田町間に開業した高輪ゲートウェイ駅です。アコヤは、大柱とコンコース階の外壁にご採用いただきました。あたらしい街の玄関口として、アコヤも一緒に皆様をお迎えいたします。, 風景の中で浮かぶ近代的な納屋に見えるよう設計されたプライベートハウス。サーモウッドの外壁は美しい風景の中に溶け込むように黒く仕上げられました。, グリーンヴォイド(木と緑の吹き抜け空間)をやわらかく包むアコヤで組まれたスクリーンは、ビルが立ち並ぶ街にも存在感を光らせ、木のぬくもりを感じさせる。, 沖縄市松本に建つ住宅の木製サッシにアコヤをご採用いただきました。沖縄の豊か且つ過酷な環境でも腐れや寸法変化が起こりにくいことが採用の決め手になったそうです。, 海を一望できる高台に建つのは、木の白さが印象的なゲストハウスです。木のもつ暖かなテクスチャーを主役として、優しく、軽やかな空間が緑の中に創造されています。, 2020年7月にオープンした星のや沖縄では、美しい白浜と透き通った青い海と共に、暮らすような滞在を楽しむことができます。アコヤは腐らない、ささくれない、表情が柔らかいという理由で、サンセットプールや客室のデッキ、手すりなど、素足で歩いたり、人の手が触れる箇所に採用していただきました。, 今大人気の街角カフェKITASANDO COFFEE。ゆったりとしたカフェ時間をアコヤと共にお楽しみください。, マウント フジ アーキテクツ スタジオの建築設計・プロデュースによる“東京そのものに暮らす臨場感”を提供するホテル「hotel Siro」。屋上にはグランピングエリアも設けられており、東京の夜景を楽しみながら非日常体験もできるという、魅力にあふれたホテルです。, SILVAウェスタンレッドシダー エクステリアパネル三層がLEEDプラチナ認定施設に採用されました。, 周囲の環境との調和に配慮しながら、サーモウッドの細身の外装材で現代的な雰囲気を加え、伝統的なファームハウスに新たな価値を生み出しました。, 熟成肉の焼肉と100種類以上の豊富なワインが楽しめるワンランク上の焼肉店「肉源」。リクレイムドウッドの持つ個性がお店の雰囲気作りに活かされています。, プラナス(株)様の事務所に大きなテーブルとしてスプルース積層ソリッドパネルを採用いただきました。大人数での会議や様々な顧客を一堂に会してのセミナー、ディスカッションの場としても活用されています。, 上野動物園内のローテーブルにトライコヤが使われました。アコヤと同じ性能でありながら、表面の風合いにアコヤと違った面白さがある、との評価を得て採用いただきました。, 本社 広島県福山市南松永町4-2-36 For lengths … Cleans all surface-coated floors except wax-based finishes. : Most distributors do not sell retail, but may be able to refer you to someone in the area that does. … Knot holes, large voids and damaged floor boards are common uses for … The extra wide mop head makes cleaning hard floor surfaces much quicker and … Also get a 1-qt. Floor Mechanics is the world's fastest delivery of flooring supplies to contractors. Complete wood floor maintenance instructions included. Built stout with just the right angle for making quick work of this important step. Woodwise No-Wax Hardwood Floor Cleaner Concentrate - 32oz Pack of 2 5.0 out of 5 stars 7 CDN$72.33 Usually ships within 6 to 10 days. Bag WILL NOT SHRINK!! Woodwise cleaner lifts the dirt from the floor; it contains no oils or waxes that attract and hold soil or dust. Save time and money with these inexpensive applicator pad storage containers. I … Biodegradable and phosphate-free with a fresh scent, our environmentally friendly cleaner works beautifully on all surface-coated floors … Made of solid case-hardened impact tool steel with a rectangular head designed for L and T cleats. We have a huge inventory of hardwood flooring and concrete flooring products in stock. Floor Maintenance Free Mop Kit Stain Colors Get Started Credit Application Directions Contact Woodwise Filler Home » Products » Woodwise Filler Woodwise Filler CALL FOR PRICE … Orders usually ship the same business day. Includes: Bona Hardwood Floor Mop, 28.75 oz. This EXTENDER allows working time of Woodwise powdered filler to increase to one-hour or two-hours based on the amount of... Once again, the right tool sets the professional apart. Woca Floor Soap Refresher Woodwise Hardwood Cleaner Laminate Anderson Laminate Cleaner Armstrong Laminate Cleaner Basic Coatings Squeaky Clean Blackmop 8x15 Mop Covers Black … Just spray on lightly and wipe off; … Floor Stripping Machines Floor Grinders Floor Sanders & Edgers Grinding & Polishing Plates Handheld Grinders Carpet Pullers Pry Bars & Molding Lifters Self-Leveling Tools Rotary & Demolition Hammers … You also get a 1-qt. You also get a 1-qt.    TEL : 084-933-8856. The higher solid content of Wood Patch makes it ideal for large fill areas or for spot filling during sanding. Never use Murphy’s oil soap, Pledge for floors, Swiffer wet mop, or any product with oils or waxes in them. Cleans all surface-coated floors except wax-based finishes. Wipe up spills with a damp dishcloth. Microfiber … WOODWISE Concentrate to mix 16 more bottles of spray 16 more bottles of spray we have huge! … Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for WOODWISE Terry Mop Kit $ Terry. Making quick work of This important step and comes … Nothing cleans floors our... '' to 52 '' for a perfect fit every time solid case-hardened impact tool with... Flooring products in stock ; simply mix... WOODWISE Powdered Wood Filler LB... Wipe off ; … do not Mop your Floor for the first month left stock! Contains over 4 gallons of Cleaner, washable microfiber Cleaning pad & Hardwood. Not be covered under warranty be covered under warranty and finishes and money with inexpensive! 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