We specialize in all military surplus weapons from AK-47s, AR-15s, Mausers, CETME, Enfields, UZIs, and much more! GENUINE CZECH REAR PART with MAGAZINE HOUSING for Samopal VZ26 VZ-26 SUBMACHINE GUN. Add to Compare. Savings: $50.00. Czech SA. Add to cart. Profile Informations. $120.00 each. The Czech Samopal vz. [7], The Wehrmacht soon adopted the ZB-26 after the occupation of Czechoslovakia, renaming it the MG 26(t);[9] it was used in the same role as the MG 34, as a light machine gun. Model: SA VZ23 SA VZ24, SA VZ25, SA VZ 26. The Czech Samopal vz. The ZB vz. First introduced in 1948, the vz. The tube is the correct length and turned to original dimensions in both ID and OD. Czech SA. They also use a progressive trigger for selecting between semi-automatic and fully automatic. Brazilian URU receiver tube 80% finished with template bonded on. 2 Czech Sa vz. Our Price: $79.99 . The CZ Model 25 (properly, Sa 25 or Sa vz. [12] During this time due to high demand, Chinese small-arms factories—state-owned as well as those controlled by various warlords—were producing the ZB-26. My Cart. 33. 26 was a Czech sub-machinegun (not to be confused with the ZB vz. Replacement receiver section for Czech CZ-24/26 sub-machine gun. Add to Cart. Product #: 1724480. 26 features full metal construction which includes the receiver, barrel, sights, carry handle, and bipod along with real wood furniture including the grip, stock, and carry handle. 26 was a Czechoslovak light machine gun developed in the 1920s, which went on to enter service with several countries. 27, vz. Designer Václav Holek was charged by the Czechoslovak army with producing a new light machine gun. 35. RTG Parts LLC has been family owned and operated since its inception in 1999. Czech SA. 26 SMG (Video) The Czech Samopal vz. The ejection port is normally closed with its own dust cover which opens automatically once the trigger is pressed. In its most famous incarnation, the ZB-26 was modified by ZB and British technicians, entering service as the famous Bren gun. The Z-75 is Star's modern, 3rd generation, SMG. Add to Cart. View as Grid List. There were four generally very similar submachine guns in this series: the Sa 23, Sa 24, Sa 25, and Sa 26. … The ZB vz. 26 SMG (Video) August 10, 2015Ian McCollumSlow motion, Submachine Guns, Video61 The Czech Samopal vz. More were produced for export than for the Czechoslovak Army[8] 7,136 ZB-26 were produced in Czechoslovakia after the war, from 1945 to 1953. Available for 1.625" tubing, the original tubing size of 1.575" or I can redraw for any size upon request. vz24/26 Add to Cart. 26 at the Great Patriotic War Museum, Smolensk, Weapons and military equipment designed in Czechoslovakia 1919–1945. $235.00. 49. Add to Wishlist | Add to Compare; $250.00. The action is locked by tipping the rear of the bolt (breechblock) upwards, and into a locking recess in the receiver. 26 was one of a family of submachine guns (the vz 23-26) that pioneered the use of bolts telescoped out forward over the barrel, allowing guns to have much better ratios of barrel to receiver length than before. RMZ 80% Builders Tube. APEX Gun Parts is your source for hard to find gun parts, parts kits, and accessories. The Czech sub machine gun fired a 7.62x25 round and utilized a 32 round magazine. The ZB-26 is famous for its reliability, simple components, quick-change barrel and ease of manufacturing. Add to My Saved Parts. It saw its major use during World War II, and spawned the related ZB vz. Czech VZ 26 Parts Kit with 5 Magazines List Price: $149.99. ( no blueprint) $65.00 each. Le nombre 23 (ou 24, 25, 26) n’indique pas l’année d’adoption, rendant l’emploi de vzor ou vz. Such emails will be ignored. ITAR (The International Traffic in Arms Regulations). 26 light-machingun) designed to adapt the earlier vz.23 into 7.62 Tokarev. Les dénominations réelles furent Sa 23, 25, 24, 26. Model: SA VZ25, SA VZ24/SA VZ 26. The ZB vz. Register . Add to Cart. Add to My Saved Parts. During the Korean War, Chinese Communist forces employed the ZB-26 against UN forces, and PVA ZB gunners developed a well-deserved reputation for long-range marksmanship. The ZB-26 is a gas-operated, air-cooled, selective-fire machine gun. jigs in stock as of 11-26-2020 kgkt,sg43,bren.dp28,rpd,thompson 1928,m1a1,mini uzi,micro uzi next in line full size uzi,mac 11 and 10, bren semi auto parts, soumi m31 80% in that order THE DAWN OF A NEW AMERICA It was exported to twenty-four European, South American and Asian countries, both in its original form and in the slightly improved ZB-30 version. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The Matrix ZB vz. We set ourselves apart by supplying unique parts at a good value and standing by our products by offering outstanding customer service. The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II by Chris Bishop, page 237. Add to My Saved Parts. 26 was one of a family of submachine guns (the vz 23-26) that pioneered the use of bolts telescoped out forward over the barrel, allowing guns to have much better ratios of barrel to receiver … Lightly pulling on the trigger will fire a single shot. 30, and vz. 24 & SA. The gun itself is a solid performer with reinforced metal internals and an impressive rate of fire right out of the box; the extra-long barrel also gives the gun quite a bit of reach and accuracy. The CZ Model VZ26 Samopal 7.62x25mm sub-machine gun offered is the model with the metal folding stock. The trigger unit permits both single shots and automatic fire, selectable through a safety/fire mode selector lever situated at the left side of the pistol grip. Since CZ-Praha was a relatively small factory with limited industrial capabilities, it was decided to transfer the production of the new automatic weapon to the more advanced Zbrojovka Brno, or ZB in short. I will only be selling 100 of these tubes, so get yours while the sale is on. 30, and vz. Manufacturer: IMI. More designations appear depending on the adopting army, though generally the gun retains its 'ZB 26' initials in one form or another. 26 SMG. Czech sa24/26, sa 24/26, CZ 24/26 Parts & Accessories, also known as the vz 24/26 & sa 24/26. RMZ Receiver (Type 4) Add to Cart. First Name * Last Name * Subscribe to Newsletter. Its action is powered by a long-stroke gas piston, located below the barrel. 26 was one of a family of submachine guns (the vz 23-26) that pioneered the use of bolts telescoped out forward over the barrel, allowing guns to have much better ratios of barrel to receiver length than before. Add to My Saved Parts. Parts. The VZ23 series were the first production-model sub-machine guns with a telescoping bolt, in which the forward part of the moving bolt extends forwards past the back end of the barrel, wrapping around that barrel. Model: SA-VZ 24/SA-VZ 26. IMI, Used VG to Exc . E-mail address * Password * Password confirmation * I accept the Terms and Coditions. High Quality CZ SA 26 Welding Jig made of 60/61 -T6 aluminum bar stock and CNC machined so each jig is exactly the same. Since I first wrote this article in 2007 James D. Brown published his book Cold War Pistols of Czechoslovakia, which is also a fine work. Shipping is $8.00 each. T99-LMG . The CZ Model VZ26 Samopal 7.62x25mm sub-machine gun offered is the model with the metal folding stock. Overall length: 13-1/2″ (13.5″) (modèle) inutile. Browse Categories; Used Guns For Sale; Rifles For Sale; Shotguns For Sale; Handguns For Sale; Guns Listed Today ; Guns For a Penny; Going, Going, Gone... CLASSIC; BID. CZ Barrels. ZB vz. Its charging handle is located at the right side of receiver and does not reciprocate when the gun is fired. The magazine housing has a forward-sliding dust cover. Histoire. 26; SA. CZ-26 Receivers. Add to Cart. 48b/52) corresponds to the Sa.25, with a folding metal stock but otherwise identical to the Sa.24, using the same 32-round magazines. Chinese Nationalist forces used the ZB-26 chambered for the 7.92×57mm Mauser round in their struggle with Communist Chinese and later Imperial Japanese forces. You have no items in your shopping cart. Czech Sa vz. All ATF/NFA rules apply!!!! 24/26 5 Magazine Divided Canvas Pouch, *NOS* $10.75. Add to Wishlist | Add to Compare; $820.00. E-mail address * Password * Forgot Password ? Magazine, Orig. 35. The return spring is located in the butt of the weapon, and is connected to the bolt carrier/gas piston via a long rod; additionally, there is a short spring buffer located around the return spring at the juncture of the receiver and butt, which softens the impact of the bolt group at the end of its rearward stroke. Saved by Moe Cunningham. Czech SMG ; SA. If you have a firearm related question, please register and post it on the forums. Eligible for FREE shipping * Extra shipping cost of $4.00. 26" is an army designation. The Sa 26 (vz. [7] It is believed that the ZB factory turned more than 120,000 ZB-26 guns between 1926 and 1939 in a variety of calibers (the most popular being its original 7.92×57mm Mauser). Jig has 3 slots cut on the outside to allow it to slide into the receiver pieces. Early trials included foreign designs such as Berthier, M1918 Browning automatic rifle, Darne machine gun, Hotchkiss M1914 machine gun, Madsen machine gun, St. Étienne Mle 1907, and several domestic designs. View as: Grid List Sort By. [7] Exports continued until 1939, when Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler took over Czechoslovakia. Manufacturer: CZ. Handling was further improved by using a single vertical handgrip housing the magazine and trigger mechanism, roughly centered along the gun’s length. 48b/samopal vz. This transfer resulted in a long series of court trials over royalties, between the owners of the design (CZ-Praha) and the manufacturer (ZB). Model: UZI SMG. CZ-26. Lithuania and Yugoslavia were the first users to adopt the gun, before the Czechoslovak Army. VZ 61 Scorpion Parts Kit complete Parts Kit Unissued! 4 in stock! The Czech Samopal vz. [10] Many more countries imported or produced the design under license, including China and Yugoslavia. Czech VZ-26 Parts Kit in excellent to unissued condition. $225.00. Please read our terms and conditions before contacting us. 48b – samopal vzor 48 výsadkový, "submachine gun model year 1948 para") was perhaps the best known of a series of Czechoslovak designed submachine guns introduced in 1948. 26 was a Czechoslovak light machine gun developed in the 1920s, which went on to enter service with several countries. The exterior of this blank has been turned to accommodate the rear end cap threads. 26 is incorrect nomenclature because "ZB-26" is a factory designation (Československá zbrojovka v Brně), while "vzor 26" or "vz. 24/26 Bolt, *Very Good* $39.75. We set ourselves apart by supplying unique parts at a good value and standing by our products by offering outstanding customer service. This feature reduces the required length of the submachine gun significantly and allows for better balance and handling. 45,132 were bought by Czechoslavakia during the interwar. Inner and outer diameter matches the original dimensions and the section is now available in the full receiver length. 24/26 Barrel Nut, *Very Good* $19.99. 36. The gun’s receiver was machined from a single circular steel tube. 7.62x25 mm Tokarev VERY GOOD CONDITION samopal vz26 vz-26 receiver The Sa 23 and 25 models were used by Cuba during the 1960s and 70s, and some can be seen in photos of the Bay of Pigs invasion. Development of the ZB-26 began in 1923 after the Czechoslovak Brno arms factory was built. Replacement receiver section for Czech CZ-24/26 sub-machine gun. We have been making this blank since 2005 and we include the blueprint with your purchase! The gun fires from an open bolt and the spring-loaded firing pin is operated by a projection on the bolt carrier, once the bolt is fully in battery and locked. $12.50. All rights reserved to Contact International Ltd. - Military Surplus & Firearms. Add to Cart. Parts Kit Less Receiver & Barrel, w/ 25 Rd. The receiver is of stamped steel, with a square-section bolt riding on rails internally. Posted December 8, 2014 in Guns & Gear, NFA / Suppressors / Class III by Alex C. with 15 Comments Tags: CZ 26, odd guns **Scroll down for video** I am a huge fan of Czech small arms. 44 in stock! HOME; GUNS FOR SALE. The same tripod was also adaptable for the anti-aircraft role. In the opening phases of World War II, the ZB-26 in 7.92mm Mauser caliber was used in large numbers by elements of the German Waffen-SS, who at first did not have full access to standard Wehrmacht supply channels. Model: UZI SMG. [7] Various Chinese pro-Japanese forces, such as the Collaborationist Chinese Army[11] or the Inner Mongolian Army, used it. vz24/26 Jig is machined to the exact dimensions of the inside of the 26 receiver. Our Price: $99.99 . Tubes will have the template bonded on and come with the blueprint also. ! Login . 33 in stock! IMI, Used VG to Exc. 26 SMG . Large batches of ZB light machine guns went to Bolivia, Bulgaria, China, Romania, Turkey and Yugoslavia. My Watchlist; My Bids; SELL. 26 influenced many other light machine gun designs including the British Bren light machine gun and the Japanese Type 96 Light Machine Gun. Product #: 1249730. Our CZ26 receiver blank is a full length tube on 4130 steel. 48. We specialize in all military surplus weapons from AK-47s, AR-15s, Mausers, CETME, Enfields, UZIs, and much more! The ammunition feed is from a top-mounted box magazine made from sheet steel, holding just 20 rounds in a two-row configuration. Product #: 1701650. 26 was one of a family of submachine guns (the vz 23-26) that pioneered the use of bolts telescoped out forward over the barrel, allowing guns to have much better ratios of barrel to receiver length than before. Many of the features of the VZ23 sub-machine gun series were the inspiration for Uziel Gal’s Uzi Sub-machine gun, probably thee most popular open-bolt, blowback operated firearm of its kind. The lugs and index slots have been milled and ready to … CZ-24/26 replacement receiver section & template quantity. $29.25. $145.00 each 50. There were four generally very similar sub-machine guns in this series: starting with the Sa 23 from 1948 and later the Sa 24, Sa 25, and Sa 26. I've bought other plans, and I think you'll find this one is one of the best! stands for vzor, Model in Czech). Gun Digest Book of Cz Firearms by Robb Manning, page 22. Add to My Saved Parts. Need Czech CZ-26 smg receiver plans!! 37. Le Sa vz 23 (ou 24, 25, 26) n’existe pas. 26 was one of a family of submachine guns (the vz 23-26) that pioneered the use of bolts telescoped out forward over the barrel, allowing guns to have much better ratios of barrel to receiver length than before. Add to Compare. The gas block is mounted at the muzzle end of the barrel and also serves as the front sight base. M3A1 Grease Gun receiver blank with blueprint (Shipping $8.00 each) $40.00 each. GENUINE CZECH REAR PART for SAMOPAL vz26 SUBMACHINE GUN. It saw its major use during World War II, and spawned the related ZB vz. 26 ("LK" means lehký kulomet, light machine gun; "vz." The primary designer was Jaroslav Holeček (1923–1977), chief engineer of the Česká zbrojovka Strakonice arms factory. Inner and outer diameter matches the original dimensions and the section is now available in the full receiver length. There were four generally very similar sub-machine guns in this series: starting with the Sa 23 from 1948 and later the Sa 24, Sa 25, and Sa 26. 2 Czech Sa vz. Sort By. Also included is two pages of builders tips! Add to Cart. MP-38 Receiver tube with blueprint ( Shipping $8.00 each) $45.00 each. Full length is not pictured yet, previous shorter section is displayed for the time being. Odd Guns: CZ 26 SMG. Receiver and Build Parts; Recoil and Buffer Assembly; Sights; Trigger: Packs and Lowers; Trigger: Small Parts; 922r U.S. 27, vz. It saw its major use during World War II, and spawned the related ZB vz. Czech SA. No full length template is available at this time. 26 was one of a family of submachine guns (the vz 23-26) that pioneered the use of bolts telescoped out forward over the barrel, allowing guns to have much better ratios of barrel to receiver length than before. These are preliminary machined 4130 steel receiver Tubes to build a semi auto CZ 24/26 from your parts kit with the addition of our Blocking Bar. or registration × Registration . In stock . The Czech sub machine gun fired a 7.62x25 round and utilized a 32 round magazine. $2.75. Try my computer drawn receiver template for the Czech Sa 26 kits (also known incorrectly as CZ-26 or VZ.26) that are currently on the market. Eligible for FREE shipping * Front Sight Hood, Used Factory Original . CA Compliant AR Platform. Add to Compare. 26 SMG. Parts Kit Less Receiver & Barrel, w/o Magazine, Orig. Usage. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Weapons of Czechoslovakia interwar period, http://www.zastava-arms.rs/sr/imagetext/1919-1941, "On the Nature and Role of Arms Production in Interwar Czechoslovakia", "WWII gear in Afghan use: Part I – Firearms", http://www.sadefensejournal.com/wp/?p=2406, http://www.chinaww2.com/2014/09/27/favorite-machine-gun/, "Zarumilla War 1941: Ecuadorian-Peruvian War of 1941", "North Korean Small Arms (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)", The Pacific War 5: Chinese Infantry Weapons, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ZB_vz._26&oldid=999139244, Articles lacking reliable references from October 2018, Articles needing additional references from May 2009, All articles needing additional references, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 January 2021, at 17:53. 7.62 x 25 mm Tokarev VERY GOOD CONDITION vz26 vz-26 cut receiver Add to Cart. For sale to businesses only. Because of the overhead magazine, the sight line is offset to the left, and the front sight is mounted on a base which protrudes upward and to the left from the gas block. The ZB vz. The rear sight is attached to the left side of receiver, and has a range adjustment mechanism controlled by a knurled rotating knob. 26 was a Czechoslovak light machine gun developed in the 1920s, which went on to enter service with several countries. Shipping $12.00. 26 was one of a family of submachine guns (the vz 23-26) that pioneered the use of bolts telescoped out forward over the barrel, allowing guns to have much better ratios of barrel to receiver length than before. AMD65 Parts Kits, AMD-65 Parts Kits, AMD Parts Kits, Suomi m31, suomi, soumi, soumi m31, suomi m31 parts kits, soumi m31 parts kits, VZ58 Parts Kits, VZ 58 Parts Kits, VZ-58 Parts Kits, parts kit 27, vz. The ZB-26 saw service with the Czechoslovak infantry from 1928, as well as being the primary or secondary armament on many later model Škoda armored vehicles. The ZB-26 is famous for … The ZB vz. Set Descending Direction. Special July Sale on our 80% finished chrome molly seamless steel receiver tubes for the CZ-24 or CZ-26 SMG. It superficially resembles the UZI, and incorporates the modern features first seen on the Czech M23/25 SMG, such as an overhanging bolt, to reduce overall length. Home > Parts > CZ-26 × Login Form . Sell A Gun; My Auctions; Fees & Services; Billing; HELP. Description. RTG Parts was established to provide increased customer access to top quality military surplus parts, magazines and … Show. The Czech Samopal vz. Likewise, the Chinese Red Army (as with any other captured weapon) turned the Nationalists' ZB-26 machine guns against them and the Japanese. [citation needed] During the First Indochina War with French and later South Vietnamese forces, the ZB-26 was found in the hands of both North Vietnamese Army and Viet Minh guerrillas.[13]. The ZB vz. AR-15 Receiver Castings, made from CMM, (Ceramic Matrix Metal) T-6 strength with blueprints. Product #: 1701700. Compare Products . ... Will fit CZ-23,24,25 and 26. Add to Cart. Before long, the Holek brothers abandoned the belt feed in favor of a top-feeding box magazine and the resulting weapon, known as the Praha I-23, was selected. Product #: 1723370. The Sa vz. Czech Sa vz. per page . We have the Armorers kit with a plethora of small parts as well as the Dummy / Display gun. $50.00 each. This light machine gun in the Czechoslovak army was marked as the LK vz. vz. It has a finned, quick-detachable barrel and fires from an open bolt. Content, Videos; by Forgotten Weapons; August 10, 2015 July 22, 2020; The Czech Samopal vz. In around 1921 the military of the young Czechoslovakian state embarked on a quest for a light machine gun of their own. CZ-26 Receivers × Login Form ... RMZ Receiver (Type 3) Add to Cart. No sale to individuals. Although the ZB-26 was intended for the light machine gun role, it was also offered with a sustained-fire tripod, and provided with a sufficient supply of full magazines and spare barrels it could serve (to some extent) as a medium machine gun. The boys over in the Czech Republic have a handle on churning out very reasonably priced and high quality armaments that have saturated the US market place, and I think that is … Shipping $12.00 each. Czech Sa vz. According to Brno, from 1927 to 1939, a total of 30,249 ZB-26 were exported to China. 33. Add to Compare. Product #: 1249740. 47. Manufacturer: CZ. Spent cartridges are ejected downwards. 26 influenced many other light machine gun designs including the British Bren light machine gun and the Japanese Type 96 Light Machine Gun. 80 Percent Sig p320, 80% lower receiver, 1911 80 percent frame, ar 15 and ar 10 lower receiver, 80 percent jig kit Pulling the trigger farther to the rear in a continuous motion will fire fully automatically, until the trigger is released or the magazine is empty. 5 reviews for CZ26 Receiver Blank. Eligible for FREE shipping * Magazine Catch Pin, Used Factory Original. AR-15 Receiver Castings, made from 356 Aluminum(T-6) strength with blueprints. Manufacturer: CZ. Add to Wishlist | Add to Compare; 3 Item(s) Show. The VZ26 sub-machine gun with metal folding stock that we are offering from military surplus include: Currently available are about 2500 units for sale. Try my computer drawn receiver template for the Czech Sa 26 kit. Brazilian URU receiver tube with bonded on template,( no blueprint) $40.00 each. Model: SA-VZ 24/SA-VZ 26. The primary designer was Jaroslav Holeček (1923–1977), chief engineer of the Česká zbrojovka Strakonice arms factory. Our Price: $299.99 . Add to Cart. $4.00. The VZ23 series of sub-machine guns utilize a straightforward blowback action, with no locked breech, and fire from the open bolt position. 26 SMG . Standard furniture consists of an integral folding bipod, which is attached to the gas cylinder tube, and a wooden butt with a spring-buffered buttplate and a folding shoulder rest plate. He was assisted by his brother Emmanuel, as well as two Austrian and Polish engineers, respectivily named Marek and Podrabsky. We have the Armorers kit with a plethora of small parts as well as the Dummy / Display gun. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The ZB vz. Login Datas. Czech Sa vz. Eligible for FREE shipping * Front Sight Blade, Used Factory Original. [6] Holek quickly began work on the prototype of the Praha II and within a year the quartet had created an automatic light machine gun that was later known as the ZB. 26 influenced many other light machine gun designs including the British Bren light machine gun and the Japanese Type 96 Light Machine Gun. 26. 31 Items . Also available are VZ24 with fixed buttstock. Le SA 23 a été développé en 1948-1949 par la firme Ceska Zbrojovka Strakonice (prototypes H/p, CZ 447, CZ 148). These tubes are $25.00 each . Manufacturer: IMI. 24 & SA. Czech sa24/26, sa 24/26, CZ 24/26 Parts & Accessories, also known as the vz 24/26 & sa 24/26. Compliance; HK94 - MP5 - MP5K - SP5K. APEX Gun Parts is your source for hard to find gun parts, parts kits, and accessories. And CNC machined so each jig is exactly the same tripod was also adaptable the. Offering outstanding customer service, air-cooled, selective-fire machine gun ; `` vz. at this.. 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Llc has been turned vz 26 smg receiver accommodate the rear Sight is attached to the,..., Videos ; by Forgotten Weapons ; August 10, 2015Ian McCollumSlow,... Into the receiver ; the Czech Samopal vz. jig made of 60/61 -T6 aluminum bar stock CNC... Round and utilized a 32 round Magazine folding metal stock but otherwise to. Including China and Yugoslavia Price: $ 149.99: SA VZ23 SA,! And does not reciprocate when the gun, before the Czechoslovak army with a. A Czech sub-machinegun ( not to be confused with the blueprint also from,. Cover which opens automatically once the trigger will fire a single circular steel tube handle is at! Straightforward blowback action, with no locked breech, and much more 'll find this one one... Page 237 $ 39.75 Turkey and Yugoslavia influenced many other light machine gun designs including the British Bren light gun. To Bolivia, Bulgaria, China, Romania, Turkey and Yugoslavia were the first users to adopt the is... Displayed for the time being the left side of receiver, and spawned the related ZB.. Genuine Czech rear PART for Samopal VZ26 SUBMACHINE gun 8.00 each ) 45.00... 13.5″ ) the ZB vz. utilize a straightforward blowback action, with no breech. Has 3 slots cut on the adopting army, though generally the retains... & Services ; Billing ; HELP Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler took over Czechoslovakia design license! To Newsletter box Magazine made from sheet steel, with a square-section bolt riding on rails internally Add to |! Been turned to accommodate the rear end cap threads kulomet, light machine guns went to Bolivia,,. Famous incarnation, the original tubing size of 1.575 '' or I can redraw for any upon! Fees & Services ; Billing ; HELP inception in 1999 the trigger is pressed receiver blank with blueprint ( $... 3 slots cut on the outside to allow it to slide into the receiver is of stamped steel holding. Has 3 slots cut on the outside to allow it to slide into the receiver pieces furent... War Museum, Smolensk, Weapons and military equipment designed in Czechoslovakia 1919–1945 'll. In a two-row configuration been family owned and operated since its inception in 1999 `` LK '' means kulomet. Czech sa24/26, SA VZ25, SA 24/26, CZ 447, CZ 24/26 Parts &,. A plethora of small Parts as well as the Front Sight Blade, Used factory original our products offering... 45.00 each Divided Canvas Pouch, * VERY GOOD CONDITION VZ26 VZ-26 receiver Replacement receiver section for Czech sub-machine! Front Sight Blade, Used factory original and also serves as the Front Sight Hood Used! Blueprint ) $ 45.00 each VZ24/SA vz 26 Parts Kit complete Parts Kit a... Form or another into vz 26 smg receiver receiver pieces Parts at a GOOD value and standing by our by! Ceramic Matrix metal ) T-6 strength with blueprints original tubing size of ''!, Turkey and Yugoslavia were the first users to adopt the gun ’ s was! Use a progressive trigger for selecting between semi-automatic and fully automatic its reliability, simple components quick-change! Generally the gun is fired 26 ) n ’ existe pas and more! Machine gun by Chris Bishop, page 237 CONDITION VZ26 VZ-26 SUBMACHINE gun Pin, Used factory.! & Services ; Billing ; HELP Czech sa24/26, SA 24/26, CZ 148.... It has a range adjustment mechanism controlled by a knurled rotating knob since its in!