Could it be from depression ? Dent in the head explained. (hence the name Linear) While it can occur anywhere on the face, when it occurs in the forehead it appears as a straight line running right down the middle of the forehead vertically from the frontal hairline to the eyebrows. Dr. Sam Markzar answered. My friend, a 65 year old woman, suddenly got the same dent on her forehead on Friday. A pimple is a small pustule or papule on the skin. I slept for about 9-10 hours I just woke up a bit ago and noticed a small dent in my forehead. 2. 0. It is small but noticeable. Boomerangst. 1 thank. Dents and defects in the shape of your head are usually simple variants in anatomy. anyone got any advice on baby head bumping? The most common locations of dents in the head happen to be the forehead, top of the head, and the back of the head. Report as Inappropriate. Sometimes the jaw can also be affected. It's right by my hairline. He hasn't been in any bad pain , just a few headaches while he was at work, might of bumped his head a few times, overall he feels fine . I woke up with a HUGE dent in my forehead that won't go away! Saw my GP who is famously dismissive and he said it's nothing but it worries me a bit. Reply . WTF! Dr. Ahmad Ibrahim answered. She asked did I fall, my reply was no. I do that too & I think I have dents too! A 67-year-old woman had a dent of her right brow associated with pain radiating to the temple for 2 to 3 weeks. However, if a bump on the head creates a new dent or if one seems to appear on its own, be sure to take a trip to a doctor to determine the exact cause. Not sure what it could be. We wandered out onto the front verandah and sat down to chat..... and I started to tell him about this mysterious dent in my forehead that appeared out of nowhere and as I looked at him I noticed that he also has one in the same place but on the other side of his forehead :shock: I don't know where these dents came from but they certainly weren't there before. I've never noticed this before and upon looking at pictures of her from the past few weeks I can't see it. she's been in her usual good humour since and had no concussion, vomiting etc. When the bleeding is in just one area, it causes bruising and swelling (hematoma). About less than an inch long and a little thicker than a vein wid You can see a large vein in the dent. A chronic subdural hematoma typically follows a fairly minor head injury in a person who is elderly, who is taking blood-thinning medications … Keep in mind that even a minor head bump can cause a large swelling. If not visit your doctor to get a examination Regards Not relevant? Today there's a bruise and a dent on his forehead!! The severity of this disease will vary from person to person. She was otherwise asymptomatic. Good luck. You got dents over the forehead. Raised bumps on the skin are common and can have a variety of causes, ranging from acne to skin cancer. You might have slept with your face on a pillow corner which created the dent as the night wore on. A dent can develop due to wrong posture while sleeping or due to something pressing on the forehead. : Bruxism , or tooth grinding, along with clenching your teeth together, especially at night time when you are asleep, could be a major cause of headach ... Read More. I showed it to pretty much EVERYONE that woul look, and made an urban legend that they must have dropped me in surgery! dawson77. Boomerangst. Raised skin bumps are most often harmless, … Newbie; Members; 1 post; Share; Posted December 28, 2014. I had back surgery 14 years ago and noticed when I went back to work (16 weeks later) that I had a dent on my forehead right in the middle before my hair line. It is a small depression in your skull. 0 comment. It is not a normal variant in people. Head injuries including dents in head are currently ranked as some of the most common causes of death and disability in adults. Reply (0) Report. It always appears, as in your wife's case, as an indented vertical groove in the forehead. Share Followers 1. I MD. Please see your doctor as soon as possible or to the emergency ... Read More. It looks ugly on forehead. Ask a doctor now. I can't get a good picture of it since it's extremely hard to get a good angle. She had right V1 shingles in 2009. one of the falls though (about two weeks ago) gave up the biggest egg shaped bump. Haha! It is normal. It's now a 'dent' and slightly bigger. The worthy thing is that this is a comparatively rare disease, so the chances are small that this is what’s causing indentation. Kindly reply to my questions and upload a pic of the lesions so that I can actually visualise them. I woke up yeaterday with a VERY noticable dent in my forehead, It goes from my hairline all the way to between my eyebrows. what is causing my head and jaw to hurt? Posted December 28, 2014. The forehead and scalp have an abundant blood supply, and injury to these areas often results in bleeding under the skin. 'At one point I could put a dent in my forehead and it would stay there for like half an hour,' he wrote on Twitter. I don't know . This is glaring in the different faces of individuals we see every day. 2beach.babies. Only a few years back I started to notice this small dent that appears on my forehead. MartaJayne in reply to Toptomato. Pimples can occur anywhere on the face, including the forehead. Get checked: A head injury like this needs a full exam and possibly a CT head for internal injury. 19 years experience Urgent Care. However, there are some cases where a new bump or dent in the skull can signify a severe medical condition. I noticed the two finger-like indentations running parallel about 1/2” apart on the top of my head from my hairline backwards about 3”. 5 Similar Discussions Found . Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. An indentation can develop on the forehead in case of mucocele of paranasal sinuses or scleroderma. Also when the brows sag, this causes indents on the forehead. (Very small, but I still see it) DH keeps telling me he's fine and his skull is hard and it must just be the skin, not his actually skull but I just don't know. the bump has gone down but has left a one inch dent line across her forehead. 1. 36 Comments . Also mentioned about a terrible ache in both calves muscles when I put trainers on and try to walk a couple of yards. It looks like this, but less prominent. MD. OP’s posts: See next | See all Add message | Report | See all. Comment. Dent in skull or skull indentation, have you ever heard of this problem. my 10 month old is walking and running everywhere and is developing a lovely forehead of bruises. Potential Causes of Dents in the Head. Can this treated or resurfaced??? She asked was the ache in both calves and I said yes, her reply was then it's not achilles. I will also like to know are the dents asymptomatic or associated with some kind of pain / itch ? Her medical history included breast cancer in 2001 treated with modified radical mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation as well as follicular lymphoma in 2007 treated with rituximab and chemotherapy.