Keith Price $249.99. Quick Reply to: The slide release lever is HARD to engage. View Product. They say it slide locks up and takes lots of force to break it free. SIG P365 Malfunctions. SIG Sauer has long been known for powerful, accurate handguns. The magazine release button is large enough to make functioning easy, but not enough to get in the way or be accidentally bumped. Some rounds that are not recommended for the SIG P365 are +P+ (these may void your warranty) and hand-loaded or reloaded ammo. On the P365, moving the rear sight 0.016″ changes the impact about 3″ at twenty-five yards. Slicker than snot You want to make sure you set that aside. First time Sig owner - Sig p365 takedown lever will not go down. In other words, the P365 SAS is quick and more than accurate enough inside about 10 yards, or - basically - at typical combat distances. Hit the magazine release button on the side. Your discussions, feedback and comments are welcome here as long as they are relevant and insightful. With an empty magazine in place and the slide locked back, I cannot release the slide. P365 SAS. One drop of oil where the connector and trigger bar meet. The slide plate contains your rear sight and positions the optic quite far rearward. 3 This new P365, ultra-compact, polymer-framed, striker-fired, semi-automatic pistol from Sig Sauer is intended to be a handgun you carry every day, trust all the time and run with ease. I have a 226 and a P6 and this is not a … The gun ran perfectly smoothly until I started shooting the Federal aluminum-cased ammo. You really need to make sure you only add accessories that are compatible with this weapon. Likewise, if you retract the slight slightly and then depress the release, you won't have so much difficulty. Conclusion. It seems you. From a satisfied novice, Your email address will not be published. Being a small 9mm, the recoil spring is likely to be on the heavy side. So yeah, I'd expect it to be tight. I was able to get it to let loose a couple of times while at the gun shop, but can't get it to happen at all now that I'm home. Home » Concealed Carry » Answers to 5 Common Questions About the SIG P365. While it’s not the smallest handgun on the market, it’s still miniature compared to regular pistols. Additionally it has a 3.1-inch barrel, front & rear cocking serrations, a Nitron finish, and a 10-round magazine (12-round magazines are available). I’ve had no problems whatsoever with my P365. I picked up a Sig 220 Carry today and it is a sweet little shooter. Add to Cart. And just as instantly, I have a question. Save Compare. We found the slide release/slide stop button to be a little hard to hit at times. Pearce makes a grip extension that replaces the flat base on those 10 round magazines without one. So, let’s address five of the most common questions about SIG’s powerhouse pocket pistol, the P365. The P365 is the perfect size to conceal and it’s got an unprecedented 10-round magazine, making it one of the best pistols out there for home defense. Let the slide back forward and it should come right off. 250 rounds, no issues. I have to drop the magazine to get the slide to close. Lubricating my P365 usually only takes a few well-placed drops of oil. The GLOCK 26, on the other hand, also holds 10+1 rounds, but is larger and heavier than the P365. On the 212th shot, the Federal aluminum 115-grain case failed to extract and a double-feed occurred. It’s also, according to its grip dimensions, made for folks who have smaller hands—the grip is quite small as compared to just about every other pistol. The rear sight on the P365 XL slide is removable, to allow a red dot sight to be attached. The P365 magazine springs are stiff at first. SIG Sauer recommends that any marksman using the P365 uses newly-manufactured SAAMI or NATO-compliant ammunition. I do have over 8000 rounds thru mine so it's probably a little easier. That is a huge problem, will not buy one until its fixed. Why would you want to release the slide with an empty magazine inserted? Let the magazine release out and set it off to the side. I'm instantly impressed, probably because I've been waiting for so long. We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders. The mag is out and the slide is locked back but the damn takedown lever will not go to 6 o'clock position no matter how hard I force it. I apologize for the poor quality of this. .hide-if-no-js { If you have a ml in there somewhere it’s not gonna get back into the pistol in any way, shape, or form. I do have one little problem that I'd like to ask you guys about. I assume you are trying to use the slide catch lever on the new magazine with the strong new spring? (I always pay a little special attention to the extractor and make sure to carefully oil in between the rails. Gunshot Wounds: What Happens If You’re Shot? Streamlight TLR-6 . SIG does have special ammo specially-designed for the P365, including training 115-grain FMJ as well as Defensive 115-grain JHP. The P365 is sometimes compared to the GLOCK 43 because of its size. Sig Sauer makes some of the best civilian self-defense firearms in the industry, especially when it comes to concealed carry needs. But, if you can’t wait to get back to the real fun of shooting this gun, here’s a more simplified checklist: That’s all there is to cleaning your SIG P365! This won’t make much difference if you draw from a holster, but it makes a huge difference if you draw from any kind of pocket. Any tips? Two years ago SIG SAUER shook up the concealed carry market with the release of the P365. The Sig P365 sight adjustment for windage is as simple as moving the rear sight in the direction that you want the shot group to move. Compact RX Slide Assembly, P320C ... P365 SAS Slide Assembly . I picked it up at the LGS today, finding a build date of 4 January 2019. We want you, our readers, to be able to make informed decisions. P365 SAS Slide Assembly ... P365 MOBILE HARD CASE WITH CUSTOM FOAM - BLACK . Can I prepay or get on a list? Beyond that, we found it took a bit more work compared to the standard Sig P365 sights, which are pretty darn decent. View Product. One on each slide rail and one on the part where the barrel makes contact. But then add the magazine spring pressure, as the follower is pushing up on the lever. (Make sure the barrel end is still pointed down!). The SIG P365 is a striker-fired 9mm Striker fired semi-auto featuring a steel frame, XRAY3 Day/Night sights, a 10-round flush fit magazine, and black polymer grips. Sig Sauer Slides. Someone asked on a Facebook group and I literally just pulled out the camera and went for it. Time limit exceeded. Product #: 1568920. Rotate the disassembly lever right next to the slide release button 90 degrees. When you grasp the top of the slide to release it and scoop up the top round in a fresh magazine, the maneuver feels great, and there is just enough slide area to make it a sure and simple process. ... We’re going to hit the magazine release and your magazine will drop out. P365SAS $22.50 World renowned and the choice for many of the premier global military, law enforcement and commercial users. On the opposite side, you should be able to locate the slide release fairly easily. Please click the reload button and complete the captcha once again. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Over time how I carried the SIG P365 has changed slightly, and my current carry setup is as follows. All of my SIGs are sort of like your description. On the opposite side, you should be able to locate the slide release fairly easily. Shopping with us is absolutely safe - you never have to worry about credit card safety when shopping here... Share your latest AR build or photos from the range with #RangeDayFriday for a chance to win a new firearm! While there is no safety lever on the trigger’s face, the P365 does have a manual thumb safety (on some variants), making it one of the safest concealed-carry weapons on the market. Guns is a locally owned and run business. As low as $25.00. The Romeo Zero release will be released around the same time as the P365 XL. Easy carry After a long and patient wait, my P365 finally arrived. Quickie update: last Friday brought me some range time. I had the same issue as TFBTV’s James Reeve’s: reassembly of the slide onto the frame required me to push up on the slide lock lever – most Sig slides slip back on with just a push to the rear. SIG P365 … Rotate the disassembly lever right next to the slide release button 90 degrees. The pistol is devoid of complication — it has four controls: trigger, magazine release, slide-lock and takedown lever. display: none !important; But, like with any gun suddenly skyrocketing to fame, curious marksmen (including myself) started asking more detailed questions about this weapon: Is it easy to clean? Push up on the release and pull the slide back completely. Save Compare. For the rails, I prefer using a pick, but a toothbrush should work fine in a pinch.). It takes a significant amount of pressure to release the slide. Don't, IMO. I just checked mine and it releases just fine empty mag 12 rd, takes a little bit of effort. P365XL OWB Leather Holster - Mitch Rosen . ... SLIDE ASSEMBLY, 365, 9 MM, X-RAY 3 W/ SQUARE SHAPED REAR NOTCH . Work in some lubricant all around the frame, then you can repeat the process with a clean dry patch. The P365’s controls include the left-side-only take-down lever and slide lock/release, and a user-reversible (left- or right-side)magazine release. Let the. When will you have the P365 in stock? For instance, if you are shooting left of center, you will push the rear sight to the right. 8 16 shots later the same thing happened. Now that you’ve got the answers to questions about everything from cleaning to accessories, you can decide for yourself if this powerhouse pistol is the right fit for you. The Brass Stacker pull ring shouldn't have done anything to make the slide catch any harder to press allowing the slide to go into battery. In this guide, I’ll cover the best SIG P365 accessories and upgrades to get the… While the GLOCK 43 magazine holds six rounds, the SIG P365 will hold an unprecedented 10+1 rounds —double-stack capacity in a single-stack-sized package. After a long and patient wait, my P365 finally arrived. The slides and frames of the variants are interchangeable; for example, the longer slide (and barrel) of a P365 XL can be used on a P365 frame and vice versa. If you can’t find these rounds at your local retailer, however, my top choice for the P365 is Federal’s HST Micro. And the recoil spring pressure is what creates friction between the slide catch lever and the slide. If you’ve used the P365, you’re already familiar with 99% of the P365 SAS. The Shooter's Log, is to provide information—not opinions—to our customers and the shooting community. By shoehorning 10+1 rounds into a pistol the size and weight of every other mainstream company’s 6+1 round offering, they turned heads and changed minds. Here’s my process: Now, you’re ready to reassemble! The SIG P365 is also easier on the trigger finger and gives much more purchase on the grip than the G26 (for me, at least). With its impressive capacity in such a small package, it’s completely transformed what is possible and now expected from slim subcompact pistols. The Sporting Arms and Ammunitions Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI) creates specific industry standards for safety, interchangeability, reliability and quality of firearms, ammo and components. I'm instantly impressed, probably because I've been waiting for so long. When I first looked at the press release I was a bit in disbelief, so I made it a priority to get one in hand to put her through the paces. In October 2019, a SIG Anti-Snag (SAS) version of the P365 was released. BLACK POINT, P365, IWB, LH HOLSTER ... SIG P365 Bring More Everyday T-Shirt .  −  After several hundred rounds downrange and an adequate amount of time with it on my belt, here are my in-depth thoughts and EDC review of the SIG P365! Do you have any more questions about the SIG P365? Please Wait. The SIG Sauer P365 has SIG’s XRay3 day-night sights, a tritium three-dot sight set which we love. America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, Answers to 5 Common Questions About the SIG P365, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). I run the dry patch in and around all components several times until it comes out clean. It’s no surprise that the P365 — one of their smallest handguns yet — is a popular seller. Save Compare. Please click the reload button and complete the captcha once again. Week-In-Review News Roundup: January 31-February 6, 2021, Review: Dickinson Arms Marine Pump-Action Shotgun, Self-Defense Calibers: Best and Worst Options, Have Gun, Will Travel: Transporting Your Handgun Across the United States, BANNED: An Overview of Restricted Guns, Ammo and Parts in Each State, The Top 15 Most Concealable Semi-Automatic Handguns, Hit the magazine release button on the side. I have noticed similar situations to what the OP describes (having to apply ridiculous pressure to release the slide on a new gun) in both certain new glocks and in particular with a Hudson H9 (was absurdly hard). The Streamlight TLR-6 is a purpose-built miniature weapon light that has been designed for subcompact weapons. Price $299.99. This was about 200 rounds in after shooting a variety of SIG Sauer FMJ loads. Save Compare. Next, wipe down the guide rod and spring, clearing it of any debris. Two drops on the barrel, one on each end spreading the oil around the whole surface. Sig Sauer P365 Part 4 Tale of the Tape By Dennis Adler This is the Tale of the Tape, the 1:1 comparison between the 9mm Sig Sauer P365 and the .177 caliber CO2 model. I picked it up at the LGS today, finding a build date of 4 January 2019. Before you go spending $1000 to tune a stock Sig Sauer P365 9mm, make sure this wasn’t the custom Sig you wanted all along. This is a pistol made specifically for everyday carry, and even more specifically for times when carrying a larger gun is not preferred or not possible, but you still want a few extra rounds. The information provided here does not represent the views of Cheaper Than Dirt! P365 -- difficult slide release. Push up on the release and pull the slide back completely. You also get a trick Meprolight FT front sight that works like a very vague red dot sights system. Overall length is 5.8 inches, height 4.5 inches, (9mm with finger extension magazine), width … Effectively, everything about the P365 has been slimmed down, streamlined, and made so that nothing on the gun can catch on anything. All comments are held for moderation and will appear after approval. What kinds of add-ons can I put on it? Please be respectful of others. For an incredibly detailed explanation of how to clean your P365, you can always refer to your included user manual. SAS stands for Sig Anti-Snag System(missed opportunity to name it the SASS if you ask me…). … With an empty magazine in place and the slide locked back, I cannot release the slide. Just reverse the steps from when you took it apart and your SIG P365 is cleaned, lubed and ready to roll. Best Sig Sauer 365 Upgrades 1. Every dimension of the P365 is smaller except the width, which is the same size. Let’s take a look at the best Sig Sauer firearms for concealed carry. This feature alone could solve the Sig P365 XL VS Sig P365 debate for those of you that love red dot sights. In case your getting ready to ask, it's also OK if the slide does not go into battery when you slowly ride it closed instead of letting it close at full speed. Let us know in the comments down below! Easy disassembly and clean The main difference between the two weapons is the amount of rounds each magazine can hold. How to clean your SIG Sauer makes some of the P365 SAS slide Assembly... MOBILE! Took a bit more work compared to the extractor and make sure barrel! To drop the magazine to get the slide locked back, I can not release the slide catch easy. Alone could solve the SIG Sauer P365 has SIG ’ s XRay3 sights... 115-Grain JHP on each slide rail and one on each end spreading the oil around the size! Used the P365 more work compared to regular pistols P365 MOBILE HARD case with CUSTOM FOAM - BLACK alone solve! 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