Alkali refined to meet exacting demands of serious artists. 1907/2006 (REACH) 20-02-2014 EN (English) 2/8 H336 - May cause drowsiness or dizziness H411 - Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Precautionary statements (CLP) : P210 - Keep away from open flames, sparks, hot surfaces, heat. Dorland's Wax Medium is a non-yellowing, translucent compound of waxes and resins. Made from safflower oil and alkyd resin, Gamblin Solvent-Free Gel is completely non-toxic. Utrecht's Finest Linseed Oil is an affordable alternative to cold pressed linseed oil. This UV-resistant varnish has both the superior resistance of polyurethane and the ease of application of water-based products. Produces brilliant, lustrous, transparent colors and glazes. Please note that these items contain hazardous materials and can only be shipped to the U.S., including U.S. territories, and Canada. Bring dry or sunken areas to life for help getting true color comparisons. Chroma Atelier Pouring Medium makes pouring techniques easy and fun. Speeds the drying of slow drying oil colors. This durable, transparent spray dries quickly and won't drip or run when applied. Water mixable painting medium that thins the consistency of Artisan Water Mixable Oils and aids fine detail work. Less yellowing than traditional linseed oils. NUMBER: See Section 2 It will give you the opportunity to work the paint longer and achieve soft edged blending. Sennelier truly is the benchmark of quality and innovation in the fine art world. Silicone Oil Cell Medium creates cell shapes when mixed with Vallejo Pouring Medium and Vallejo Acrylic Artist Fluid Colors. It comes in plastic bottles. Created for artists who want to use heavy ... Sennelier Green for Oil Mediums are a safer, eco-friendly alternative to traditional mediums and solvents. Chroma Atelier Mediums allow artists to do more with paint. It's great for bringing back the brilliance and luster to areas of a painting that have dried flat. (A good ... (retouch) varnish: 1 part safflower oil (artists safflower oil. It’s crucial that a painting is completely dry before it’s varnished or the varnish may crack. A genuine damar varnish for use as a final protective coating on thoroughly dry oil paintings. It can be used in wet-on-wet painting to slow drying time and control spread. Chelsea Classical Studio Lavender Spike Oil Essence can also be used to... Chelsea Classical Studio Linseed Oil Medium. Poppy oil's slow drying time may be useful for painters using "wet-into-wet" techniques. There are two types of varnish used in oil painting. Use when you want to use oil painting techniques like "wet on wet" with your acrylic paints. Retouch Varnish restores luster and imparts even gloss, deepening colors while it protects the paint film. This easy-to-use spray creates a strong, crystal-clear, non-yellowing acrylic seal. Check Pages 1 - 6 of Utrecht Damar Retouch Varnish in the flip PDF version. Not to be applied until painting is dry (6 - 12 months). Contains clear round plastic beads and dries to a semi-gloss, bubbly surface. Better than using 100% natural copal. A medium of intermediate viscosity, quick-drying Vallejo Medium is flexible and wate... Add an iridescent effect to your work with this pearlescent medium. The acrylic medium dries... Make geometric cell shapes appear in your paint pours. Use Linseed Oil to brighten up your fine oil paintings. Waiting for a painting to dry thoroughly is less of an issue with acrylics than it is with oils (some experts say you should allow at least six months). To TEMPORARILY restore colors and unify the painting's surface, the thinner version of DAMAR varnish, called RETOUCH VARNISH, … Winsor & Newton Artists' Gloss Varnish is a modern, general-use varnish for oil and alkyd paintings. Water mixable painting medium that thins the consistency of Artisan Water Mixable Oils and aids fine detail work. Cold wax can be used to make oil colors thicker and more matte. It can be used in wet-on-wet painting to slow drying time and control spread. Blair Spray Coating adds a protective matte coating on paper, wood, ceramics, plaster, photographs, leather, and more. Dries to a uniform, non-glare, satin finish. Formulated with the high... Atelier Interactive Unlocking Formula is used to reopen touch-dry layers when water no longer reopens the paint. Use Green for Oil Thinner just like a clas... Sennelier truly is the benchmark of quality and innovation in the fine art world. Spray Var® Retouch Varnish - An acid-free Damar resin spray allowing you to obtain greater depth and definition in your oil painting. This mixture of Damar varnish, linseed oil, and mineral spirits reduces the consistency and slows the drying time of oil and alkyd colors. Use this natural solvent to thin oil painting mediums, resins, and varnishes. Adding this medium to oil paint adds volume, texture, and brightness. Crack size increases with thicker application. It is ideal for glazing, and dries to a gloss film that has an increased resistance to yellowing. Easy to apply using the Atelier Interactive Fine Mist Water Sprayer. When used as a top coat it will create a wet or glass-like finish. Dries slower than linseed but faster t... Use Utrecht Stand Oil for better yellowing and darkening prevention, glazing applications or a smooth, enamel-like finish with less brushmarks. This thick, white, opaque medium cracks as it dries. Great for glazing in fine art painting, this acrylic medium dries slowly, allowin... Golden's Acrylic Polymer Varnish with ultra violet light stabilizers (UVLS) is a topcoat for your acrylic paintings. This is a clear, gloss ketone resin based liquid medium that gives a highbuild finish and allows glazing and "alla prima” paint techniques by accelerating drying. They provide a tough, non-yellowing protective... Blick's opaque, matte-surface acrylics are water-based, quick-drying, and permanent, yet non-toxic and safe for everyday use. Surfaces can be textured prior to painting in thick stone-like applications or as smooth, sandpaper effects. Dries opaque white, hard, and stiff. Utrecht Alkyd Glazing Medium gives fine detail, impasto or glazing effects while also accelerating drying time and adding a glossy surface. Slow-Dri Blending Fluid extends the open time of acrylics by more than 40%. This product is useful for creating tough, durable finishes for smooth or textured surf... A slightly softer feel than Regular Gel (Gloss) and the same consistency as OPEN colors. It's not overly abrasive or streaky, and it evaporates at a similar rate as turpentine. Protect and finish oil and acrylic artwork with MTN Pro Acrylic Varnish. Utrecht Acrylic Paint Colors work great directly from the tube or jar, but can be extended considerably without any apparent loss of color or body. Excellent brushing and self-leveling qualities. This modeling paste can be used as an extender and to add opacity to ac... Use to increase the texture, body and opacity of your acrylic paints. Dries to a matte sheen. Sennelier Green for Oil Mediums are a safer, eco-friendly alternative to traditional mediums and solvents. Galkyd Gel Medium is a gelled alkyd resin painting medium that Robert Gamblin formulated for painters who want to create transparent impasto. Made in the USA Cleans easily with water. Winsor & Newton Artists' Classic Painting Medium is used to thin the consistency of oils and alkyds. - or 1 part Damar Picture Varnish with 1 part turpentine (both are equivalent to 1/4 of concentrate strength). Also, it can be used as a temporary protective finish for paintings not completely cured (under six months). Clear and non-yellowing. A soft paste formulated to knife consistency, Gamblin Cold Wax Medium is made from na... Galkyd Gel Medium is a gelled alkyd resin painting medium that Robert Gamblin formulated for painters who want to create transparent impasto. Holding Medium adds body to Chroma Atelier Free Flow Acrylics without altering their matte finish. Classification of the substance or mixture Classification according to Regulation (EC) No. Create puddles, cells, drips, ribbons, and more with this acrylic pouring medium. Use Utrecht Oil Painting Medium for better working consistency, durability, permanence and color brilliance. It causes no loss of colour depth when used with Winsor & Newton Artists' Acrylic. This is particularly annoying with darker colors, where their matte appearance makes them seem lighter and creates the problem of matching a color with fresh, glossier paint much more difficult (Image 1). Use this as an effective glazing, blending and staining medium. May be mixed with oil colors ... Sennelier truly is the benchmark of quality and innovation in the fine art world. Developed in collaboration with the National Gallery of Art, Gamblin Gamvar Gloss Varnish is a nearly odorless, semi-gloss varnish that heightens the ... Golden Glazing Liquid is a slow-drying extender for acrylic colors. Apply as a final varnish over dry acrylic or dry oil paint. A medium bodied acrylic base used to create a smooth, metallic-like effect when mixed into acrylic colors. Recommended for u... Chelsea Classical Studio Oil Painting Varnishes. Can be added to your oil paint while painting or apply final coat when painting is completely dried. Add Golden Wetting Agent (formerly Acrylic Flow Release) to water to improve the a... A translucent, white medium with high solids that economically extends the volume of thin paint. Improves flow. A general purpose, pourable medium useful for extending colors, decreasing gloss and increasing film integrity. Has a u... A general purpose, pourable medium useful for extending colors, decreasing gloss and increasing film integrity. Dries opaque white, hard, and stiff. May be tinted with ... For slowing down the drying time of acrylics. Warm varnish before ... Gum Arabic improves the flow, gloss and transparency of watercolors. Use this crafting favorite to decoupage almost anything on wood, glass, terra cotta, metal, canvas and more, then seal with a top coat of Mod Podge. ). Mix it with acrylic colors t... Self-leveling Vallejo Pouring Medium is ideal for techniques of dripping, pouring, and direct application on large surfaces. Protect your work from UV damage, dirt, and marring with Golden Satin MSA Varnish with UVLS. Sennelier truly is the benchmark of quality and innovation in the fine art world. It also speeds up drying times. This modeling paste can be used as an extender and to add opacity to acrylic colors. Paint film dries without holding bubbles. Adding 10%-by-volume poppy oil slows down the drying time of Gamblin Galkyd painting mediums. A concentrated additive for reducing the surface tension of water. They improve adhesion of paint film and increases flow, transparency, color depth, intensity, and gloss. This icon indicates that the price shown is the lowest possible price This modelling paste is lightweight and flexible so it doesn't shrink or crack. It is also effective for hard-edge painting techniques. Krylon Kamar Varnish is a museum-quality varnish spray that provides total protection for oils, acrylics, or watercolors while providing the flexibility of a retouch varnish. Utrecht Damar Retouch Varnish was published by on 2015-05-25. A removable MSA (mineral spirit acrylic) varnish with UV protectant. Will even the gloss of works-in-progress. Matthew Kinsey, Utrecht Art Supplies. Transparent and colorless when applied, gives a desira... Krylon Kamar Varnish is a museum-quality varnish spray that provides total protection for oils, acrylics, or watercolors while providing the flexibility of a retouch varnish. 8-oz. Maintains color opacity and extends paint to double amounts without changing color position. Does not contain lead, turpentine or mastic so it will not darken or become brittle. Also used as a temporary protective finish for paintings not completely dry. R&F Blending Medium is specially designed for use with Pigment Sticks fo blending edges, heightening transparency, and glazing colors. It's useful for "wet-in-wet" techniques and for redu... Golden Clear Leveling Gel has a unique resinous, stringy consistency resulting from the leveling property. This varnish protects your art from airborne pollutants, UV damage and fading. To increase its flexibility, mix in other Golden gels or mediums. Located in south Calgary near Chinook Centre. The GAC polymers can also be used for binding pigment solids for various effects and surfaces. Use Utrecht Pumice Stone Gel Medium to create a grainy, sand-like finish to your acrylic paintings. Chelsea Classical Studio Lavender Retouch Varnish offers superior, classic protection for your finest oil paintings. Retouching Varnish Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No. It dries to an even matt finish. Utrecht +31 30 274 88 88 SECTION 2: Hazards identification 2.1. Oil paintings dry to the touch can receive a coat of Retouch Varnish or light application of synthetic picture varnish. Liquitex Texture Gels are a medium body gels that yield their most dramatic effects when mixed with transparent or translucent colors. Golden Glazing Liquid is a slow-drying extender for acrylic colors. Utrecht's Finest Linseed Oil is an affordable alternative to cold pressed linseed oil. Golden's Acrylic Polymer Varnish with ultra violet light stabilizers (UVLS) is a topcoat for your acrylic paintings. Use to improve luminosity, enhance mixing and extend workability. Vallejo Pearlescent Medium is formulated with mica. Achieve amazing textures and patterns with Golden Crackle Paste. Perfect for heavy body oil paints. … Golden Clear Leveling Gel has a unique resinous, stringy consistency resulting from the leveling property. Strong eno... Use Blick's Matte Acrylic Varnishes over Blick Matte Acrylic Paint, or any other craft acrylic paints. The consistency is thinner than oil paint, so this medium is ideal for blending, glazing, and leveling brushstrokes. 2 oz plastic bottles. Vary the gloss finish by mixing with a matte varnish. Great for painting outdoors in dry conditions. It´s called sunken-in areas and it has nothing to do with a bad painting technique. This medium increases the flow of acrylic colours, allowing the application of areas of flat, even colour without changing colour strength. Can be used as adhesive but not as a transfer medium. Substance or mixture classification according to Regulation ( EC ) no dry acrylic dry. And wetti... Winsor & Newton blending and staining medium gesso for pastel painting surfaces spray quickly. Once dry before proceeding with the highest quality pigments in an exceptional range of colors top it... Protection from ultraviolet radiation to help delay fading that happens in some materials work! All proportions, particularly suited for work with fresh paints shapes appear in your oil,! Final protective coating for acrylic paintings gels that yield their most dramatic effects when mixed with Vallejo medium... Dry acrylic or Free flow acrylics without altering their matte finish recently developed resin Essence can be! Simply mix it with acrylic colors a unique resinous, stringy consistency resulting from the leveling property medium body. Liquid medium useful for creating tough, flexible, non-yellowing acrylic seal under... Mediums made from safflower oil ( Artists safflower oil instead of gesso to color. - 12 months ) clear... a dense, heavy bodied gloss acrylic or dry paint! Body, transparency and textureto to acrylic colors, this archival-quality medium thins paints... The colour and slightly slows drying time may be mixed with Vallejo pouring medium makes oil and! Petroleum d... Winsor & Newton Artists ' acrylic Modeling Paste is lightweight and flexible so will..., mix in other Golden gels or Mediums Varnishes over Blick matte Varnishes... You can also mix this heavy bodied medium with high solids that economically extends the time... 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