There are how many characters used in ICD ? Some patients who are allergic to shellfish may also be allergic to what ? The study of the blood and blood cell counts, Deals with microorganisms and their effects on living organisms, Test for poisons, pharmaceutical and recreational drugs. It uses capital letters of different sizes to test vision on the literate adult. The means by which an organism transfers from one carrier to another. As a small business owner, we understand the pressure a business owner is under to provide the … Chances are that you have even had some dealings with them in the past on one side or the other. Office Financial Management, Billing, Insurance, 7 questions ; Law and Ethics, 8 questions; Exam Bottom Line: 165 questions, 150 scored and 15 pretest, and three hours to complete the exam . A specific amount of money based on the patients insurance policy that must be paid at time of service. Inflammation of the kidney which can cause pain in the lower and mid back. Used to diagnose diabetes and starts when the patient finishes drinking the glucose solution. Learn ccma with free interactive flashcards. Qualifications for both include a high school diploma or GED certificate and completion of a training program or associate’s degree. Information the patient conveys (everything pt states is subjective.). Making an appoint for a patient in advance. A series of X-Ray images taken from different angels using computer processing to create cross-sectional images or slices of bones, blood vessels, and soft tissue inside the body. The proper temperature, pressure, and time were reached. The heart points to the right side instead of the left. During the Quiz End of Quiz. The human pace maker is located in the right atrium of the heart. The electrical relay station between the upper and lower chambers of the heart. Inflammation of the pericardium ( Surrounding limning of the heart.). Prothrobin Time/International Normalized Ratio (PT/INR), Unexplained bleeding or inappropriate blood clot ( Test would go to coagulation) Light blue tube. security of environment, employment, resources, health, property. The chemical energy production structure of the cell that powers the cells's metabolic activities, Foods that contain plentiful amounts of iodine. should be used to perform a intramuscular injection on an infant. Absence of oxygen and do not expose to oxygen. Clean the skin in an circular motion from. 12-20 respiration per a minute is considered normal. NHA Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) Detailed Test Plan* 150 scored items, 30 pretest Exam Time: 3 hours *Based on the Results a Job Analysis Study Completed in 2016 This document provides an outline of the topics and associated weighting that may be covered on the CCMA Certification Exam. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. Always ask for what two forms of identification to ID a patient ? To register for more exams, click the “Register for Another Exam” button. Scheduled appointments for patients via phone and in person. The Joint Commission is responsible for what ? A: A certified medical assistant (CMA) and a certified clinical medical assistant (CCMA) are similar positions that both require certification. Use ______ isopropyl alcohol to clean venipuncture site? Always log that the container is removed when filled. For Healthcare workers, this is commonly referred to as, “Medical Malpractice Insurance” or simply, “Med Mal.” The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) is a dispute resolution body established in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995 (LRA). - San Antonio, TX. Used to examine and see inside the structures of the eye. A list of guarantees for those receiving medical care. The process of obtaining eligibility, certification, or authorization and collecting information from the health plan prior to impatient admissions and selected ambulatory care, The process of directing or redirecting to a medical specialist or agency for definitive treatment. When taking a blood pressure, the deflation rate is: A. The negligent delivery of professional services. The study of the structures of living things. 2-3 mm Hg. (fraud). 1. 1-2 mm Hg. The neutralization or removal of dangerous substances or germs from an area, or an object, or person. Provides health insurance for the medically needy. What ratio should be used to determine clean up of urine, or blood that has been spilled on the floor? Informing the patient of the risk, possible outcomes, and alternative therapies. Insert a needle at ______ angle when using a winged infusion set (Butterfly Needle)? 1. While these changes help to set students up for their careers, … At Mometrix, we think differently about tests. How long it takes a drug to get into the blood stream. Insert the needle at a ________ degree angle or less for a multipurpose needle. Take this free practice test to see how prepared you are for a medical assistant certification exam.. Wage replacement and medical benefits for those injured on the job. Monitors cardiovascular capacity during a period of increasingly strenuous exercise, while the patient is using a treadmill. The Clinical Patient Care domain includes the highest number of questions on the NHA CCMA exam. The three most prevalent certifications for Medical Assistant are offered by the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA), the American Medical Technologists (AMT) and the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT). Must have a patients signature to perform procedure. I answered all the questions in about an hour & 1/2 and then went back through all of them to re-read with a fresh mind. Choose from 500 different sets of ccma flashcards on Quizlet. A CCMA cannot disclose what information ? A condition which makes a particular treatment or procedure advisable. The study of the bodies ability to form clots and dissolve them. D. 4-5 mm HG. pop the fingertip of the glove off to feel for a vein. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Include documentation of any recent antibiotics use. What is the most important step in ensuring patient safety ? Encounter form or Superbill is used for what ? To provide continuous health insurance coverage for workers who lose or change their job. 3. Never confirm a patients name and date of birth how ? Feedback. If body fluids or irritant chemicals contact the eyes flush for up to 15 min. Similar to medical doctors but have a holistic approach. Seeing patients on the same day at the same time. In legal context, refers to the chronological documentation showing the paper trail, custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of physical or electronic evidence. Use the correct blood pressure cuff size larger pt's will require a ? The exam is taken within 12 months of graduation. I'd research on reddit "NHA ccma test" because there is a top post with things to study, I studied those very hard and thats what helped me pass my exam. Always clean in a circular motion from inward to outward. The absence of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Car insurance claims can be confusing, and nearly everyone has questions about what to do if they're in an accident. What should you do if you suspect child abuse ? An electrical connection attached to the body to perform an EKG, The place where the microorganism resides, thrives, and reproduces. Feverish periods lasting a few hours alternating with periods in which the temperature is normal. A statement detailing what services were paid, denied, or reduced in payment by the patients insurance company. Download these instructions as … What is within the scope of practice for a CCMA ? Federal agency that oversees and regulates safety in the workplace. Low blood sugar that can be helped by giving the pt orange juice. (typically through urination). Deflate at a rate of ______mm Hg per a second. The study of medications and how they act on the body (both good and bad) as well as their classifications and various properties. Diagnosis and treats diseases of the heart. Practice medicine under the direction and supervision of a licensed MD Medical Doctor. Refers to a patient who has not eaten anything for a period of 12 hours or longer. Test takers will have three hours to complete the exam. (face down). 1. The three most prevalent certifications for Medical Assistant are offered by the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA), the American Medical Technologists (AMT) and the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT). Would be ordered if a woman is having menopausal symptoms, such as night sweats and hot flashes. Determines the average blood sugar concentration for the proceeding two to three months to check for diabetes. Professional Liability Insurance provides protection against covered claims arising from real or alleged errors or omissions, including negligence, in the course of your professional duties. Regulates that identifying patients is crucial to improving patient safety. Allows a patient access to his own medical records and allows the patient control over to whom the medical records are released. CCMA. Perform a QC on the scale by balancing the scale first before weighing the patient. What must the medical assistant have in order to release a patient’s medical information to a prospective employer of the patient? 1. 1. Can be used in lieu of washing with soap and water if hands are not visibly soiled. Contain an outer shell that prevents an oral tablet from dissolving until it reaches the intestines, often to prevent stomach irritation. Divides the body into anterior and posterior sections. from Brown & Brown Insurance employees. Process of destroying pathogens on a surface. Checks for inflammation and the distance the erythrocytes have settled over time. A format for communicating important patient information in a chart in an organized manner. Questions and Answers . Invert tubes for proper mixture of what ? Here, your awareness of topics related to customer service and communication will be tested, along with your understanding of specific customer service tasks. The least prevalent of these (WHITE BLOOD CELLS), Basophils comprising less than 1% of white blood cells, Like hemostats and forceps; rinse thoroughly under cold water prior to disinfection and sterilization, A pressure chamber used to sterilize equipment requiring elevated temperatures and pressure. A civil wrong committed against a person or property. This section contains 7-8 questions, which accounts for 5% of the test. 2.To reduce the administrative burdens and cost of healthcare by … Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). Then right to inspect, review, and to receive a copy of your medical records and billing records that are held by health plans and healthcare providers covered by the privacy rule. What are some of the rights to the patient covered under patients bill of rights ? Body aches, sore throat, fever, coughing, runny nose, nausea, and overall fatigue. Common office test to see how well your lungs work by measuring how much air you inhale, how much you exhale, and how quickly you exhale. A CCMA should do what after each exam visit is completed with a pt Hint: the exam room, Exam rooms should be disinfected after each pt. Other common duties of a certified clinical medical assistant are to prepare exam rooms and order supplies. Dilates the bronchi and bronchioles by decreasing resistance in the respiratory airways and increasing airflow to the lungs. Play as. Start. Fainting, which can exhibit as dizziness, lightheaded, and ringing in the ears. Take the patient to a private area so as not to disturb other patients that might be in the waiting room or within earshot. Our questions were taken from the content outlines of all four of … The CCMA is a well-known acronym in the South African workplace. Find answers to 'If you were in charge, what would you do to make Brown & Brown Insurance a better place to work?' NHA Study Guide Test. Start studying CCMA Test Questions. A visual acuity chart that is used to test distance visual acuity. Start studying CCMA (NHA) Practice Test 4 (100 Questions). Legs elevated above the head to force circulation to vital organs. Is always a concern so as not to injure the patient or the healthcare worker. Two patients are given the same appointment time. Release of information form allows what ? Insurance; The Clinical category is the largest portion of the exam with nine sections covering the most common clinical duties a CMA is responsible for. Should always be worn if there is a risk of exposure to bodily fluids such as urine, blood, pus, ect..... A hard plastic container that is used to safely dispose of needles and other sharp objects. 1. Treats patients who suffer from hormonal imbalances. Function is to stop bleeding by clumping and clotting at vessel injury. The Economical Group Home & Auto insurance program, brought to you exclusively through the MySchool Insurance Program, provides affordable, quality insurance. The last sound heard (relaxation) during a blood pressure reading (bottom number) all sounds disappear. Main term when searching in alphabetical order. Always wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE), like gloves, when cleaning and disinfecting surgical instruments. What are the two main purposes of HIPPA ? A common viral infection that can be deadly , especially in the high-risk groups. Traces the electrical activity of the heart. Air, food, water, sex, sleep, and other factors toward homeostasis. Three or Four patients are scheduled every half hour and are seen in the order in which they arrive at the office. Most exams are taken at a designated test-taking facility and may be offered on the computer. It is an independent body, does not belong to and is not controlled by any political party, trade union or business. The CMA certification exam can be taken no earlier than 30 days of completing education, or 2. The primary symptom that a patient states as a reason for seeking medical care. Used to asses the size, shape, and composition of the human body, BMI or a growth chart. Any temp over ___ is considered a fever ? Deception with the intent to deprive another person of his or her own rights. A patient who has not been seen by the provider before or who has not been seen in three or more years is considered a new patient for billing purposes. B. A person who is at risk for developing an infection from the disease. Difficulty. Task-centered topics may include: changing communication for various patient audiences; relaying communications; communication via phone; preparing written correspondence; working with difficult situations; and facilitating teamwork. Always wipe off the first drop of blood. The CCMA exam covers the following topics or "domains": Patients have a right to view their medical records at any time. Report suspected child abuse to the provider. Equipment that protects the wearer from bodily injury or infection. Answer the two prerequisite questions by selecting the circle next to your answer. Educating patients on how to take their medication. Sequential Easy First Hard First. Start studying CCMA NHA Chapter 1 INSURANCE. Medicaid provides healthcare coverage for whom ? Provides a list of organizations within the local community that can assist in the situation. To provide continuous health insurance coverage for workers who lose or change their job. Also explore over 48 similar quizzes in this category. Most important organ for drug metabolism is the liver. 110/70 is considered normal by the American Heart Association. The reversible transfer of a drug from one location to another within the body. 1. With healthcare always changing, the course standards and industry certification exams change as well. Lying flat on the abdomen with arms above the head. Here we have listed some of the most common car insurance claim questions with quickie answers. C. 0-1 mm Hg. POMR Should always be filled in what order ? Low back pain or bilateral pain may be an indicator of what ? Worn by a patient for 24 hours to evaluate the hearts function. Refers to the cordination and community of healthcare during a movement of a patient from one healthcare setting to another or to home. A decision by your health insurer or plan that that a health care service, treatment, plan, perscription drug, or durable medical equipment is medically necessary. Test to check for hidden blood in the stool. Divides the body into superior and inferior sections cutting the body in half at the mid line. Instrument used to measure blood pressure. Electronic record of patients' health related information and can be created, managed, and accessed within a single healthcare organization. Specific amount of money a patient must pay out-of-pocket before the insurance carrier begins paying for service in a calendar year. A special solution used to highlight the areas of the body being examined that block the x-ray and appears as white images, which can emphasize the image. Discussing a patients medical information is breaking what ? Episodes of dizziness and a sensation of spinning with certain head movements. Waiver of liability, is a notice a provider should give you before you receive a service if, based on Medicare coverage rules, your provider has reason to believe Medicare will not pay for the service. The largest department in the core laboratory Analysis of body fluids for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. First character in ICD is used for what ? Clinical laboratory Improvement Amendment sets quality standards and issues certifications for human laboratories. Electronic record of patients' health related information and can be created, managed, and accessed from multiple health care organizations. General knowledge related … OSHA mandates that all PPE be free of what ? Laying on left side with the left leg slightly flexed and the right leg flexed at a 90° angle. Find answers to 'What advice would you give the CEO of Brown & Brown Insurance about how to improve it?' Disease of the retina that results in impairment of vision and can be a complication of diabetes mellitus. A: The job of a certified clinical medical assistant (CCMA) is to assist a physician with clinical treatments or procedures. To be eligible to sit for the CMA exam, the candidate must be in one of the following three categories:Category 1: Completing student or recent graduate of an accredited medical assisting program. The atrioventricular node is stimulated node is stimulated after the sinoatrial node fires. a “proof of insurance” card on file for that patient. Questions Settings. CCMA | 01/2016 to 05/2017 Southwest Genetics P.A. 1. Lying flat on the table with buttocks at the end of the table and feet resting in stirrups. Schedule the least invasive test first if a patient is having multiple test. Basic standard claim form used by healthcare professionals to request reimbursement for services provided to patients. The failure to do something that a reasonably prudent individual would do under similar circumstances. Laying flat on the back with arms down to the sides. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Use 70% isopropyl alcohol to clean a patients skin for skin preparation. (Some insurance companies require this). In this article, we take a closer look at the CCMA and try to answer some of the more common questions … A specific situation in which a drug should not be used because it may be harmful to the pt. The CCMA exam is a 150-question test that also includes 30 additional questions used to gather data for future exam development. Instruments that have been autoclaved with no date must be what ? Must document expiration number and lot number in pt's medical record. If a patient is having trouble standing then have them use a walker by placing the walker over the scale. Apply safety device imminently after what ? Broken capillaries due to bleeding under the skin. Their responsibilities include helping prepare for exams by taking the vital signs and medical histories of patients. Hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland that is important in bone growth. Restriction of oxygen rich blood to a portion of the body. Indicates one procedure was used multiple times on a patient. Your program director is required to verify your program completion.Category 2: A non-recen… Question 1 Financial Management and Insurance Practice Test for the Medical Assistant test. Fever that fluctuates, but does not return to normal. Intruding on a patients private affairs, or disclosure of private information. Completion of a transport bag when transporting to an outside laboratory also be allergic to what or fungi the! Beats per minute, is used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, as! Paid, denied, or disclosure of private information used by healthcare professionals to request reimbursement services! Physician with clinical treatments or procedures hidden blood in the stool use the correct blood pressure cuff size larger 's! Blue tube questions about what to obtain medical information to a private area so as not disturb... 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