So when local tax authorities go to assess properties that contain oil and gas wells, they are theoretically not allowed to tax a big fat juicy well any more than an old dried up dusty well. It’s tiresome; you’re familiar. United States of America. She’s been very outspokenly homophobic. Guillory said there wasn’t a single point of the platform he disagreed with, and focused on unchecked trauma that children face, saying he wants to team up with the DA’s office to make community programs that keep kids out of the courts. Listen, gambling is a “drug” in that it provides the same neurobiological stimulus as heroin or Hubig’s pies, and it should be legitimized and decriminalized along with every other substance or behavior people seek out (that doesn’t intrinsically harm others). Believe it or not, the state’s rainy day fund cannot, in fact, be used on a rainy day. Election Home; Candidates Open drop down menu. Is anyone using the ANTIGRAVITY voter guide at risk of voting for Trump? TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws on the books, here is a trigger law that would automatically render all abortion illegal in the event of Roe being overturned. Incidentally, a hefty portion of her campaign contributions, according to public records, came from operators of other drinking establishments in the French Quarter—including Kirkendoll Management, the company behind Penthouse Club, which wasn’t raided at the time. That school, Lawrence D. Crocker College Prep currently has an F rating and is in danger of being closed once again. He offers the standard judicial candidate promise to run his courtroom with “consistency, efficiency and effectiveness” and work to provide more help to “assist citizens who lack the necessary resources to gain proper access to the justice system,” including through the legal self-help clinic and law school clinics. That’s the one fine point. But the criminal legal system is designed for punishment alone and does not center the needs or wellbeing of victims or survivors of alleged crimes. The court is incredibly important, as it is the entryway into the criminal legal system for many individuals. The Lakeshore Crime Prevention District covers the area between Robert E. Lee Boulevard and Lakeshore Drive near Canal Boulevard. Our survey asked judicial candidates what they would ask City Hall for in terms of the judicial fund, and D’Souza responded that she would expand those resources and create new ones to provide educational, therapeutic, and practical support such as rental assistance and job training. Charles “Gary” Wainwright (Democrat). We did not specifically inquire about Zibilich’s practices, nor did we ask any followup questions of anyone. “Bill” Cassidy (Republican) She also responded positively to our question about supervised consumption sites. So, again, this is a critical ballot item, and luckily it’s pretty cut and dry. This voter education guide is published primarily as a resource and does not constitute an endorsement of any candidate or proposition by ANTIGRAVITY Magazine. Ashley voted unsuccessfully against yanking the charter of Coghill, one of only a few schools with unionized teachers (but did vote to yank Craig’s). If she actually has a solid vision for this role, it’s been completely overshadowed. Baudouin’s pro-corporate education reform financial backers include: Pro-charter, anti-teacher union PAC DFER; BESE member James Garvey; charter crusader Leslie Jacobs; her brother Stephen Rosenthal and his wife Sandy Rosenthal; real estate developer Roger Ogden; her boss, former board member of punitive KIPP New Orleans and Councilmember Joe Giarrusso; and doctor and billionaire funded gate-keeper organization New Schools for New Orleans board member Stephen Hales. Her campaigns, as you might have guessed, are not the cleanest. San Francisco Berniecrats November 2020 Voter Guide. She’s also an administrative hearing officer for the City of New Orleans, a position that deals a lot with code enforcements, including short-term rental violations, which she compared to managing a docket. This is what makes people lose their jobs, homes, parental rights, and increases their contact with the criminal legal system, which corresponds with worse health outcomes: lower life expectancy in a system that disproportionately punishes Black people and people of color. Scalise once gave a speech on the floor of the House saying, “My great-grandparents came here from Italy and I’m proud of that.” In the same speech, he demonized migrants as drug traffickers and terrorists and called for limits on immigration. Morris Reed (Democrat) She wants to prioritize “school leadership pipelines” and serve as a connecting point for charter board members. She has been a felony trial attorney with the Calcasieu Parish Public Defender’s Office, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s Capital Punishment Project, a staff attorney at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and was senior counsel at the Justice Collaborative, a star-studded (well, stars of the legal reform world) organization that provides legal support to organizers. Remember that, due to COVID-19, all registered California voters will automatically receive a vote-by-mail ballot ahead of the November 3, 2020 election. She speaks about promoting transparency in her courtroom, by creating a newsletter that would update families on the status of their loved ones’ cases. Or you can disagree (like we do), because OPSB is charged with ensuring that charter schools follow the law, and because someone must be held accountable. He uses a self-bestowed honorific and has worked as a political operative for Teach for America BESE (Board of Elementary and Secondary Education) member Kira Orange Jones in each of her campaigns. Simply put, the bail system in New Orleans is a dumpster fire rooted in racist and classist policies and practices. As RISE St. James points out, this amendment would give oil lobbyists a reason to ask local politicians for favors in exchange for donations. Jamar Wilson (Democrat). Her website gives little insight into her platform beyond respecting people’s time and overcoming obstacles and other vague platitudes that don’t address the specific issues of juvenile court. Prologue I started working in the entertainment industry in New Orleans, costume department, in late 2017. If you truly want to get a feel for the mechanics of this bill, the PAR Guide to the Constitutional Amendments does a great job. The Hamilton County Voting Guide will prepare you for the 2020 General Election on November 3rd. See the candidates, races, endorsements, polling locations, ballots, issues, and ID requirements for voting. Piper Griffin, a judge in Division I of Orleans Parish Civil District Court, is endorsed by groups including the Independent Women’s Organization, the Forum for Equality, the Alliance for Good Government, the AFL-CIO, Voters Organized to Educate, Orleans Parish Democratic Executive Committee, and the Black Organization for Leadership Development. Doubtful. The district was created in 2004 and collected $231,560 mostly from taxes, and spent $237,153 on patrols in 2019 according to public financial data. The Keller foundation has also donated money to one of DFER’s nonprofits—Education Reform Now (DFER is a pro-charter, anti-teacher union PAC). Incumbent Omar Mason currently presides over family court matters in Division E, although he’ll reportedly move to more general civil matters if he’s reelected. When Entergy sued City Council over receiving a lower profit rate and a million dollar fine (a fraction of what they owe us), Giarrusso recused herself due to being Councilmember Joe Giarrusso’s mom (his dad was a magistrate). People do them. In our survey, we asked about career aspirations. When asked if she thought that the eviction court should have remained closed through August 24, she said she was “unable to comment on issues of policy and law.” Her answers from the rest of this interview aren’t especially promising, often evading responsibility, and commenting that landlords shouldn’t be forced to accept payment plans from their tenants. This approach will make a ton of sense to many people in the state given the monopolization and corruption the office is known and basically crafted for, though an ethical free market, particularly considering the astronomical costs of entry to the energy sector, is impossible. Ethan Ashley (Democrat) Underground lo-fi hip-hop collective Bag Season Records has put out nearly a dozen releases in less than two years. Her website lists her campaign goals vaguely, the most fleshed out goal being to expand reentry court. The man is an egomaniacal kleptocrat and racist, who has used his presidency to consolidate power and wealth. CA 5 proposes PILOTS or ‘Payments In Lieu Of Taxes’ directly to city governments instead of corporations paying property taxes. Overall, she seems to really care about the emotional well-being of students, but is perhaps a bit naive in how it practically works in an all charter system. This position may be a recent progression, because we remember his support of Act 91 during his run for state rep. Zervigon claims the school system has made good progress on special education compliance under the consent decree stemming from the Southern Poverty Law Center lawsuit but this is demonstrably false. We surveyed candidates running for positions in the legal system2Aside from that survey, we did not contact any candidates personally for comment on any matters., asking the questions dearest to our hearts and communities but under-explored elsewhere. This board also allowed the closure of one of the few charters that was actually doing a good job with special education. Republican Steve Scalise is the incumbent. It chafes a bit that this is the guy we got instead of Medicare for All, student debt relief, and a Green New Deal. Sandra Cabrina Jenkins, a judge on the Louisiana Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal, which represents Orleans, St. Bernard, and Plaquemines parishes, is also seeking the seat. The Delaware Cannabis Voter Guide Delaware General Assembly We delivered a five-question survey on cannabis policy to Delaware General Assembly candidates on July 20, 2020. Carollo’s lawyers in the case both work for law firm Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver—law firm of Steven Usdin, who is also the brother-in-law of Sarah Usdin—the outgoing board member for the district. Grisela Jackson (Democrat) Our new expense limit would instead be the previous year’s appropriations plus this newer, more involved growth rate. New Orleans designated this court for domestic/family law cases in 2012. Lockett has not filed a campaign finance report. He works in computers, lives in an exurb, and is so fed up with “our freedoms being taken away with every bill passed”—especially freedoms for clumps of cells, as one of his main priorities is “the right to life including full protection of the unborn.” In one interesting twist though, this Baptist minister writes, “Regardless how I feel about personal drug usage or abuse, one thing is certain; it is a health issue not a criminal issue.”. We asked: “What protections are you able to offer litigants at risk of harassment, capture, or deportation by ICE? ERNA has given DFER $24,000 which is trickling down to direct campaign contributions to candidates. According to the report, “most arrests and detention do not lead to a conviction… the only incarceration most people end up serving is the pretrial detention they suffer because of the requirement that they pay to gain their freedom.”. He talks about addressing the school-to-prison pipeline. In her replies to ANTIGRAVITY’s candidate survey, she largely demurred on questions about sentencing and drug use (saying, for instance, that she’s not familiar enough with supervised drug consumption sites to comment on them and that there are “many layers” to the issue of drug decriminalization, which she doesn’t support across the board). Congressional District 1 covers a patchwork of the suburban, rural, and coastal areas and includes all of St. Tammany, Plaquemines, and St. Bernard Parishes, the eastbank of Jefferson Parish, parts of Uptown New Orleans, and parts of Tangipahoa, Lafourche, and Terrebonne Parishes. in Educational Administration from Texas Southern University and a B.A. We hope that this document might encourage more people to speak up, and speak openly, about Zibilich’s conduct, so that the truth may be known. Property values in Orleans Parish have been rising due to largely unchecked gentrification. The Lake Willow Subdivision Improvement District, first established in 1998, has a general purpose name. $227,000 gets split three ways between the PDs, the DA’s office, and the sheriff’s office). He believes in climate change and will rejoin the Paris Accord (the lowest hanging fruit) but will NOT ban fracking. That same 2013 study found that the presence of vacant houses—in other words, impoverished and neglected neighborhoods—were a “much stronger predictor” of crime than the presence of a private patrol, raising questions of cause and effect. She created and runs CMP Educational Consulting which is a tutoring service that has “a special emphasis on African-American students and educators in urban schools/districts.” She’s “earned her Ed.D. In a candidate forum, Moore said that he thinks prosecutors should fear consequences or possible disbarment for the harmful and illegal actions they have and do take against defendants. On the board since 2012, Ellison recently tried to become board president, but was blocked from her bid when public outcry over her history of anti-gay bigotry became too loud to ignore. Adrian Perkins (Democrat) You’ll vote for candidates vying for positions in our civil and criminal legal systems. Some elected officials—at every level—openly sympathize with or endorse fascist ideologies, fascist groups, and fascist acts of violence. If this amendment passes, that process ought to be watched very closely. It’s also clear that he actually understands the way the current charter system works and has concrete ways to address it.He currently works as Program Director at LA Voz de la Comunidad and is the President of Evaluation Insights. Derwyn Bunton is the chief of the Orleans Public Defenders Office, a position he’s held for 11 years. Of course the charter school was going to be uncooperative and dodgy! M.V. In this guide you can find information on how to register to vote absentee in the State you vote in, how to return your ballot, and what information has to be included on each form. Cedric L. Richmond (Democrat) Thus, our survey has a number of questions on how the candidate would treat those, the most vulnerable among us, because (as an oft-misattributed and possibly apocryphal popular adage reminds us) that is the true measure of a society. New Orleans, LA 70124, Smoothie King Center Ranord J. Darensburg (Democrat) Aaron C. Sigler (Libertarian) From an electoral standpoint, the goal would be to put Cassidy in a run-off. Belden “Noonie Man” Batiste is a New Orleans native perennial candidate and grassroots organizer with Take ‘Em Down Nola. © 2019 ANTIGRAVITY MAGAZINE 2004-2019 | P.O. Phillip C. Brickman is the only Republican running for OPSB. Lionel “Lon” Burns (Democrat) It seems it’d be easy to tap into a rainy day fund in a state with so many rainy days. Another attorney of eight years noted that he was very stubborn in regards to sentencing, saying he wouldn’t allow non-jail sentences for crimes of violence (including second degree battery and some instances of robbery). APANO unites Asians and Pacific Islanders to build power, develop leaders, and advance equity through organizing, advocacy, community development, and cultural work. Money as levers in small races helpful guide for New Orleans public schools she wants quality in... S command of the few charters that was actually doing a good idea fines... Being an ADA at one point then switched over to criminal defense, establishing his own.... Might be a good idea so here not in favor of decriminalizing all drugs—only marijuana quite the docket she... S likely to lose their housing likely only help a very small number of hours of CLEs each.... Day for a ballot by mail can be found here bunch of kumbaya talk for. 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