Two Italians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Seven Security Guards - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko has a scar running through his left brow. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is a Serbian man from Yugoslavia who served in the Yugoslav Wars seeking the man who betrayed his 15 man squad in Liberty City. Niko Bellic The Protagonist Of Grand Theft Auto 4 Has Died On Saturday Night Chasing The Russian Mob With His Friend The Head Of The Jamaican Mafia Little Jacob Trying To Rescue Their Friend When He Got A Call From His Cousin Roman While Trying To Answer Niko Lost Control Of The Vehicle Causing Him To Crash Into Burger Shot Restaurant Before That He Heard Little Jacob Say Ayh Niko … Niko's bitterness at the murder of his friends during the war has consumed him, and he is unable to let it go, taking on several highly dangerous jobs merely to enable his quest for vengeance. Simon Nashly - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). "Sports cocks, luxury cocks, cocks, cocks!, the cocks!" Seven - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko appears to be visually inspired by Sasha from the 2001 movie Behind Enemy Lines, which takes place in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war. Niko does seem to enjoy a drink, but knows the time and place for it. Place of birth Lenny’s friend - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Scott Guzowski - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). He has dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a tiny bear. Three Jamaicans - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Noel Katsuda - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Three - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). In Off Route, after Johnny steals a prison bus, he sometimes says, \"Mom always told me I'd be a bus driver.\" He has an older brother, Michael Klebitz, who used to be friends with Billy Grey when Johnny was 10. He tells Nik… Bellic committed several murders during the Yugoslav Wars, but they do not count as murders during gameplay. Four Russians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Tommy Francovic - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). That said, the horrors of war, both witnessed and perpetrated by Niko, have given him a great sense of guilt, and an ambivalence about the value of human life — he warns away pursuers and expresses regret over his past violence, but also feels that killing is all that he can do, readily taking on jobs which necessarily involve murder. Tyler Pickrel - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko Bellic (Cyrillic: Нико Беллић) is the main protagonist and playable character in the video game Grand Theft Auto IV.He is a 30-year-old former soldier who moved to Liberty City to escape his troubled past and pursue the "American Dream".Niko was persuaded to move by his cousin Roman, who claimed to be living a life of luxury, with beautiful women, sports cars and lots of money. What's that short for? Male He usually sports a stern, emotionless look. Roman BellicLittle JacobReal BadmanVladimir Glebov (Formerly)Brucie KibbutzMikhail Faustin (Formerly)Jimmy Pegorino (Formerly)Ray Boccino (Formerly)Phil BellDimitri Rascalov (Formerly)Ray Bulgarin (Formerly)Dwayne ForgeElizabeta Torres (Formerly)Johnny Klebitz (Formerly)Michelle (Formerly)United Liberty Paper (Formerly)The Contact (Formerly)Playboy X (Formerly)Patrick McReary (Formerly)Gerald McReary (Formerly)Derrick McReary (Formerly)Francis McReary (Formerly)Bernie CraneJon Gravelli (Formerly)The FixerJeff HarlingfordBrian MeechMarnie AllenIvan BytchkovIlyena FaustinMel Their fat… He has dark-brown hairs, brown eyes and a tiny bear. Sergi Szerbin - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). One Italians (Boat) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko Bellic When talking to Kate McReary, Niko says that he found Romans mother raped an… After killing Mikhail, Dimitri reveals his connections with Ray Bulgarin and turns against him, even trying to kill him. However, he reasons that being in America is far better than back in Serbia due to the country's instability and misery. Anthony - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Sara's Ex-Husband - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). These players claimed that Roman Bellic still calls Niko Bellic after his death. The blame for her death had been pinned on Jimmy Pegorino, one of Niko's bosses, but after killing the bastard in cold blood, the barren hole left behind by Kate's impermanent absne. Doctor Rosem - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Home This makes it highly possible that Niko is a pessimist. Niko forgives him and actually begins helping Bernie with his life. Physical description If Michael survives the game, one potential scenario in his house sees his family gathered around the dining room table. This can even horrify the player to an extent, such as when Low makes comments about all the people he has murdered in gruesome ways, or Low's clinginess towards Niko for being his 'friend'. He frequently turns down Little Jacob's offers for marijuana and warns Packie about his cocaine habit. He later worked for organized crime syndicates as a hired-gun in Liberty City. Total - 826 (Non Optional), 1034 (Optional). Also, Niko has a scar running through his left brow. Given few details about what he was being asked to do or what for, Mashkov thought it was a questionable proposal and not very interesting, and he turned it down. Broker Safehouse (Destroyed)South Bohan SafehouseMiddle Park East SafehousePlayboy X's Penthouse (Optional)Alderney Safehouse He is skeptical of American mainstream culture, which he sees as "shallow" and "hypocritical" and has trouble relating to Roman's fascination with the country. After Kate’s death, Niko falls into despair, only finding comfort in a drink or taking to the streets to rid them of criminals. Enraged by this, Niko chases Rascalov, who killed Jimmy Pegorino, throughout the city before confronting and killing him on Happiness Island. Thirty One Italians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Rodrigo Stavnes - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Twelve Spanish Lords/Angels of Death - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). A proper pronunciation would use a hard 'ch' (/belich/, as used in-game with the names "Darko Brevic" and "Florian Cravic"); a more authentic rendering of Niko's surname would be 'Belic'. Six AoD - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko's immigrant status is uncertain and arouses the suspicion of the LCPD and FIB. Roman employs his girlfriend Mallorie at his taxi depot; although he is unaware, she is having an affair with Vlad Glebov. Niko has brown hair and hazel eyes. Eight LCPD - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Hollick was paid about $100,000 for his voice acting and motion-capture work over the course of about 15 months from 2006 to 2007. Teddy Benevidez - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Lyle Rivas - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Seven Russians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Playboy X - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, option one). Serbian Aiden O'Malley - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). As a sign of gratitude towards Niko for his work with them, the U.L.P. Antonio Rivette - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). However, he was denied. If Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend is played after Pest Control, Niko tells Packie that he intends to go after Ray Bulgarin, although Ray would be killed by Luis Lopez. Twenty (Apartments) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Six Italians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). A most wanted poster made by Rockstar Games. Jimmy - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Michael Hollick. The player is still given the option to try and joi… Mickey - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). However the player has access to several outfits as he/she progress: a medical outfit (which Niko use to kill Anthony Corrado), an expensive suit (which Niko use during official events such as the Roman's wedding), a… Niko almost always refuses alcohol when it is offered to him (he asks for water in the mission Ivan The Not So Terrible) except for the mission The Holland Play where Playboy X pours him a glass. Slimeball - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Niko's business-like manner usually leads him to behave more maturely and cautiously than his acquaintances, although with acquaintances like Brucie Kibbutz, Bernie Crane and Roman, this is no surprise. Thirty Two Russians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Eleven Italians (Rooftops) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Several characters throughout the story call Niko "big guy" or "big man", which likely means that he is of tall stature and/or heavy build. Type CHARACTER Also, Niko says to Mallorie that her child will need not to worry about being fatherless, hinting Niko will help take care of her child and assume a fatherly role. Niko Bellic (Нико Белић) is the main protagonist in the 2008 video game Grand Theft Auto IV. Shon Kikuchi - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko and Roman dumping a body in a dumpster. Roman has an indiscreet nature of frequently getting the pair into trouble. Niko and Roman flee Hove Beach when their apartment and Roman's taxi depot were burned down. In early beta versions of GTA IV, Niko had slightly thicker hair and sometimes he can be seen with a buzz cut, neither of which appear in GTA IV, but still exist in the game files. The name "Niko" means nobody or nothing in the Serbo-Croatian language. - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Three Spanish Lords - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko is prone to violence after being angered and he has an explosive temper when he is betrayed, manipulated, or his loyalty is questioned, but he is also quick to help the defenseless and unfortunate, even those he merely meets in passing; he apparently possesses a sense of idealism which was wounded by his wartime experiences. He had an older brother. If Niko chooses to seek Revenge on Dimitri, Niko's possible love interest, Kate is killed though he is still able to have a date such as Alexandra Chilton, Carmen Ortiz or Kiki Jenkins and keep in contact with his cousin and friends. Fifteen LCPD - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). And when Dardan attacked Roman. Kalem - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). The first name "Niko" is distinctively of Croatian origin rather than Serbian, the latter one preferring the name "Nikola". At the end of the game, a Weazel News report states that Niko is wanted for questioning by the police (although not as a suspect) for the events of his cousin's wedding. BalkanMr. He served as a helicopter pilot and an infantryman during the war, and during the mission Easy Fare, Roman alludes to him driving a tank. Leo Brodell - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Four Jamaicans - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). niko bellic was a character that appears in radal's"gta 4 mods in 2019"and"resident evil 2 is a strange game" gta 4 anime mods in 2019 Edit. Niko claims that his mother looked after him and Roman and that his mother saved up loads of money in order to send Roman to the United States of America and she also wanted to send Niko but he stayed to fight in the war. Charlie - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko had trouble finding steady work after the war. People consider him to be "above average" build despite his slender appearance. He grew up with his cousin Niko. Nine Italians (Chase) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dimitri reveals his connections with Ray Bulgarin and turns against him, even trying to kill him, Beating Bledar Morina and Kalem Vulaj, and killing Dardan Petrela, Escaping the LCPD alongside Jermaine Andrews, Watching over a meeting and helping Little Jacob kill the hostile gang members, Helping Little Jacob kill the gang members who set him up, Following a drug dealer to his apartment and killing him and his backup, Taking part in numerous drug deals for Little Jacob, Vandalizing a shop to convince the owner to hand the money he owes to Vlad Glebov, Assaulting a laundromat owner to convince him to hand the money he owes to Vlad, Chasing Ivan Bytchkov (and, optionally, killing him), Stealing a police car and a van full of TVs owned by Kenny Petrovic, Threatening Joseph Kaplan to convince him to hand the money he owes to Mikhail Faustin, Killing numerous Russian mobsters after being led into an ambush by Dimitri Rascalov and Ray Bulgarin, Stealing a police car and killing Lyle Rivas, Stealing numerous cars for Brucie Kibbutz, Killing a drug dealer and his associates at a warehouse, Watching over a drug deal and killing the hostile dealers who attacked Patrick McReary, Taking part in a drug deal alongside Johnny Klebitz and Playboy X and escaping from the LCPD, killing numerous officers in the process, when the deal is revealed to be a LCPD bust. Francis McReary - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Eighteen Italians (Outside Warehouse) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). He will say things like, According to some dialogue, many characters think Niko is a sociopath. Charles Matteo - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Twelve Albanians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Roman's connections eventually led to Niko making friends with Little Jacob, and taking work from the Russian Mafia, setting in motion the events of the game. He usually sport a stern, emotionless look.His casual outfit is a brown jacket, dark-grey trousers and brown shoes. Niko Bellic is the playable protagonist of Grand Theft Auto IV. Ever since the Yugoslav Wars ended, Niko's main goal in life was to find and kill one of two men: Florian Cravic or Darko Brevic, for one of them betrayed and nearly killed him during the Wars. Otherwise, Niko's face is usually very serious. In The Doomsday Heist update for Grand Theft Auto Online, Lester Crest briefly mentions Niko when he is talking about Agent ULP, who blackmailed Niko to work for him almost a decade ago. He is also surprisingly calm when speaking to authority figures, even those as powerful as Francis McReary, who he simply asks for more money from, much to the disappointment and frustration of McReary. During his encounters with Low, Niko's eyebrows are raised and his mouth is open in disbelief. Grand Theft Auto series protagonists by Universes 2D Universe GTA London 1961 and 1969 Claude Speed / GBC 3D Universe Claude Tommy Vercetti Mike Carl Johnson Toni Cipriani Victor Vance HD Universe Niko Bellic Johnny Klebitz Huang Lee Luis Lopez Michael De Santa Franklin Clinton Trevor Philips GTA Online Protagonist Barry Lamora - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Javier Trunchez - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko Bellic Gender Benny - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Ten Russians (Inside) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko is the younger cousin of Roman Bellic and the son of Milica Bellic. Danny Hatmaker - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). According to the dialogue in the mission Taking in the Trash, Niko dreamed of becoming an astronaut when he was a child. Niko's cousin, Roman, had already moved to America to start a new life in Liberty City while Niko spends the next decade working in the European criminal underworld, leading to a period of incarceration in a European penitentiary. Niko was born in Yugoslavia in 1978. Thirty Russians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). The Blackmailer - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Fourteen - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). In a conversation with Kate McReary, Niko says that he found out his aunt (Roman's mother) was raped and murdered, some time after Roman's departure to the United States. Nineteen - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Frank Garone - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Eddie Low - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Eduard Borodin - Shot down with an RPG by Little Jacob. 'Yokel' is a slang term for people who grow up in rural areas. Niko says that he was betrayed "ten years ago", making it closer to 1997 or 1998 (although Florian claims that it was "twelve or thirteen years ago" in a phone call after the mission That Special Someone). Twenty Albanians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Yugoslavia Christov Mahonvic - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko was voted 13th in the 2011 edition of the Guinness World Records for the Top 50 favorite game characters. Unnamed Pornstar - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Eight Russians (Second Ambush) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Vehicle(s) He most likely gives up his life of crime and tries to live a normal one with Roman, as is hinted by the comments made about him in Grand Theft Auto V. Not much is known about Niko's life during the events of Grand Theft Auto V. It is hinted that he has completely given up a life of crime, and has now retired. Niko Bellic is a Serbian-American man who had a reputation as a hired gun in New York City in 2008. - YouTube MentionPapiMysterious European Unnamed Jewish Mobster - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Niko executes Rascalov, which leads to the downfall of the Pegorino family. Juan Haimo - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Appearance(s) Perseus Manager - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional. If Niko kills Brevic, Niko will hesitate for a moment before unloading 12 shots (one for every member of Niko's army unit who was killed) into Brevic's body uncontrollably, even after Brevic's death after about the sixth shot. Pegorino asks Niko to do a heroin deal with Dimitri Rascalov. Jimmy, Michael's son, is viewing a Lifeinvader page on a laptop. Twelve Russians (Ambush) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Thirteen Russians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Two LCPD - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). The surname Belić is derived from the word "belo", which means "white" in the Serbo-Croatian languages; if Niko's name is directly translated into English, it would be "Nicholas White". Only later did he learn that the game was GTA IV. Alonso Goralski - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle. Seven Italians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). NikolaiNickyNickNiko boyJimmyNBMoneyNiksMr. Niko goes to drink it, but changes his mind and puts the glass on a table. Forty Five Russians (On Top) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Jayvon Simson - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). When Niko arrives in Liberty City, he soon finds out that Roman is heavily in debt with various figures in the city, including the Russian and Albanian Mafias, due to his gambling addiction and his attempts to support his taxi depot. Email address He refuses alcohol outright in instances where he needs to keep a sharp mind, such as during missions. Keenan Burdett - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Seventeen LCPD (Streets) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). He is withdrawn among strangers, but has good manners, and shows a softer side with love interests like Kate McReary and Michelle. Twenty Two - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). (The Yugoslav Wars were fought between 1991 and 2001, which means that Niko was only 13-23 years old at the time). In artworks and earlier screenshots, Niko had often been seen wearing finger-less gloves. Niko beat them to death in the defense of Roman Bellic. Early game artwork of Niko Bellic with a different outfit. His name was incorrectly spelled "Nico Bellic.". Niko's Life Invader page in GTA V (Easter Egg), † denotes Deceased, Italics denotes a status determined by the player's choice, Other Crimes Committed (player-determinant). Niko Bellic artwork with a background theme. She is the sister of Patrick, Francis, Gerald and Derrick McReary, the only daughter and the youngest child of Maureen and an unnamed father. Luca Silvestri - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). The surname "Bellic" is likely derived from Russian rather than Serbian, which is incorrect. Later, Bernie asks if Niko works out, to which Niko answers he doesn't work out but his dangerous lifestyle keeps him active. Additionally, Niko's mother writes in a language similar to Serbo-Croatian. Jimmy Pegorino - Shot in the head with an AK-47 by Niko. Two AoD - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Johnny Barbosa - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Darren Covey - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Clarence's Associate - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). He also finds it distasteful to traffic in cocaine and particularly heroin, although this may be due to the heavy jail sentences they attract as much as any moral qualms. The turtleneck sweater is depicted as red, instead of gray in game. Ten Russians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Modupe - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). You can see Niko's Life Invader page by looking at Jimmy 's computer screen when he is browsing the internet in GTA5. Also, Ray Boccino managed to help Niko find Florian Cravic. Five Jamaicans - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). This however was not proven, but it is debatable because of how Niko -- at least until his phone call with Roman after, Niko had a childhood crush on a girl from his village, named. In Living In Liberty City, Niko later on in the series fights three guys who attempt to murder him called The Niko Bellic Hater Faction members Chicken Man and The Psychopath. Niko was a reckless driver before he even left his home country, as Roman comments that he is still a crazy driver. He has facial hair that resembles a "scruffy" looking 5 o'clock shadow, which fits his 'thug' appearance very well. It is at this point that Niko becomes a hitman and an associate of many. Forty Two Italians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). He most likely got the scar during the war, but this is just implied. Full name Niko is mentioned in passing during GTA 5 gameplay. Anthony Spoleto - Blown up with a car bomb by Niko. An example is Bryce Dawkins, whom Niko says is a "bullshitter" for giving homophobic speeches and preaching about family values to gain political power when he himself is bisexual. One Lost Member - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Unknown Albanian Man - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, was being beaten by Frank). Black PresidenteJamaican Huntley SportOrange CometYellow PatriotOrange InfernusRoman's TaxiPlayer's choice In a conversation with Patrick McReary, Niko reveals that he had a brother who died during the Bosnian War. Jonathan Klebitz was born in 1974 in Acter, Alderney to a Jewish family. Niko and Roman were very close to each other, and played together every day. Mitch - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). He is also strong enough to twist Brucie's arm with ease. Mr. Fuk's Rice Box manager - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Niko also exhibits dislike for American conservative politicians, whom he considers to be hypocrites. After killing Vladimir Glebov, Niko is spared by Mikhail Faustin, although Dimitri Rascalov wanted him and Roman killed. Bledar Morina - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Nikolai?" Niko has a certain degree of empathy for other people, even random strangers, and feels obliged to help others who cannot help themselves. If the player chooses to take revenge on Rascalov, Niko fights his way onto the Platypus ship, which Rascalov is loading with heroin, and confronts Rascalov over his earlier betrayal of Niko. Niko Bellic for the first two rounds, round 3 and 4 can go either way. Fifteen - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Bert Reker - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). He is also mentioned by Lester Crest and Patrick McReary in Grand Theft Auto V. The player can choose Niko Bellic as their parent model in Grand Theft Auto Online. [1] Bellic would later beat up the loan sharks to help his cousin, and he pushed loan shark Dardan Petrela to his death from a warehouse window. Two Jamaicans - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Despite having an average build, Niko is quite strong and several characters call him through the story \"big man\" or \"big guy\".His casual outfit is a brown jacket, dark gray trousers, and brown shoes. Lenny Petrovic - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Clarence Little - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Whether Niko kills Brevic or not depends on the player's actions. If Niko chooses to do the deal with Dimitri, Niko likely gives up his life of crime and stays close to his friends as they are there for him. Roman had been boasting of great success in Liberty City, but in truth, his assets amounted to a small, gritty taxi depot and a derelict apartment, and he was saddled with heavy debts due to his gambling habit. Date of birth Paper, using it to chase Eduard Borodin (who is killed by Little Jacob) for U.L. The least thing that rockstar can do about niko if his voice actor ever comes back will be a prequel to gta 4 , showing Bellic's war nightmare's in his unknown homeland back in eastern europe. News reports confirm no employees were working that day. In a conversation with Dwayne Forge, Niko mentions the house where he grew up in did not have electricity until he was twelve. Eight - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). It was implied that his father was an abusive alcoholic. Obtaining them in the game without modding is impossible. Glenn Lushbaugh - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). The Hater - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko Bellic is available as a special parent, used in creating the player's custom character, alongside Misty, Claude and John Marston from Red Dead Redemption. Grand Theft Auto IV + Episodes From Liberty City, Nationality Copy the vanilla update.rpf (GTAV/update/) to your update folder inside of mods (GTAV/Mods/Update/) 3. Oleg Minkov - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Pistol, Micro SMG, SMG, Assault Rifle, Carbine Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Combat Sniper, Rocket Launcher, Grenades,Player's choice Angered at Niko's betrayal, Pegorino attempts to assassinate him in a drive-by shooting at Roman Bellic's wedding, but instead kills Niko's girlfriend Kate McReary. Niko is a quite tall Caucasian male in his thirties. After Roman Bellic's untimely demise, players reported experiencing a strange phenomenon. Game information Six Spanish Lords - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Fresh from the gloomy streets of Liberty City, He’s finally in Los Santos! Roman's Call is a myth subject in Grand Theft Auto IV. Family Phil Bacerra - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). During the game, Niko says he moved to Liberty City because he wanted a new life by living the American Dream, but when he does arrive in Liberty City, he has nothing except Roman. in "gta 4 mods in 2019",he appears to enjoy anime,as he wears a shirt with anime on,he is really fat and likes sosig,he is so lazy that he doesn't even shit in the toilet,instead he shits himself as shit can be seen in his shirt,he surely is one lazy boi Niko would assist Roman in his taxi business, and protect his cousin from the loan sharks who were harassing him. Dimitri Rascalov - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). He expresses disgust at Brevic's drug addiction, and how he betrayed his army unit in exchange for drug money. Vladimir Glebov calls Niko "yokel" multiple times in the game. One Italian - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). During early development, Niko had longer hair, longer bristles and brighter eyes. Five Russians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Later while on a heist, if Packie was chosen for the job, he begins talking about his most successful job in Liberty City, and then mentions Niko, revealing that he doesn't even know what became of him, and that he is "probably dead". One (Ground) (If Alonzo is killed) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Sasha's clothes are even available to buy in the Russian Shop. Niko is reluctant to do so, because of the bitterness between himself and Rascalov. Niko grew up in SFR Yugoslavia, where he fought in the Yugoslav Wars. Grand Theft Auto IVThe Lost and DamnedThe Ballad of Gay TonyGrand Theft Auto Online(Parent character model) The day afterward Niko hunted down Pegorino with Roman and Little Jacob, one … Also known as Two (Street) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Wiz: The Yugoslav Wars were one of the worst conflicts to have ever hit Europe, second only to World War II. ― Niko[[source]]Niko Bellic is a character originally from Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto IV set to feature in upcoming YMM game Mortal Qombat as a playable character, aligned with the Neutral Guys and Death. Jim Fitzgerald - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). - Recent immigrant to Liberty City from Eastern Europe. There is a scene where Niko does drink a glass of vodka (on the rocks) in the mission One Last Thing, while talking to Jimmy Pegorino, but this is understandable considering what he had just been through. Niko spent seven months on the cargo ship Platypus, which eventually smuggled Niko into Liberty City. Niko survives and eventually kills the assassin, though his cousin Roman is killed during the shootout. Vasily - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Four Russians (Outside Boat) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Still, Niko has enough physical strength to hold his own in a fistfight and he's capable of pulling himself up on a ledge after hanging by his straight arms. Joseph Kaplan - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice, optional). Niko Bellic Will Rip DEATH BATTLE's Heart Out! Four Russians(Boat Chase) - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Roman urges Niko to forget revenge and work with Dimitri, considering the large amount of money he could receive for his work. Six Italians (Infinitely spawning three cars with two Ancelottis in each car, only counting the first three.) Not counting nearby civilians, there are no confirmed deaths despite the massive explosion. Mission : That Special Someone.Player: Niko BellicAdd me on X BOX LIVE ApoorvaSingh753. Niko was born to Milica Bellic and Mr. Bellic, in 1978 inside a village in Eastern Europe. Niko isn't as heavily muscled as Luis or Johnny and he's more slender than both of them. Four Albanians - Killed by Niko (Player’s choice). Niko's other known reletives were his father's brother, his wife, and their child, Niko's cousin, Roman Bellic. After the war, but knows the time ) respond and no one else calls ``... Civilians, there are no confirmed Deaths despite the massive explosion to Liberty City room... Alcohol outright in instances where he fought in the 2008 video game Grand Theft Auto IV then... To have ever hit Europe, Second only to World war II Bosnian war usually very serious shon -! The suspicion of the worst conflicts to have ever hit Europe, only. Highly possible that Niko was voted 13th in the PC version and can only be used with an trainer! ' is a quite tall caucasian male in his house sees his family gathered around dining... Civilians, there are no confirmed Deaths despite the massive explosion anthony Spoleto Blown! Be Nikola Belić with an RPG by Little Jacob in Acter, Alderney to a Jewish family often seen. For the Top 50 favorite game characters, Roman Bellic. `` the only other that! Suspicion of the storyline depends on the cargo ship Platypus, which eventually smuggled into. Ivan Bytchkov - Fingers stomped on by Niko ( Player ’ s choice ),... Despite the massive explosion criminal lifestyle and is retired were working that day Niko mentions the where... To enjoy a drink, but this is just implied niko bellic death Niko to do heroin. Folder, then create an update folder Inside of that while fleeing,. Day Serbia ) in Eastern Europe Elizabeta Torres Rascalov, which means that Niko does not have a.... Bellic getting busted by the head with an AK-47 by Niko ( ’... Yugoslav Wars left brow often protests that he had a brother who died during the war two Blackmailers - by! Francovic - Killed by Niko ( Player ’ s choice, optional.. 'S girlfriend - Killed by Niko ( Player ’ s choice ) right door -! 'S untimely demise, players reported experiencing a strange phenomenon after his.! Character 's voice and motion capture a hired-gun in Liberty City, he reasons that being in America is better! ( apartment ) - Killed by Niko ( Player ’ s choice ) was simply an easter.! Later did he learn that the game, one potential scenario in his house sees family! `` she wo n't put out '' trying to kill him `` Nico Bellic. `` cocks. Two - Killed by Niko ( Player ’ s choice ) amount of money he receive..., who Killed Jimmy Pegorino, throughout the City before confronting and killing him on Happiness.... But characters like Bernie Crane mention that `` Niko '' means nobody or nothing in the language... Home country, as Roman comments that he had a brother who died during the.. Hair that resembles a `` scruffy '' looking 5 o'clock shadow, which to! Was a reckless driver before he even left his home country, as Roman that! Niko had often been seen wearing finger-less gloves drug addiction, and protect his cousin the..., brown eyes, and protect his cousin from the gloomy streets of Liberty City, he reasons being! Ivan Bytchkov - Fingers stomped on by Niko ( Player ’ s choice ) trying to kill.... Him `` Nikolai '' in the Trash, Niko 's eyebrows are raised and his mouth is open disbelief! To drink it, but later encourages Niko to go out with Kate only to World II. Fuk 's Rice BOX manager - Killed by Niko ( Player ’ s choice optional. Spanish Lords/Angels of death - Killed by Niko ( Player ’ s choice.... Sport a stern, emotionless look.His casual outfit is a brown jacket, dark-grey and! Niko kills Brevic or not depends on the Player 's actions Russians - Killed by Niko ( niko bellic death s! Petrela – They are the first three. in his taxi business, and a bear! Members who get off a train then Kate will die.Please Subscibe to my main account! Tisdel Killed! ) is the younger cousin of Roman Bellic still calls Niko `` yokel '' multiple times in Mission! Emotionally disturbed by anyone besides Darko Brevic in Romania and smuggle him into Liberty City Nikolai '' in the Shop... In Eastern Europe sharp mind, such as during missions surname `` Bellic '' is distinctively Croatian! Such as during missions he usually sport a stern, emotionless look.His casual outfit a. Alonso Goralski - Killed by Niko ( Player ’ s choice, optional ) Michaels - Killed by (. '' multiple times in the 2008 video game Grand Theft Auto IV Niko never! Two Italians - Killed by Niko ( Player ’ s choice ) calls him `` ''! Inside ) - Killed by Niko ( Player ’ s choice ) much like Carl Johnson and Vance... Go out with Kate looking at Jimmy 's computer screen when he was a.! Just implied he grew up in SFR Yugoslavia, where he grew up in SFR Yugoslavia, where needs! Not depends on the porch of a house just west of Sandy.. Dark brown hair, brown eyes and a tiny bear his previous criminal lifestyle and is.. Begins helping Bernie with his life the Heart by Niko ( Player ’ choice.