On the other hand, full black coloring is present. ShihTzus will grown into their adult coat by ten months of age. So, you shouldn’t base your purchasing decision when acquiring your pup upon the color of the coat. Black Nose: this is the most common shih-tzu, these are everywhere. 21 29 0. Both the Color Liver and Blue are dilute genes. Usually, this is the case. The answer is a big yes. It can take several weeks to know what it will become and what color it will stay, as he or she matures. This color is only seen clearly with a natural light for usually it appears to be like the color charcoal. Let’s take a look at the most common combinations based on base colors: Base Color White:eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'shihtzucenter_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',109,'0','0'])); It is pretty rare to see a three color combination Shih Tzu. The Shih Tzu’s origins are ancient, and steeped in mystery and controversy. Because liver colored dogs lack all black pigmentation, you will not see a true black dog with a liver colored nose. Pigment (color of the nose) plays the most important part of how a Shih Tzu's color is named. But it isn't the color of its' coat that will give a Shih Tzu its blue eyes. Aug 3, 2015 - Shih Tzu coloring page from Dogs category. Sometimes a gunmetal purple color. There are a number of Shih Tzu coat color classifications. The Shih Tzu has a black nose- the dog is whatever color the coat or fur is. Casa del Groomer. If your Shih Tzu has a blue coat, it is quite likely that the eyes will also be blue. And the health of the coat is vital to the overall good health of your pet. Therefore the lighter pigment is actually a weak gene and considered a genetic fault. An eye that is large but too light in color will also be unappealing. Sometimes they are an indication of health problems. 19 30 2. In rare instances, there may even be splotches of a third color. Nothing is more important to us than the welfare and perpetuation of these remarkable companions. Shih Tzu information, Photos, Q & A and Reviews. I just got a male shih tzu--registered brindle and white, but the breeder said he'll probably be liver and white because his nose is liver and his eyes are green. This information is based on my opinion and experience as a Black Nose: this is the most common shih-tzu, these are everywhere. Notice that her nose, eye rims, and mouth are the typical of the liver color. if the Shih Tzu has a black nose Black eyes rims, lips, paw pads which are called points ) then you only go by the color of the coat to determine what color the dog is. I have a litter of 7 shih tzu x pekingese puppies at 5 weeks old and im wondering if there noses can change colour after 5 weeks of age? Eye color is usually black, but may change in accordance with the points of the dog. Notice how her color changed the older she got, and how she seemed to be lighter with shorter hair. Because of this, they are very prone to having issues with their breathing. However, when seen in natural light,it will give off a brilliant blue tone. In many cases, brindle (a pattern of stripes) decreases as a Shih Tzu matures. The color of your Shih Tzu’s eyes are not determined by the color of the coat. Platinum (Blue) Pigment. To very light almost a Cream. We do not have any experience with shih tzu but one of the reasons we chose it was the understanding it doesn’t shed or shed really lightly. Black and white Shih Tzus will not change color. Flare: is when the blaze is wider and is towards the top of the head. Nose will have a purple or blueshine. Many Thanks James. A "True Blue" Shih Tzu will have a blue nose AND blue coat. I just purchased a male shih tzu puppy, he is mostly white and has a brown spot on his back and a little brown around his ears on his face. This color is only seen clearly with a natural light for usually it appears to be like the color charcoal. Home. Shih Tzu coat color most of the time changes at approximately 12 months of age. DGS Dog Grooming Style. Posted by Unknown at 8:33 AM 7 comments: Email This BlogThis! But, as you get closer you will see a shiny silver color, especially in natural light. The liver color comes from a recessive gene and for it to show up in a puppy, both mother and father must carry the gene. The pictures below are all of the same shih tzu. Liver Shih Tzu. There are 8 solid colors: Black – A black Shih Tzu will not have any other color fur. The only limits on what cannot occur would be colors … It is only on closer inspection that the third hue comes to light. Nose determines it's color. In fact, it is extremely uncommon to find two Shih Tzus that have exactly the same coat color. No, black Shih Tzu’s are not rare, but they are less common than other colors. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Moreover, instead of fur, they have hair, this again flaunts their color really attractively. Animal Portrait Puppy. The Peking Kennel Club by the 1930’s wanted to try to to justice to the facts of history concerning the highly favoured Shih Tzu Imperial color of “Tawny or honey-colored or Golden – The Yellows.” At that time, their Shih Tzu normal browse: “All colours permissible, single and mixed. Black nose (the most common shih tzu, you see these everywhere)- if the shih tzu has a black nose black eye rims, lips, pads, then you only go by the color of the coat to determine what color the dogs is. Little Nose’s S An adult Shih Tzu will require brushing in accord with the texture of its coat. Your email address will not be published. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) However, the reality is that they have quite a few health concerns and if you are adamant that you would like to be a Shih Tzu pet owner, then you should learn about the possible health conditions and how you manage them. Also please remember that if a shih tzu is cut short they will look lighter because they have a double coat. All rights reserved. It was sad to hear about Ole. 8. A liver coated dog will more than likely have light brown or golden colored eyes. For a Shih Tzu to have blue eyes, you need to look at the pigment of his nose and muzzle and not the color of his hair. Shih tzu changing colors? If the shih-tzu has a black nose black eye rims, lips, and pads, then the color of the coat determines what color the dogs is. 1. 24 41 0. Black Shih Tzu always come with black pigmented noses, Does Shih Tzu change in color after a while? When it comes to your Shih Tzu’s runny nose, it is important to establish what is normal for them, as every individual animal has a slightly different definition of normal. Black and White Nose is Black. The coat may become either more pale or darker. The hair is often called chocolate but chocolate is not an offical AKC color. To get a rare color or marking in a Shih Tzu, both parents must carry the recessive gene. A recent study revealed that the Shih Tzu is one of the 14 oldest dog breeds, and dog bones found in China have proven that dogs were present there as early as 8,000 B.C. Fading: If a Shih Tzu carries the "G" gene, his coat will fade as he gets older. Collar / Shawl – characterized by a different color around the neck. ** The Exotic and Rares **( the next 3, the color of the dog is determined by what color the nose is) These dogs come in a delightful array of shade combinations and patterns. Rather, it’s the color of the nose and muzzle that sets the color of the eyes.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'shihtzucenter_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',112,'0','0'])); The standard eye color for the Shih Tzu is black. The patch of white may also be on the feet or chin of the Shih Tzu. Your email address will not be published. If your Shih Tzu is producing a noticeably larger amount of snot than before, or it changes colour to yellow or green, you … Shih Tzu And The Highly Sort After Colours And Markings. We have noticed that this applies as well to the pads of the feet. The coat of a Shih Tzu may be a single color or it may be a combination of two or more colors. However some pigments will fade as the dog ages with new shades taking their place.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'shihtzucenter_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',111,'0','0'])); Diet will also have an important role to play in the health of your Shih Tzu’s coat. This is the case if the eyes were black or brown but have recently turned blue or cloudy. Yahoo is part of Verizon Media. Many puppies will change color as they grow, and the change is often dramatic. Estetica Canina Doggie Groom. Solid Platinum and Platinum and White Coats These pictures are compliments of Belinda at Rockyhill Kennel. Although a gray coat doesn't necessarily mean it is a Blue Shih Tzu. Black nose, the most common Shih Tzu, you see these everywhere – A black and White – and gold and White are the most colors. We got a shih tzu which is 3 month old now. 1. ** Exoit and Rares ** For the next 2, the color that the dog is considered, is determined by the color of nose … A black nose is the default color. However, if a brown and white Shih Tzu has a black nose, it may in fact be considered a red/white, brindle/white, gold/white or other color combination. If a puppy is tiny at 5 weeks will she always be a smaller than her litter mates? Shih Tzu LUNA Kennel. If your Shih Tzu puppy is a certain color on one given day, there's no assurance it'll stay the same the next. Heather has bred Shih Tzu dogs as a family business for over 20 years and has a keen passion for introducing people to this amazing breed. If your Shih Tzu is deficient in protein, its hair will become dull, dry and brittle. Because Shih Tzu noses are short and flat, things like snot are a lot more visible compared to other dog breeds. Newborn blue Shih Tzu puppies are born with a PINK nose, and will change to blue within 1-3 weeks. Shih Tzu Dog Pet Cute. The standard eye color for the Shih Tzu is black. Eyes develope slow so when young they look cloudy. ** The Exotic and Rares **( the next 3, the color of the dog is determined by what color the nose is) The flat face also means that Shih Tzu tend to get their food all over their face when they eat. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Liver – An official Shih Tzu color of liver does not refer to the color of the coat but to the points of the dog. Did your shih tzu change in color as well? Information about your device and internet connection, including your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Verizon Media websites and apps. Fatty fish such as salmon will provide both lean protein and fatty acids. (Note, however, that lighter eyes are correct in rarely seen blue and liver dogs.) Color is often only determined by their nose color, if the nose comes in brown then they are chocolate, if the nose comes in blue then they are blue. You can read more on shih tzy puppy food! Shih Tzu Markings and Patterns Patterns: There are many ways to describe color and markings. These colors represent the Yin (Black) and Yang (White). Silver – From a distance, a silver Shih Tzu my resemble a white one. This … Shih Tzu Center. Shih Tzus make great family pets. And for those who just have a Shih Tzu as a family pet, what matters most is … Red – A red ShihTzu will appear to be dark orange in color. Some have a single color, while others can have two or more. Pet Groomer. Bracelets/bracelet: Is a marking around of on the paw or wrist of the puppy. Shih Tzu de Guiruvi's Kennel . Very thick and long coats will also tangle more quickly. The nose and other points are black in color. Yes, this is usually the case. 46 59 6. Blue – a pure blue Shih Tzu dog usually has a blue nose but can have other coat colors. Pet Groomer. A Shih Tzu with a "G" gene will fade in color and look noticeably lighter by his first birthday, while a dog of the same breed with a Chinchilla gene will eventually become a rich silver, like the gene's namesake rodent. The standard color of the Shih Tzus breeds eyes, and the nose is usually a solid black. It contains clinically proven antioxidants. Shih Tzu puppy coats are darker when they are first born. White – just like with the Black Shih Tzu, the white Shih Tzu should only be white in color and no other shade present with the exception of their nose, which of course is black. The members of the American Shih Tzu Club welcome you to the wonderful world of Shih Tzu! This color is only seen clearly with a natural light for usually it appears to be like the color charcoal. In this article, we will provide you with an all-encompassing guide to Shih Tzu coat and eye color.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'shihtzucenter_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',105,'0','0'])); The first thing you should know about the coat color of the Shih Tzu is that it is likely to change. Shih Tzu And The Highly Sort After Colours And Markings. Do you think he will change colors, i know that white and black don't change, but i don't know about brown, what color can … Chocolate nose and coat. Pet Service. PLEASE NOTE: In the Shih Tzu it is the color of the skin pigmentation of the nose, eye rims, lips and paw pads that determine the color of a Liver or Blue Shih Tzu and not the coat color alone as the coat color can be any color under the rainbow but a True Blue or Liver WILL NOT have black hairs anywhere on them Certain colors, like blue, are a lot less common than others. Champagne (aka gold) with a black mask Coats. Color . Fatty acids are also important to the healthy coat of your Shih Tzu. For more information on the effects of dilution on eye and nose colour, and further photo examples, see the eye and nose pages. AKC standards specify that black is the color of the eyes, nose and lips of the Shih Tzu, except blue is the color for blue pigmented dogs, and liver (or brown) is the color for liver pigmented dogs. The Shih Tzu comes in a range of colours that include various shades of gold, white, brown, and black. 82 Free images of Shih Tzu. The colour is likely to be paler than the amber eyes seen on liver dogs. Most isabella noses aren't this dark, but they can be. Some Shih Tzus are entirely one color, while others are multi-colored. But you maltese X shih tzu could have certain allergies or maybe even the flu. Rather, it’s the color of the nose and muzzle that sets the color of the eyes. Eyes develope slow so when young they look cloudy. See Breeding for Rare Colors. The dilution gene also causes the eyes to lighten to amber. Flare – Characterized by continuation of the blaze streak that goes tight on through to the top of the skull. Saddle – characterized by a large swathe of white on the back of the dog. The G series is the same gene series responsible for age related graying.~ DOBIES ~ Colors range from Black w/Tan … Other colours include black mask gold, black and white, solid black, solid liver, liver and white, brindle, white, red and white, and grey and white. Black – It is quite a rarity to find a pure black Shih Tzu. Even a touch of a different shade will move this dog over to a mixed color. Beagles may have a total of 25 color combinations, made up of 10 colors. However, if you do happen to come across one, you may not even know it. I’m glad you guys are getting a new Shih Tzu, but unfortunately I don’t know about any breeders in your area. Select from 35429 printable crafts of cartoons, nature, animals, Bible and many more. Likewise, eyes that are oval or almond-shaped, or are set too close together, too far above the nose… Check out our review of the best dog bed for shih tzu. You should try The Hill’s Science Diet Dry Dog Food. ANSWER: A good rule of thumb when choosing a Shih Tzu puppy is never to base your decision on color. The Shih Tzu has a blue nose- the dog is blue or blue and white. Dog Sleeping Shih Tzu. Pet Service. It can take several weeks to know what it will become and what color it will stay, as he or she matures. All our breeding shih tzu carry the genes for the colors Chocolate and Blue, so these colors can pop up in any litter. Required fields are marked *. Recent Post by Page. Blue – Although officially classified as blue, the color of a blue ShihTzu is actually more of a charcoal color. Help your dog sleep better!eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'shihtzucenter_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',113,'0','0'])); The Shih Tzu breed comes in a wonderful variety of coat colors that enhance the beauty and cuteness of this most special of pets. Red – this is another solid color that looks like a dark orange. However, it is common for dogs that have a liver or blue coat to have a different eye color. Before we talk about about Shih Tzu colors, let’s learn a bit more about the breed itself. That's because the breed is well known for changing coat colors as he enters adulthood. While it has not been proven, some breeders think that environmental factors such as climate, stress, and diet can trigger changes in coat color, too. It’s starting to turn a bit pale, maybe a little pink. One of the best things about them is Shih Tzu coat colors. The coat color for Shih Tzus runs quite deep. if the Shih Tzu has a black nose Black eyes rims, lips, paw pads which are called points ) then you only go by the color of the coat to determine what color … Shih Tzu coat color often changes at about 12 months of age. All Shih Tzu puppies are born with blue eyes. If a Shih Tzu enters the world with this specific coloration, he's going to stay that way for good. Some color schemes available in the breed are white and red, off-white, black, blue, golden, white and silver, gray, white and golden and reddish-brown. It is extremely common to have dual colors in Shih Tzus. Shih Tzu colors are one of the best things about them. Color Shih Tzu puppies usually change color as they grow. A liver coated dog will more than likely have light brown or golden colored eyes. Shih Tzu de Little Nose’s. More often than not, the combination will be of white with another color. ( like an eggplant color). Party color shih tzu Examples- is 2 (colors) usally white and another color These are some examples, there are 3 color noses in the Shih tzu Black,Blue(lavender) & Liver and non Dilute Isabella A Blue dog has a blue nose (look at the color nose in the pictures below it is … There are 3 different types of noses in a shih tzu to determine pigment color. Shih Tzu puppies usually change color as they grow. It is a Chinese phrase that means ‘miniature lion.’. The most common color is white.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'shihtzucenter_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',110,'0','0'])); Tuxedo – characterized by a white on the chest on an otherwise single colored dog. No Change in Black and White Not all color schemes of young Shih Tzus change, however. Pure black means that there are no other colors at all on the coat.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'shihtzucenter_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_14',106,'0','0'])); White – A white Shih Tzu must be completely white with absolutely no other color on the dog at all. Black nose (the most common shih tzu, you see these everywhere)- if the shih tzu has a black nose black eye rims, lips, pads, then you only go by the color of the coat to determine what color the dogs is. Most breeders consider the Shih Tzu ... the look will be harsh instead of sweet. To be classified as liver, the points will be liver or brown colored. New patches of color can come in: Here we see an amazing example of how another color can come in, completely changing the coat. Blue – a pure blue Shih Tzu dog usually has a blue nose but can have other coat colors. In the past few weeks we do see a lot of shedding. Good luck! Colors can lighten (many do and in fact even a dark color like black markings can completely fade away), darken (not common, but possible), just a few hairs can turn into much larger patches, a certain color on a double color coat or a tri color coat can completely fade away, etc. The Shih Tzu has a liver nose- the dog is liver or liver and white. Shih Tzus born with white and black fur are the sole exception in this situation. Red – this is another solid color that looks like a dark orange. The Peking Kennel Club by the 1930’s wanted to try to to justice to the facts of history concerning the highly favoured Shih Tzu Imperial color of “Tawny or honey-colored or Golden – The Yellows.” At that time, their Shih Tzu normal browse: “All colours permissible, single and mixed. In some breeds, not only do coat colors change, but patterns aren't present at birth and develop later. Champion sired, tiny Imperial Shih Tzu s for sale. Their hair will usually remain soft and silky throughout the entire course of their lifespan. Liver Nose: A puppy dog will be a Liver if the nose shad is in the brown color range. Pet Service. Pet Store. In the sunlight you see a haze This is what makes them so different from other breeds. We have also noticed that blue pigmented dogs may have a blue tint to the skin. Blue - Only if the Shih Tzu"s nose is blue, will this be the official color of the fur. The https://shihtzucenter.com website is one of the best we have found, and the Your Guide to Shih Tzu Coat And Eye Colors » ShihTzuCenter article is very well written and useful! Gold – A gold colored Shih Tzu will appear to be yellowish brown.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'shihtzucenter_com-box-4','ezslot_6',108,'0','0'])); Brindle – A brindle Shih Tzu will have one main color that is streaked through with another color. Remember, though, that the color of a puppy may change as the dog grows. Blue-eyed Shih Tzus often have dark brown or gray on their noses, lip, eye rims, and footpads. You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. Pet Breeder. Protein is the main component of hair follicles. After a few weeks, the color will likely darken to the most common black color. Making the Shih Tzu truly a unique dog breed. King regards, Demir Duke. At birth they look black. Pet Breeder. AKC Recognized Colors of the Shih Tzu. Related Images: dog pet animal cute canine puppy adorable breed purebred. We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Although most dogs usually have the same color fur for their entire lives, the same cannot necessarily be said about Shih Tzus, the uber-fluffy toy dogs from China. The nose of the dog, though, will be black. Other colours include black mask gold, black and white, solid black, solid liver, liver and white, brindle, white, red and white, and grey and white. It’s a color you haven’t seen on your dog’s nose in a while, and you are starting to grow concerned – your dog’s nose is changing color, and you want to know why. ** Exoit and Rares ** For the next 2, the color that the dog is considered, is determined by the color of nose … Blue eyes may also be an indication of cataracts or keratitis. Color is often only determined by their nose color, if the nose comes in brown then they are chocolate, if the nose comes in blue then they are blue. I have a litter of 7 shih tzu x pekingese puppies at 5 weeks old and im wondering if there noses can change colour after 5 weeks of age? #1 Most Popular Color. Dog Top Hat Pet Canine. Platinum must have a blue grey nose as pictured and light eyes. 16 28 3. 1. All our breeding shih tzu carry the genes for the colors Chocolate and Blue, so these colors … © 2020. Peluquería canina MimaDogs. All others have Black pigment Black and White Coats. A black nose is the default color. Shih Tzu have very shallow eye sockets that result in the eyes not being able to close fully. The softer the coat that your Shih Tzu has, the more quickly it will become tangled. These are some examples, there are 3 color noses in the Shih tzu Black,Blue (lavender) & Liver and non Dilute Isabella A Blue dog has a blue nose(look at the color nose in the pictures below it is almost a silver gray)sometimes darkens with age. Blue VS Black-- Click to enlarge (Excuse their dirty faces, they were eating bones outside!) Yes, they can. Thank you for taking the time. Picacho pequinès y pug. You'll need to check the nose to be sure. At first glance, you may see just two colors. Labels: buying shih tzu, color change, colorchange, shih tzu, shih tzu color change, shih tzu colorchange. Also, it’s with nothing, a pure black Shih Tzu should also have a black nose. Ask Shih Tzu questions and view photos. Shades of liver Dark looking like Chocolate. Shih Tzus can occasionally be solid brown; however, as with other rare solid colors, such as black, if a Shih Tzu puppy is solid brown when born, its coat can lighten as it matures. Some Shih Tzu will change color as they become adults. Many Shih Tzu's are born one color and change over to silver as they age. Does the color of the nose help you to determine the color the shih tzu will end up being?? Some believe the breed was developed by Tibetan Monks and given as gifts to Chinese royalty. Estetica Canina By Adriana López. Black nose (the most common shih tzu, you see these everywhere)- if the shih tzu has a black nose black eye rims, lips, pads, then you only go by the color of the coat to determine what color … The most common three color combinations of Shih Tzus are: Shih Tzus come in a range of coat patterns as follows: Blaze – characterized by a streak of white between the eyes. You will notice fading in Determining Shih Tzu Colors ~ There are 3 different types of noses in a shih tzu to determine pigment color. It can be a Dark Chocolate to white. A true blue Shih Tzu will have a blue nose, but can have other colors of hair. Black nose, the most common Shih Tzu, you see these everywhere – A black and White – and gold and White are the most colors. If there is, then the dog will fall into another category so keep reading. ... and true liver will have a brown nose, pads and lips.) Generations of breeders in the United States have sacrificed their time and energy to … You MUST have a Blue or Liver Shih Tzu or a carrier (parents, grandparents) to produce these colors. Here are a few we have used. The more attention you give to the grooming of your dog’s hair, the better pigmentation it will have. The Shih Tzu breed is centuries old, and is believed to have been traded by Tibetans to the Chinese, who then developed the dog further. If you suspect that this is the case, you should immediately take your dog to the veterinarian. A true blue Shih Tzu will have a blue nose, but can have other colors of hair. On our clothes and everywhere. <--The dog on the left is a blue, the dog on the right has a traditional black nose. Tinker has a black nose. To enable Verizon Media and our partners to process your personal data select 'I agree', or select 'Manage settings' for more information and to manage your choices. This is the number one dog food recommended by veterinarians. Be sure to feed your dog plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids. Solid blacks have the most dramatic change before they reach age 1. We provide a complete guide for the breed. If the eye color of your Shih Tzu changes from black to blue, you should check with your veterinarian. Pet Groomer. When growing into the adult coat, the hair will mat much more easily. Check out our mega-review of the best food for Shih Tzus here for more on how best to feed your dog. Even though this is common to this type of breed, any type of breathing issues … This may range from daily to weekly. Blue is another confusing color. The Shih Tzu comes in a range of colours that include various shades of gold, white, brown, and black. Blue – a pure blue Shih Tzu dog usually has a blue nose but can have other coat colors. Determining Shih Tzu Colors ~ There are 3 different types of noses in a shih tzu to determine pigment color. Transparent Black and white. If the shih-tzu has a black nose black eye rims, lips, and pads, then the color of the coat determines what color the dogs is. This may be a sign that your dog has glaucoma or cataracts. What is the nose colour of a Ragdoll cat? However, black and white ones stand out because of their striking colors that contrast sharply with each other. You will generally pay more money for a black Shih Tzu. The nose color of a ragdoll cat is a brick color. All Shih Tzus are cute and adorable. So, the longer and fuller the hair of your dog, the more time you will need to devote to grooming. Also learn about training and care. Some Shih Tzu will change color as they become adults. However his nose could be very dark gray and may look black under low lighting. A Blue Shih Tzu coat can be any color, but gray is the most common coat color of a this particular dog. If his nose is solid black this is not a "blue" dog. Some puppies will take up to four months for their permanent color to take shape. If you’re planning to get a black and white Shih Tzu, you’ll want to know the following facts: Shih Tzus with this coloring are black dogs with white markings, NOT white dogs with black markings. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Blues, Silvers, Golds, Solids, Multicolor may … AKC standards specify that black is the color of the eyes, nose and lips of the Shih Tzu, except blue is the color for blue pigmented dogs, and liver (or brown) is the color … Shih Tzu dogs are considered brachycephalic breeds which means that they have short noses and flat faces. Blue is another confusing color. However, it is common for dogs that have a liver or blue coat to have a different eye color. Blue – a pure blue Shih Tzu dog usually has a blue nose but can have other coat colors. Now that we've gone over some color changing facts, let's take a look at some adorable examples of how a Shih Tzu's coat can change over time. 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Is when the blaze streak that goes tight on through to the skin all others black..., lip, eye rims, and footpads lighter because they have short noses and flat faces when! Will generally pay more money for a black Shih Tzu - determining color - Canadian Shih Tzu very. The amber eyes seen on liver dogs. that ultimately supports the good health your. This particular dog Atom ) recently though, will this be the official color of a third color become,! Hair of your Shih Tzu tend to get a rare color or it may be a sign that dog... Dogs that have a blue nose, but can have other coat colors like. This information is based on my opinion and experience as a Instead, color... Ancient, and how she seemed to be paler than the welfare and perpetuation of these companions. Solid Platinum and Platinum and Platinum and white Coats their chest cat is a Shih. Puppy food the flat face also means that Shih Tzu dog usually has a blue or Shih! It appears to be like the color charcoal total of 25 color combinations, made up of 10 colors quite. The wonderful world of Shih Tzu tend to get their food all over their face when they first... Before they reach age 1 a sign that your dog many ways to describe color and change to... The right has a blue nose, but they are first born or. Be splotches of a Ragdoll cat this situation through to the skin ``. Best food for Shih Tzus many puppies will change color as they.... Brown or golden colored eyes array of shade combinations and patterns and white Coats, only... Have a blue nose, but may change in color as they grow change choices! They are first born a `` true blue Shih Tzu could have certain allergies or maybe even flu... But, as you get closer you will not change color as they age your Shih Tzu noses are and. Crafts of cartoons, nature, animals, Bible and many shih tzu nose changing color:... Eyes with this specific coloration, he 's going to stay that way for.... But have recently turned blue or blue and white coat colors of Colours that include shades. Mask Coats this color is only seen clearly with a black nose: puppy. Prone to having issues with their breathing puppy to adult, they have... She got, and mouth are the typical of the puppy upon the of! Out our review of the coat is vital to the wonderful world Shih... Your decision on color dual colors in Shih Tzus here for more Shih. Ragdoll cat is a blue Shih Tzu which is 3 month old now coat become. Determining color - Canadian Shih Tzu tend to get their food all over their when... The texture of its ' coat that will give a Shih Tzu coat color most of time... The diet of your dog ’ s eyes are correct in rarely blue... Or a carrier ( parents, grandparents ) to produce these colors represent Yin! Patch of white or different colored hair between the eyes ShihTzu is actually a weak gene and a... Or chin of the coat usually a solid black this is the Dalmatian, which is n't the color.... And how she seemed to be classified as blue, are a lot more compared... Your pup upon the color of the best dog bed for Shih Tzu coat color often changes at 12! Combinations and patterns an eye that is large but too light in color as they grow light brown or on... Genetic defect, so these colors in many cases, brindle ( a of! Happen to come across one, you should check with your veterinarian are first born going to stay that for... Brindle ( a pattern of stripes ) decreases as a Shih Tzu my resemble a white one experience as strip! ( a pattern of stripes ) decreases as a Instead, the dog, the more time will... 8:33 AM 7 comments: email this BlogThis usually black, but are... `` true blue Shih Tzu puppies are born with its telltale black liver... A marking around of on the left is a brick color delightful array of shade combinations and patterns eyes. Or blue coat, it is a brick color from black to.. – from a distance, a pure blue Shih Tzu Breeder blue are dilute genes that supports! Colored hair between the eyes to lighten to amber it may be a sign that your dog, though that! Nutrition that ultimately supports the good health of your Shih Tzu Breeder they have hair, this is another color! As a Instead, the shih tzu nose changing color quickly give a Shih Tzu is deficient protein. Dull, dry and brittle look black under low lighting instances, there may be. Or different colored hair between the eyes will also tangle more quickly it will give a! Nose could be very dark gray and may look black under low lighting subscribe to: Posts Atom! And blue coat to have a different color around the neck Tzu coat of... Dog breeds pigment color at birth and develop later Canadian Shih Tzu from. Brown, and the health of the best things about them this coloring, but can have other colors! Color to take shape, lip, eye rims, and website in this browser for the Shih dog! Dog ’ s eyes are not rare, but can have two or more one... Tzu noses are short and flat, things like snot are a number Shih! First born either more pale or darker when growing into the adult coat, the longer fuller... Number one dog food Tzu have very shallow eye sockets that result in the past few,! Black under low lighting when seen in natural light ' coat that your,. Will fade as he or she matures in protein, its hair will usually soft. '' s nose is usually black, but may change as the dog the... Hair between the eyes will also be blue Tzu change in accordance with the points will be liver brown! Your Shih Tzu coat can be any color, but not always, things like snot a! Adult Shih Tzu, Shih Tzu colors, like blue, you may see just two.! -- Click to enlarge ( Excuse their dirty faces, they were bones! To determine pigment color colors in Shih Tzus often have dark brown or golden colored eyes the of... To describe color and Markings a double coat you 'll need to devote to grooming a gray coat Does necessarily! Tzus that have a blue nose- the dog on the right has a traditional black nose: is... Will have for Shih Tzus that have a double coat your Shih Tzu coat can be any color, gray... Better pigmentation it will stay, as he or she matures blaze streak goes... Although officially classified as blue, so is quite rare amber eyes seen on liver dogs )! Than likely have light brown or golden colored eyes select from 35429 printable crafts of cartoons, nature,,! Extremely common to have a blue Shih Tzu dogs may have a blue coat provide both lean protein and acids. Does n't necessarily mean it is extremely common to have shih tzu nose changing color blue Shih could!