... High Sierra Trail Day 2: Buck Creek to Hamilton Lake. We did this hike as a nice, leisurely 4-day out and back. Day 1 hiked Crescent Meadows to Hamilton lakes, day 2 Hamilton up to precipice lake and then back down to Merton Creek, and day 3 back down to Crescent. So if you’re planning to do this trail take your time and don’t rush. Made an initial effort with a group of boys to make Hamilton Lakes in 2015, got hit with hail storm and rain 9 miles in. There is so much water due to the big rain season. It’s some amazing memories. Day 7: Guitar Lake to Mt.Whitney Summit to Whitney Portal Some incline to Hamilton but not too steep. The High Sierra Trail begins with a trailhead in Crescent Meadow of Sequoia National Park and ends up 72.2 miles later at Whitney Portal. We arrived at the Crescent Meadow parking lot around 9:30am on an August Wednesday to find it half full. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/california/high-sierra-trail-to-hamilton-lakes August 3, 2012: Crescent Meadow To Hamilton Lake, 15.5 Miles, +3,300' Due to the anticipation of day one, I got a restless night of sleep. Great family area, close to schools and park. Shoes to cross the creeks. You will then be on a south facing slopes for the next 10 miles. Very doable since up to Hamilton lake (and even later - up to where there was snow) the trail is extremely well marked and easy to follow, you can do 3 miles/hour easily. A long hike to Hamilton Lakes on the High Sierra Trail. 559-565-3341 crescent meadow to whitney portal. backpacking bearpaw meadows high sierra camp High Sierra Trail hiking Sequoia and King's Canyon National park upper hamilton lake High Sierra Trail Day 1: Crescent Meadow … After running up the bottom of the Kern Canyon, it turns east, climbing parallel to Wallace Creek up to the junction with the John Muir Trail, 49 miles (79 km) from the starting point. Day 2 I hiked Elizabeth pass was still covered in snow and I'm glad I have crampons to get up there. The High Sierra Trail leads from Crescent Meadow up the canyon of the Middle Fork of the Kaweah River, crossing the Great Western Divide. Fourth is bucks creek - bridge. The first mile of the hike takes you on the edge of a sequoia grove. I brought 1L and filled up along the way. The wildflowers, butterflies and spectacular views :). The Bearpaw Meadow High Sierra Camp (a simple tent hotel) located here dates back to 1934. Little water remains in the creeks. By Fax: A must do bucket list Backpacking trip! The rock faces, wildlife and trees made this a hike to remember. The campground there is quite popular – both for HSTs on a slower schedule or folks who are just doing an out-and-back from Crescent Meadow. The view from the camp was the great western divide! The final ascent is a mellow winding granite staircase and then, voila, you will see a few wilderness campsites and a beautiful high alpine lake. Day 1: Crescent Meadow to 9 Mile Creek Day 2: 9 Mile Creek to Hamilton Lake Day 3: Hamilton Lake to Moraine Lake Day 4: Moraine Lake to Junction Meadow Day 5: Junction Meadow to Guitar Lake Day 6: Guitar Lake out to Whitney Portal. Es gibt verschiedene Aktivitätsmöglichkeiten. I have never seen a more beautiful part of the world and will be absolutely be coming back when I can. Posted in Uncategorized. High Sierra Trail, Day 1: Crescent Meadow to Bearpaw Meadow – After an early wake-up in Visalia, our bus dropped us off a the Giant Sequoia Museum in Sequoia National Park around nine in the morning. ), Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Le sentier monte le long d'une crête escarpée. Probably having an ice axe is a good idea. Here is an official ov… Most people I met along the way including myself packed in heaps of food. Take a right towards Crescent Meadow / Morro Rock. The trail is straightforward and clear the whole way to Hamilton Lakes. Breathtaking and really a taste of what the Sequioa's have to offer, would love to return again! Would do again for the views. The Kaweah Gap will take a good 5 hours from Hamilton lakes. 2) Next day, stay on the trail 1.6 miles. You can then follo… DO IT Distance 28.6 miles Trailhead 36.5547, -118.7493; 25 miles northeast of Three Rivers on Crescent Meadow Rd. The trip to Hamilton Lakes is part of the High Sierra Trail. We also had deer wander into the camp and acted like they were there to visit with us. The sun can get strong against the white granite walls, but the reward of some shade under the canopy of the trees is beautiful. As of late May, it was still fully covered with snow to go this far, but no snow if you only reach Hamilton lake. Hoping someone can answer a question for me., I am doing the High Sierra Trail but starting at Wolverton/Alta Trail and linking up with the HST on day 2. Fifth is hamilton falls - there is a massive log upstream, get on it and walk to the end and then jump onto the trail. Access member exclusive content + more benefits → Day 1 - Crescent Meadow to Nine Mile Creek, 8.8 miles; Day 2 - Nine Mile Creek to Hamilton Lakes, 7.8 miles; Day 3 - Hamilton Lakes, cross Kaweah Gap and descend to Big Arroyo Junction, 6.8 miles; Day 4 - Big Arroyo Junction to Moraine Lake, 8 miles; Day 5 - Moraine Lake to Kern Hot Spring, 6 miles; Day 6 - Kern Hot Springs to Junction Meadow, 7.6 miles Sequoia National Park charges a fee to enter. We made camp and returned back. We were surrounded 360 degrees by snowcapped mountains. Amazing trail. I made my way back to Bear Creek for the 2nd night of camping and finished early afternoon back at Crescent Meadows. There’s clear views to the west so this could be great if east doesn’t look promising. I greatly enjoyed it. We woke up at 5:00 am and had some oatmeal and coffee. Plenty of water along the entire trail. Whitney and Whitney Portal on the eastern slope. Views were indescribable. Fees are $35 per vehicle or $30 per motorcycle. I'm looking to return again next year and I rarely will do a hike more than once. Recommend this trail. Third is 9 mile creek - use the log available and perhaps a stick / hiking poles. Once you arrive at Bearpaw Meadow and High Sierra Camp, the trail continues downhill towards a bridge crossing. From the plateau of the Giant Forest at Crescent Meadow (elevation 6,700 ft or 2,000 m) the trail travels high on the northern wall of the canyon of the Middle Fork of the Kaweah River to Bearpaw Meadow.This first 11.4 miles (18.3 km) of the trail is a popular though strenuous two-day round trip hike. Dieser Trail wurde überprüft und aktualisiert, um die Kommentare in dieser Bewertung widerzuspiegeln. Most people complete their High Sierra Trail itinerary in 6-8 days. Crescent Lake is the first campground in the Deschutes National Forest to offer yurts in a scenic location, great for individuals and groups alike. The trail slowly climbs about 1000 feet in 11 miles to Bearpaw Meadow. The official trail length is 61.5 miles from Crescent Meadow to Mt. Also, I did this back and forth in a day hike, about 36 miles. It was mindblowing how quickly the trail conditions changed. Plenty of water sources along the trail, just not at Bear Paw camp. More Posts to Help You Plan: Backpacking the High Sierra Trail overview How to plan transportation for the HST On our way to the lakes, while the trail is flat and hugging a long granite wall, a small black bear dropped from a precipice about 40-50 ft ahead of us and sprinted away down the trail. 1) Take the High Sierra Trail 10.6 miles east, threading together lodgepole pine forest, alpine meadows, and big views of the Great Western Divide high above the Middle Fork Kaweah River gorge, to Bearpaw Meadow High Sierra Camp. Simply the most beautiful hike I've ever done. Mosquitoes were out in force during the night, especially near Mehrten creek so make sure to bring bug spray. A clearly marked trail but the rocks made my decision to wear trail runners questionable. There Hamilton Lakes Basin along the High Sierra Trail is super beautiful! Season June to October Permit Required ($10 + $5/person); reservations recommended in high season. Please do not hike intothe meadow itself. Day 1: Crescent Meadows to Panther Creek. Day 6: Junction Meadow to Guitar Lake. If you are entering on foot or bike the fee is $20 per person. The hike to Tharp's Log, the former abode of Hale Tharp, is only a mile from the meadow as well. We also did an afternoon hike up to Upper Precipice Lake, an absolutely stunning hike with views and one of the most beautiful alpine lakes I've ever seen. Die Route ist am besten von Mai bis November zugänglich. Completed this hike in 2.5 days, but could easily be done in 2 full days comfortably. No snow was blocking the trail. Hiking Hamilton Lake from Crescent Meadows was beautiful EXCEPT for trusting Alltrails app!!!!! The first mile of the hike takes you on the edge of a sequoia grove. Er führt entlang eines Sees, entlang eines Flusses und es gibt einen Wasserfall und schöne Wildblumen. The full trail is the 3rd most popularly hiked trail and for good reason. After getting my permit I phone home. $395,000 CAD: Built in 2008 this 1275 sq. For 24-hour recorded information. Bearpaw Meadow High Sierra Camp is a full-service tent campground at the edge of the high country in Sequoia National Park. 200% hike this trail. From Crescent Meadow, there is a campground around 8-9 mile marker, and from there about an 8 mile round-trip up to the creek waterfall/overlook, where you can decide to summit up to Hamilton Lakes or not. I would have gone to precipice lake if I had brought crampons with me but the trail became unwalkable right at Hamilton Lake. Next open home: Saturday 06 Feb 03:00pm - 03:30pm View all open homes. We could not get a reservation for a 2nd night so we hiked back the very next day. Pass the Bearpaw Meadow High Sierra Camp, a summer-staffed, rustic backcountry lodge, and descend .1 mile to the first-come, first-serve backpacking camp at mile 10.6, tucked in a grove of red firs and lodgepole pines. We camped at Hamilton lake. By Mail: I think our loud talk gave him advance notice of our presence which is a good thing. Für weitere Fragen senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an support@alltrails.com. I spent the night at Hamilton lakes, plenty of wildlife up there, I hung out with a young buck for the evening. I would definitely do this trip again. Oct 31 2015 - We (4 men, ages 20-30) started out at Bearpaw around 10am and made it to Lower Hamilton Lake around 12pm. Lake, upper Kaweah Basin. When you arrive at Crescent Meadow, park and start on the High Sierra Trail. It was stunning! You just might feel like you’ve tiptoed into the living room of the mountain gods. Crescent Meadow, is a large, crescent shaped meadow located at the edge of the picnic area. Completed this last week as a leisurely 4 day/3 night trip with the addition of a day hike up to Precipice lake (highly recommend). Valhalla is amazing. It was during September & weather was nice thankfully. Trail is pretty easy to follow. We had to cross an ice bridge as well. Never been on anything like it. My boyfriend, Khrys, and I decided to send them off by spending the first night with them at Hamilton. After a very wet year for California in late May the trail was still partially covered in snow on and off starting at about 10 miles in. Met a bear on the trail and had a stare down until we threw rocks toward him (not at him). We stood in the shallows of the lake and had 12" rainbow trout swimming around our feet. Double-back on the HST to shoot above Lower Hamilton Lake and Valhalla. You will get a taste of the "high sierra" on your way to a beautiful pristine lake. It was an easy day hike to reach Hamilton lakes where snow was still present in July. Second one is 8 mile creek (there are logs to cross). The drive to Crescent Meadow on the narrow road leads me to want to stop right here. This sierran montane meadow marks the western terminus of the High Sierra Trail, which stretches from the meadow across the Great Western Divide to Mount Whitney. One of the best backpacking trips that I have ever done in California! Depending on snowpack, July is typically prime time for petal peeping at this elevation. Once we arrived at Bearpaw Meadow where we had a reservation for a tent cabin, we were greeted with food food, good company, a hot shower and real beds. Enjoy plenty of views, small creek crossings, and chances to see wildflowers and wildlife. Just know this, you aren't close to Hamilton Lakes until you encounter tide pool like areas from the outflow of the lower lake. One of the most beautiful hikes I've ever done. Even if the lake’s choppy from wind, there are small reflection pools located on the west side where Hamilton Creek exits the lake. ft. bi-level has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. From Crescent Meadow, there is a campground around 8-9 mile marker, and from there about an 8 mile round-trip up to the creek waterfall/overlook, where you can decide to summit up to Hamilton … It was a great lunch stop between 9-mile and Hamilton Lake. You should assume it is a six to eight day hike, from start to finish, not including any transportation time, for most average hikers. We had a few first-time backpackers with us and it wasn't too bad. Once past Bearpaw Meadow the views rival (and even surpass in my opinion) those of Yosemite. This hike’s pièce de résistance, the Hamilton Lakes basin at mile 14.3 is truly a can’t-go-wrong sort of heaven. We actually hiked the High Sierra Trail from Crescent Meadows to Bearpaw camp. Did this as a day hike. Lucky you: Perhaps the world’s most scenic pit toilet is 100 yards northwest, facing 2,500-foot-tall Valhalla, an El Capitan look-alike. The 11th and 12th were backpacking days on the High Sierra Trail. Did a 3 nights backpacking trip on this trail. Not much (for me anyway) to photograph until this point, just lots of tall trees. Meadow as well p.m. by Fax: 559-565-3730 my first time backpacking and this trail:. Conditions were barely passable extremely informative and gave us helpful tips and advice our... Tiptoed into the water a blue jewel of a Sequoia grove second half or more is all on... Is only a mile from the Meadow as well to Tharp 's Log, the Mountaineers Books ) and! Arroyo, then climbs up to the left first Kern River Canyon Lakes and Elizabeth crescent meadow to hamilton lake and back week. Official trail length is 61.5 miles from Crescent Meadows was beautiful EXCEPT for trusting Alltrails!... Second one is 8 mile creek - use the Log available and perhaps stick... 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