It passed. If not, the seller either lowers the price or doesn’t sell his/her inventory. Is there a good place to trade, say small rifle primers for small pistol primers or any other reloading components. A: While Hodgdon does sell powder to ammunition manufacturing companies, more than 80% of our powder is sold to our core market – … Primers. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Prev; 1; 2; 3; Next; Page 2 of 3 . The Great Powder Shortage of 2020 is upon us. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); © 2021 Copyright 2016 Ultimate Reloader LLC. Another reloading primer shortage? The High Road. Do you have tips to share? At the end of the day- it’s best to take a long-term approach, and to avoid hoarding and panic buying. Unfortunately, this product shortage is projected to last well into 2021. The 2020 Ammo Shortage. U.S. firearms and ammunition sales have increased significantly in 2020 compared with purchases made last year. In the meantime, customers shopping for ammo are likely to see “sold out,” “product temporarily unavailable” or “out of stock” in stores and on the websites of popular online retailers. IF THAT IS TRUE, the shortage will ease up sometime in December. Discussion in 'Handloading and Reloading' started by Texasgrillchef, Jul 6, 2020. He confirmed ammo is arriving daily. Unfortunately, YES. It’s a huge bummer- and there’s no easy answers in the near term. No one ordered a boatload or two or 10 of primers mainly so the profits would go through the roof. I keep reading about shooters not being able to find typical reloading components and therefor can't shoot! Everyone is having trouble getting primers right now, particularly small pistol and small rifle. With some persistence, I have been able to locate some primers I needed, but the experience was not always good. Can’t remember the event, but several decades ago there was a shortage of ammo and reloading components. GUNBOT searches the shelves of the all of the major suppliers (Cabela's, Midway, Midsouth, Graff's and on and on. Super Vel told G&A that more than 500,000 primers have been shipped by customers in just a few days. A lot of people within reloading circles have been wondering, “where has all the powder gone” as of late? As with previous surges in ammunition sales, primers are the current weak link in the supply chain. The concept of ‘freedom’ in general is a tricky one. 2020 Primer shortage. The great primer shortage of 2020 is about to end soon !!! The ammo and primer shortage is real, and it’s here to stay — well into 2021. Feedback from the primer distributors – the 4 US manufacturers of primers have a daily capacity of 4.6 million. If it is strictly a lack of supply and demand then why can I find primers all over Canada?!?! Bastards. It is also the natural way to throttle hoarding and other consumer bad behavior in times of crisis or scarcity. Firearm and ammunition retailers and wholesalers were sitting on piles of inventory during January 2020. In this segment of "Guns & Ammo TV," Gun Tech Editor Richard Nance and Pro-Shooter Jim Tarr head to the range to wring out the Umarex Air Ruger 10/22. And just like in years past (post Sandy Hook tragedy, …) people can’t load the ammunition they need to (and/or want to) because they can’t get the required components. Found them in my stores fairly recently, they still work fine. Sign up for inventory notifications (notify when in stock) via email. Or Varget. Let’s Break Down What’s Happened Well, this is going to be a familiar story for anyone who’s been lamenting the year 2020. Of all the components needed to reload ammo, it seems primers are the toughest to find, prompting many reloaders to refer to the current crisis as “The Great Primer Shortage of 2020″. That taught me a lesson that I have not forgotten. I understand the good intent of your message and it is always tempting to get the government or other controlling entity to make sellers do as you would wish by force or penalty but, would you want some external entity setting the price of anything you own, produce or want to sell? So stock up when ammo prices are low. too bad we can’t buy them. It’s also limiting the production of many popular types of ammunition. There are no shipping companies that will allow transportation unless facilitated through a HASMAT licensed entity. December 14th, 2020 Ammo and Primer Shortage Will Continue into 2021. As is Midsouth Shooters, Powder Valley, MidwayUSA, etc. So it’s no surprise that these ammo famines occurred shortly before or after national elections. Its not to say that there are those who are not price gouging but you’re free to to buy until your need is will to pay the price. Unfortunately, I can be guilty of this too. I’ve been paying 1.5 to 4 times more for my standard usage ammunition (When I can find it). This problem is in the “several months” length of time and there were certainly clear indications earlier. When the primers start getting shipped again will it push the cost of ammunition down at all you think? Prices are defined by the buyer and I feel no obligation to sell my supply below that which the the market dictates however, there is a bigger problem. It’s no secret that the demand for firearms and ammunition has reached record levels due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the civil unrest in cities around the United States, and the prospect of an anti-gun president on the horizon. Thread starter nyyankeedr; Start date Sep 18, 2020; nyyankeedr. Start by scouring the online retailers for primers that are in stock or “available for backorder”. Thread Status: Not … I agree. I keep reading about shooters not being able to find typical reloading components and therefor can't shoot! Though there are dozens of major and minor ammunition manufacturers in the U.S., only four domestic manufacturers produce primers: Federal, CCI, Remington and Winchester. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Prev; 1; 2; 3; Next; Page 1 of 3 . Another reloading primer shortage? Much of this was due to hoarding considering shooters then didn’t know how long the shortages would last. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Prev; 1; 2; 3; Next; Page 2 of 3 . However, all that changed as the “national conversation” about guns started heating up. Nevada-based Super Vel Ammunition came up with a Bring Your Own Primer (BYOP) program where customers who are able to find primers at retailers such as Brownells or Midway USA can have them shipped to the company’s location where they will be used to load factory ammunition for you. The great primer shortage of 2020 is about to end soon !!! The surge in demand, he believes, is due to the obvious culprits: COVID-19, George Floyd protests, and the 2020 election. why all the primers in canada of course they cant ship to US. I have in stock more powder, primers, brass, bullets, 22lr, and lead than I will need for the rest of my days. If a local gun store doesn’t have what you need, there are websites like,,, and many others to buy from. I heard that there are, basically, only 3 major manufacturers of primers, two of which are in Europe (one in Germany). All Palmetto Reloading Gear/Accessories! Subscriber Services. Yet primers are just about nonexistent across the board. I hope so. Contact ultimate reloader by clicking here. All Guns and Ammo subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. Joined: Apr 19, 2007 Messages: 139 Location: New Hampshire. bullets are in short supply. Let’s Break Down What’s Happened. Looks for Range; Members; 15 posts; Share; Posted January 5. Ask friends and family- we are a community, and many in the community will offer help, Visit your back woods store! Use load data at your own risk. Being a scum bag is one of our many freedoms. Hang on, folks. By then the shortages were already in full swing. My experience, almost forever. weeniewawa. 5) Vista buying Remington will divert Remington’s meager primer supply away from the market to build more ammo for CCI/Speer. It’s no secret that the industry is currently facing some harsh times. The blueprinted and precisely machined action allows Springfield to offer the Model 2020 with .75" MOA accuracy guarantee. U.S. firearms and ammunition sales have increased significantly in 2020 compared with purchases made last year. Mar 16, 2020 #1 Of course it was too good to be true. If someone is willing to pay that price then a deal is completed (a market exists). Only just now coming back online. Recommended Posts . Recommended Posts . My experience, almost forever. Can’t remember the event, but several decades ago there was a shortage of ammo and reloading components. By ysrracer, December 28, 2020 in General Reloading. We have seen shortages before. local stores and on line are out of small pistol primers, most other primers too. Also, remember that … 10; Next. Required fields are marked *. We stock a huge variety and quantity of reloading primers from all of the major companies; Winchester, CCI, Federal, and Remington. The likeliest story is all components are being directed to ammo manufacturing since higher margins can be obtained and volume orders rule the direction. At the heart of the rifle is the Model 2020 action which wish designed and built with very tight tolerances thanks to Springfield's technology-driven manufacturing capabilities The stainless steel action features an integral recoil lug, and pairs with a fluted bolt employing dual cocking cams and an enhanced extractor for high pressure loads. Discussion in 'Handloading and Reloading' started by Texasgrillchef, Jul 6, 2020. Fast forward to 2020. In case you hadn’t noticed, the great ammo shortage we are experiencing has extended well into 2021. Armscor in the Philippines, for example, Sellier & Bellot in the Czech Republic, Fiocchi in Italy and JSC in Russia are some of the more prominent companies. All Rights Reserved. Always have 10k of 22lr. By December 2020, the same racks and shelves are empty. Always cross-reference load data with manufacturer's published data. When basic reloading supplies are hard if not impossible to fine you know things are tough. Of all the components needed to reload ammo, it seems primers are the toughest to find, prompting many reloaders to refer to the current crisis as “The Great Primer Shortage of 2020.” The primer supply shortage doesn’t just affect reloaders, though. As if shortages of toilet paper and hand sanitizer were not enough; shooters are reporting an ammo shortage amid the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak. In 2008, when Barack Obama was elected president and again in 2012 through 2013 during the aftermath of the tragic Sandy Hook School shooting. Here We Go With Another Ammo Shortage. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. When the semi-auto ban was passed in 1994, there was a shortage. Savage introduces a must-shoot straight-pull rifle: the Impulse. The first in this new family of Springfield Armory rifles is the Model 2020 Waypoint, the... Five things gun owners should remember when fear empties a gun store's shelves. From a slightly bored retail store employee who had plenty of time to talk – This is especially true during the colder months when heavy outer garments can obstruct access to a traditional waistline holster. Likewise, reloading components, especially primers, disappeared from retailers and did not return to the shelves for years. Your freedom ends when it treads on another’s, and it’s government that arbitrates that. Millions upon millions of primers are produced every year by these companies. I check 2-3 times a day. It’s also limiting the production of many popular types of ammunition. In this story I’ll talk about the “Great Reloading Primer Shortage of 2020”, and give you some ideas regarding where to find them. I stocked up on ammo early , but before I even got a reloading set up, I stocked reloading components. This too shall pass, but not until the shelves are full again of ammunition. I used them sparingly by adjusting down the powder charges in my loads. I do agree that in that case, we as consumers should remember that for a long time if extreme price gouging occurs, however, we really don’t want the government or any other entity to set the price or quantity for anything unless you want to see permanent shortages of, well, everything. Follow @UReloader
I am just a bit curious as to why it appears that Canada does not seem to … Prepping is essential. Next Last. Ammunition that was available by the pallet load in January is all but unobtainable today. Many warehouses that suffered through the “Trump slump” in sales have been wiped out. Thread Status: Not … Posted December 28, 2020. ysrracer . Or RL15. Discussion in 'Handloading and Reloading ' started by bob40caliber, Nov 16, 2020. My first was primers around 1975 or so. Here are some things you can do. Posted December 28, 2020. ysrracer . I'll be 72 in a few months so I have been through several shortages of primers, powder and other components. Adam Smith’s theory of Supply and Demand is still relevant today. SEE ALSO: GunsAmerica Guide on Reloading “We’ve already been told from the manufacturers mostly like, it’s looking like maybe late third quarter, maybe late fall, and it could be pushed into winter or 2021 until we get a lot of the product,” he explained. When you need the most reliable primers, make Midsouth Shooters your primer Headquarters It sucks, but I’m glad I can get some. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Prev; 1; 2; 3; Next; Page 1 of 3 . Order at your own risk! General Reloading ; The great primer shortage of 2020 is about to end soon !!! This can be frustrating for shooters and hunters looking to keep their edge on the range, … Seriously? Former U.S. Navy SEAL Jeff Gonzales, president of Trident Concepts, joins G&A contributor Kimberly Heath-Chudwin to discuss guns, training and gear, including Blackhawk's TecGrip holster that can make pocket carry more successful. IF that is true, why are bullet and powder generally available? We went thru this same scenario in thee late 80’s- early 90’s. Guns & Ammo Digital Staff - April 29, 2020. In case you hadn’t noticed, the great ammo shortage we are experiencing has extended well into 2021. Recommended Posts. As if shortages of toilet paper and hand sanitizer were not enough; shooters are reporting an ammo shortage amid the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak. Between the bullshit ca ammo background checks and shortages every few years , reloading is the way to go. Walther introduced its new Heroes VIP Program, offering VIP pricing for hospital personnel and... Smith & Wesson has re-purposed a portion of its manufacturing capabilities to help alleviate a... Give a Gift
View list of retailers. And guess what that did for primers- it has “dried up” the reserves and production output in recent months. Trijicon has dominated the Carry Optic landscape on hard-use handguns for years. Love it. Those four firms feed the entire primer supply including ammunition sold to the military and law enforcement. Posted January 5. weeniewawa. December 23, 2020 By Keith Wood. Hornady Match Ammunition. Discussion in 'Handloading and Reloading ' started by bob40caliber, Nov 16, 2020. 28 minutes ago, ML123 said: This is today at my LGS! They have got alot of components that are in the supply chain your number one reason for for... Or after national elections 3 ; Next ; Page 2 of 3,... In case you hadn ’ t been a major national ammo shortage and a historic election have a. My LGS that more than 500,000 primers have been ordered at the top of the markups Remington s... Met and both scarcity and price would begin to fall shortage and historic. 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