Parent(s)/carer(s) details and contact information, 3. In Year Admissions are co-ordinated in-house by the school. If any William Perkin Students have any queries about Exams, please contact the Exams Team via email [email protected], If you have any queries about Sixth Form Enrolment, please contact the Admissions Team via email [email protected]. The school is currently conducting learning online for most pupils as per the government's latest guidance (see DFE guidance) . In the rare event that applicants’ distance measurements are exactly the same the place will be allocated randomly. We are delighted to welcome your family to the William Perkin Church of England High School community. Arrangements for applications for the remaining 180 places will be made solely in accordance with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission arrangements and should be made on the Home Local Authority Common Application Form. All Looked After Children (as defined by the Local Authority as children in public care subject to Section 22 of the Children Act (1989)) or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements, or special guardianship order, have priority over all other applications. Oldfield Lane North, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 8PR. Bill Perkins (baseball) ... William Perkins, English merchant and founder of Sir William Perkins's School, Chertsey; William Perkins, main character in Roald Dahl's short story "Galloping Foxley" See also. The full Language Scholarship Admissions Criteria are set out below. Back to the top First Name. Make an active contribution to the Language College community through commitment to the Language College’s extra-curricular programme, including Extended Electives in further languages. SchoolCloud. Distance is calculated using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system which is an integral part of the admissions software produced by Servelec Synergy. These links will take you to these systems: Staff & Student Email -, Copia E-Learning - If a place becomes available it will be offered to the applicant who is highest on the waiting list. See photos of how the school was built and its day-to-day life in full glory. The Trust’s overall Risk Assessment can be found here and an Annexe to the Behaviour Policy summarising the behaviour expectations of students during the period of recovery from the Covid-19 epidemic, can be found on the last page of the Trust Behaviour Policy here. If a place cannot be offered at the time of application, you will placed on a waiting list. Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. Oldfield Lane North Further information about Those applicants wishing to remain on the waiting list must notify the school in writing via William or Bill Perkins may refer to: Sports. Registered Office: Twyford Crescent, Acton, London W3 9PP. The school’s updated risk assessment can be found here. Most outstanding schools are exempt from routine inspection. Applicant families who apply throughout the remainder of the academic year can expect to receive the outcome of their application within 20 school days to allow measured distances to be verified. The school governors have approved the school’s risk assessment which has been undertaken to minimise risks to all students and staff on return to school. Late applications (any application submitted after the closing deadline) submitted through the electronic admissions system will not be reviewed. Appointments can be amended via a link from the email confirmation - please ensure your email address is correct. Sir William Perkins's School Sixth Form Prospectus - Page 1. URN: 139725. Parent and carers must also fill in their home local authority's Common Application Form. Outside of these specified events, William Perkin is closed to the public and is unable to host personal tours throughout the academic year. Headteacher Talks are held throughout the evening to provide insight into the school’s history, ethos and community in addition to our curriculum, pastoral and wider learning opportunities. Guildford Road; Chertsey; Surrey, KT16 9BN; Contact us. Oktober 1602 in Cambridge) war ein englischer Geistlicher und puritanischer Theologe. It is situated on 49,000 m of greenbelt land on the outskirts of Chertsey. Sir William Perkins's School. Mandatory documentation for all Parents & Carers to submit to the school: Admission of EHCP students is via the local authority. Before completing your form, please ensure that you have the following information to hand: 1. William Perkin Church of England High School. Future A LEVELS AND BEYOND SIR WILLIAM PERKINS'S SCHOOL SIXTH FORM PROSPECTUS. Typically, school campuses sprawl over several acres but this was not possible on the constrained site. This was an exciting challenge. If you wish to make an appeal following the unsuccessful outcome of your in-year application, you will need to submit the Application to Appeal Form directly to Ealing's Committee Section - the address is included on the form. Trusted by over 2 million drivers across the UK. The William Perkin Science Specialism has lots of exciting events and news, including its Royal Society Partnership. Sir William Perkins’s School is an independent day school for girls aged 11-18 situated on 13 acres of greenbelt land. We've got the perfect present for your loved one: send an e-card and pla…, In our bid to keep everyone in our community healthy and active, we set our staff the challenge of escaping WP to s……, WILLIAM PERKIN Find out about Governance for the Twyford CofE Academies Trust and William Perkin CofE High School as well as the William Perkin School Fund. Applications can be made to the Academy by listing William Perkin Church of England High School as a preference on your Common Application Form (CAF) submitted to your Local Authority by 31st October 2020. Of the 200 places available: 20 are designated as Language Scholarship places 40 are designated to Horsenden Primary School All evenings are expected to finish at 8:30 PM. Instructions on how to obtain an in-year application to appeal form can be found here: William Perkin Church of England High School opened its Sixth Form in September 2018. Information such as headteacher's name, school website, address, location on the map, gender, age-range and school type also typically take 1 to 2 months to be updated here after first being updated, by the school, in Get information about schools. Should any places be available, offers will be made before the October half-term. If you wish to appeal for Year 7 entry in September 2020, please email [email protected], (If your child is currently in high school). Please note that William Perkin's in-year process operates outside of co-ordination (with Ealing Council). We strongly advise against using Internet Explorer. 1.2K likes. First Name. See Notes 3 & 4. d. In order to improve the equality of access to a high school of their choice to parents in the North Greenford area, 40 places will be made available to children attending Horsenden Primary School and 20 places will be made available to children attending The Edward Betham Church of England Primary School. Although not entirely accepting of the Church of England's ecclesiastical practices, Perkins conformed to many of the policies and procedures imposed by the Elizabethan Settlement. Your child’s assessment score will be issued via email together with their ranked position on the Language Scholarship List. Design by RAW Brothers, Surname. Registered Office: Twyford Crescent, Acton, London W3 9PP. William Perkin has a thriving Sixth Form and we offer a wide range of A-Level courses. William Jones College Preparatory High School. For entry into Year 7 in September 2021, William Perkin Church of England High School has an agreed admission number of 200 students for entry into Year 7. William Henry Perkin (1838–1907), British chemist; This disambiguation page lists articles about people with the same name. The application process is designed to test a child’s natural language and linguistic aptitude. Tickets are distributed upon arrival on a first-come-first-serve basis. NOT be accepted. Scholarship closing date of Friday 2nd October 2020 at 12noon. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians).) Ofsted returned in February 2019 to confirm the 'Outstanding' grading. School Admissions queries should to be directed to [email protected] or 020 8832 8950. Placement is determined by meeting both the general and individual entrance requirements, as well as subscription to course selection. WE ADVISE APPLYING VIA GOOGLE CHROME AS THE PRIMARY BROWSER. Whether your child is offered a place will depend upon your ranked position for a Language Scholarship place at the time of offers being made as well as yours and others applications order of preference on the pan-London Common Application Form. Sir William Perkins's School (SWPS), Chertsey, Surrey. This is the ONLY assessment session and late applications will APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR EXTERNAL APPLICANTS: Friday 11th December 2020, APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR INTERNAL APPLICANTS: Monday 25th January 2021. Hinchcliffe was educated at the independent Sir William Perkins s School in Chertsey, and then gained a first class degree joined Sir William Perkins s School in Chertsey, Surrey, which was a voluntary controlled Church of England girls grammar school at the time. The school community is deeply saddened at the loss of a Year 8 student who died on Sunday 9th July 2017 at hospital following a severe allergic reaction. Applicants with Education, Health & Care Plans are able to visit our Additionally Resourced Centre (ARC). Sir William Perkins's School sits on 13 acres of Surrey greenbelt land with large private sports fields hidden from public view. Our vision is to build confidence, integrity and excellence in a caring, innovative and motivated community, giving each student the best possible chance of achieving their full potential. The Good Schools Guide described the school as "a friendly school with very good academic standards - ideal for unstuffy girls who enjoy healthy competition and getting stuck into what is on offer." Outstanding. Situated in Chertsey, Surrey, UK. William Perkin's Sixth Form Open Evening for prospective applicants for entry in September 2021 will take place on Thursday 19th November 2020. This Assessment Day will be held at William Guildford Road; Chertsey; Surrey, KT16 9BN; Contact us. See Note 1. b. Sir William Perkins's School. Before reviewing any induction information, please read the Twyford Academies Trust Data Protection Privacy Notice here. The primary school offers guidance. All applicants are removed from the waiting lists on 30th June each academic year. In October, prior to the September transfer, each school will read the papers sent by the LA. A ‘child arrangements order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Open Evening dates are announced annually at the end of the summer term and can be found here: Design by RAW Brothers,, 20 are designated as Language Scholarship places, 40 are designated to Horsenden Primary School, 20 are designated to The Edward Betham Church of England Primary School, 120 are designated to criteria a, b, c & e as set out below. To find out more details please click here. email to Email. You will also be able to save your application as a PDF and print - we strongly encourage you to do both. The Virtual Sixth Form Evening can be viewed here. The open date and status above indicates when William Perkin Church of England High School opened or when it changed to its most recent incarnation, with a number of schools converting to academies in recent years. Please see the following frequently asked questions regarding the steps which address the key concerns which parents have raised. Outstanding; Good; Requires Improvement; Inadequate; How long until the next inspection? Any places not required by students at Horsenden Primary School or Edward Betham Church of England Primary School from within the quota of 40 places for Horsenden and 20 places for Edward Betham will be allocated solely according to criteria c and e. Main Round (Year 6 into 7) appeal hearings are held at William Perkin and take place in May/June each academic year, In-Year appeal hearings are held at Ealing Council and take place throughout the academic year. Free School Meal Vouchers and Financial Support from Ealing Council. Please note that we are unable to confirm the likelihood of enrolment. The assessment sessions for in-year Specialist Language applications will be co-ordinated by the Admissions Team, who will be in touch shortly after receipt of an application. Parents are informed by the LA by 15th February on their year of transition of the school place offer. If you are interested in attending the William Perkin Sixth Form, you will need to visit the school on National GCSE Results Day 2021, between the hours of 2:00- 4:00pm with an official copy of your GCSE results as well as a form of identification. William Perkin Church of England High School is a coeducational secondary school and sixth form located in the Greenford area of London, England.. History. Specific Entrance Requirements, Entry 2021, Application tutorial for EXTERNAL applicants, Application tutorial for INTERNAL applicants. In Year Admissions are for those wishing to apply for a place at the school during the academic year. Recreate your favourite moment from theatre or……, RT @TreesforCities: Looking for a unique #ValentinesDay gift? Applications for the 20 Language Scholarship places should be made by completing the Language Scholarship application form which can be found on the school website. During this period when some students and staff may need to stay at home, we want to enable you to continue accessing lessons, revision material and other resources as much as possible. Children with a sibling already on-roll at the Academy who will be on-roll when the child is admitted. If information is incorrect in Get information about schools, please report it to the school. Main Round Appeal Process, Entry 2020/2021. T: 01932 574 900; F: 01932 574 901; E:; Useful Links. Greenford As enrolment will be taking place for on-time applicants who received conditional offers, members of the Sixth Form team may not be able to meet with you individually to discuss your application, however, you will be required to complete a pre-enrolment form that will be considered. Sixth Form Criteria & Policy, Entry in September 2021: here. Local authority, writing, listening and speaking attend a Language Scholarship closing date of Friday 2nd October at. Invited to attend a Language Scholarship Admissions Criteria are set out below over million. Inductions are facilitated by our Admissions Department who can be read here that William Perkin CofE High community. Data for previous years covering their previous incarnation is included below as well as the PRIMARY BROWSER who highest. 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