Woodcraft Selects SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander for Unique Features, 3″ Double Locking Swiveling Casters with 1/2″ Threaded Spindle, Also check out the July Woodcraft catalog to read more about this new “Cadillac of sanders” or stop by your. View a video exhibit with Scott Phillips of The American Woodshop with the Super Max 19-38 Drum Sander. Check out this quick video to demonstrate how easy adjusting the drum height and alignment is, Digital Read Out for the 19-38 or 25-50 Drum Sander | Laguna Tools, Explore Digital Depth Read Out: https://lagunatools.com/accessories/sander-accessories/digital-depth-gauge-sander-accessories/digital-depth-gauge/, Check out this simple walk-through of how to change the conveyor belt of a 19-38 SuperMax Drum Sander, SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander Unboxing and Assembly. More than two years after I made my first video about my experiences using the SuperMax drum sander, I continue to be impressed with this high quality and versatile tool. Bob Poling, Woodcraft technical services manager, feeds a large slab of waterfall Bubinga through a SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander in this July catalog cover photo. We’ve addressed issues common with other drum sanders by adding five features that are exclusive to our 19-38 machines. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. SUPMX-71938-D, SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander on Open Stand, 110V, 1-3/4HP. Super Intelligence. Bought another and could not make it track. “We chose the SuperMax 19-38 because of its high quality and innovative approach to solving issues common to drum sanders,” national power tool sales manager Andrew Bondi said. NO WARRANTY on this item. ... Abrasive conveyor belt … SUPMX-810650, SuperMax Air Filtration Unit with Washable Electrostatic Filter, 1/5HP, 120V . (22" x 47-1/2" x .015"+/- thick) Does not fit JWDS2244 sander. The 19-38 Drum Sander from SuperMax Tools has just arrived at the shop. Bought a film backed belt from Klingspor. Welded side wings prevent jamming and keep material away from chains, reducing wear and tear on conveyor parts. Steve Johnson takes us on a product tour of the Super Max Drum Sander, a quick and easy sanding tool that achieves consistent smooth results. Indexed alignment setting: Has an indexed alignment setting for narrow and wide stock. ... Conveyor Belt 19-38 & 25/50 . In this video presented by the Woodworkers Guild of America, George Vondriska demonstrates the versatility and features of a Supermax 19-38 Drum Sander. This new video highlights additional equipment that I've added, and new uses I've found. You can sand material 19″ wide in a single pass and up to 38″ wide in a double pass.”, INTELLISAND Technology automatically adjusts conveyor belt speed based on load. Woodcraft Selects SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander for Unique Features. How To Change the 19|38 Conveyor Belt Check out this simple walk-through of how to change the conveyor belt of a 19-38 SuperMax Drum Sander SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander Unboxing and Assembly Steve Johnson just received the SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander and goes through the unboxing and assembling process of the sander. SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander, Perfect for the small shop or woodworking enthusiast, the SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander reduces the tediium hand sanding ... Abrasive conveyor belt offers the best grip for raw wood, giving you the ability to accommodate stock that is much shorter or thinner; The unit also has excellent dust extraction as the dust cover is formed to the shape of the drum. Check out this old dresser we found and repurposed into some new, reusable wood with just some simple sanding. My Supermax 19 38 drum sander (new) sometimes burns the wood. Perfect for the small shop or woodworking enthusiast, the SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sanderreduces the tedium of hand sanding, speeds up the sanding process, and produces more consistent results! Simple alignment feature Just one nut will adjust the conveyor to parallel the sanding head, making aligning the conveyor to the sanding head fast and easy. NEW Shop Tool! The grip is provided by a resin-bonded aluminum-oxide abrasive – 120 grit on the 18" belt, 100 grit on all the others. 19-38 Drum Sander Is In the House! The 19-38 model is very comparable when looking at the price, and when looking at the enhancements SuperMax put into this model when comparing it with others it’s a step above from the rest. SuperMax 60-0322 Abrasive Conveyor Belt 22 for 19-38 & 25-50 Drum Sanders-IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING YOUR ORDER CLOSE. Its patented Abrasive Attachment System effectively tensions the abrasive wraps, preventing abrasive end overlap, and the 19-38 has easy access to abrasive fastening unlike other drum sanders. Perfect for the small shop or woodworking enthusiast, the SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander reduces the tedium of hand sanding, speeds up the sanding process, and produces more consistent results! Constructed of heavy-duty cast iron for strength, rigidity and reduced vibration. Warren Weber visits the WWGOA workshop to talk with our resident expert woodworker George Vondriska about the story of SuperMax Tools. SuperMax - Sandpaper Wrap for 19-38 Drum Sanders Multi-Grit 3 pk, SuperMax - Sandpaper Wrap for 19-38 Drum Sanders 36 Grit 3 pk, SuperMax - Sandpaper Wrap for 19-38 Drum Sanders 60 Grit 3 pk, SuperMax - Sandpaper Wrap for 19-38 Drum Sanders 80 Grit 3 pk, SuperMax - Sandpaper Wrap for 19-38 Drum Sanders 100 Grit 3 pk, SuperMax - Sandpaper Wrap for 19-38 Drum Sanders 120 Grit 3 pk, SuperMax - Sandpaper Wrap for 19-38 Drum Sanders 150 Grit 3 pk, SuperMax - Sandpaper Wrap for 19-38 Drum Sanders 180 Grit 3 pk, SuperMax - Sandpaper Wrap for 19-38 Drum Sanders 220 Grit 3 pk, SuperMax - Infeed/Outfeed Tables for Open-end Sanders, You must be logged in to write a comment. We offer these conveyor belts . SUPMX 60-0322, SuperMax Abrasive Conveyor Belt 22 (19-38 & 25-50 Drum Sanders, 22-44 Plus) JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. It features simple alignment: just one nut will adjust the conveyor parallel to the sanding head, making aligning the conveyor to the sanding head quick and easy. In addition, Bondi said INTELLISAND Technology automatically adjusts conveyor belt speed based on load, which prevents gouging, damaging or burning stock. • Drive Motor (TEFC): 13/4 HP• Power Requirements: 110V 20 Amp• Conveyor Motor: 43 in/lb. MACHINE OVERVIEW The 19-38 Drum Sander comes standard on the Open Stand. [TABS] Video Overview Perfect for the small shop or woodworking enthusiast, the SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander reduces the tedium of hand sanding, speeds up the sanding process, and produces more consistent results! It is metal, not plastic, and is formed to maximize airflow. Our premium conveyor belts are Aluminum Oxide in grit 120X on"X" weight polycotton backing. SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander (Renewed) Brand: Amazon Renewed. ... Precision-flattened steel conveyor bed reinforced with four steel cross sections for no “flex” in conveyor, in flatness to less than . The split starts about 1" in from the drive end and extends 1/3 of the way to the open end. For future reference, find the model, stock and serial numbers on the back of machine base and write them in below. Perfect for the small shop or woodworking enthusiast, the SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander reduces the tedium of hand sanding, speeds up the sanding process, and produces more consistent results! What more can I say? Perfect for the small shop or woodworking enthusiast, the Supermax 19-38 Drum Sander reduces the tedium of hand sanding, speeds up the sanding process, and produces more consistent results! SUPMX-60-0322, SuperMax Abrasive Conveyor Belt 22 (19-38 & 25-50 Drum Sanders, 22-44 Plus) $79.00. If you feel you want the option of using a drum and a … Model: Stock Number: Serial Number: Date Purchased: $389.00. When sanding stock wider than 19″, the index level will properly adjust the conveyor for flawless wide sanding. Quantity to Add: Back... More Abrasive Belts Continue Shopping. Here's how to use your SuperMax sander to rescue wood that is cupped or twisted. “We chose the SuperMax 19-38 because of its high quality and innovative approach to solving issues common to drum sanders,” national power tool sales manager … The extra-wide conveyer supports stock over 19″ wide, and the conveyor table is 22″ wide to add support to the workpiece. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. John Foster The conveyor belt on my SuperMax 19-38 drum sander is starting to come apart at the seam. The Woodcraft July catalog features the SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander, a machine Woodcraft added to its product line because of its unique capabilities for woodworking, superior construction and large-scale capacity. Join me as I walk through the un-boxing and assembly of the unit and talk a little about SuperMax Tools and share the exciting news about them joining my channel as a new sponsor. Find out how it compares to other brands, watch videos and more! If you don't see the size you need below, call us for a quotation. It features INTELLISAND™ technology, which prevents surface burns and gouges by automatically controlling the conveyor … • SuperMax 19-38 Infeed/Outfeed Tables are available separately for the 19-38 sander. Item #: PM17076 . SuperMax Tools 71935 19-38 Combo Brush/Drum Sander ... Abrasive conveyor belt offers the best grip for raw wood, giving you the ability to accommodate stock that is much shorter or thinner; Patented Abrasive Attachment System effectively tensions the abrasive … Versatility of Surface Sanders: Supermax 19-38 Drum Sander | Woodworkers Guild of America. SuperMax Tools 219383 - 19-38 Combination Brush/Drum Sander $4,199.00 $3,799.00 Supermax Tools 60-0316 - Conveyor Belt for 16-32 Sanders $99.99 Supermax Tools 60-0321 - Conveyor Belt … Supermax Tools - Conveyor Belt for 19-38, 25-50 and 22-44 Sanders - 60-0322. Barry Irby I have a 16/32 Performax bought used. Con-Belt Steel & Piano Hinged Conveyor Belting is ideal for moving a wide range of materials safely and efficiently. The extra-wide conveyor belt supports stock over 19" wide. For thin stock, the sander can handle stock as thin as 1/32”. Also check out the July Woodcraft catalog to read more about this new “Cadillac of sanders” or stop by your local Woodcraft store to see one in action! torque, direct drive• DC motor, infinitely variable 0-10 FPM• Maximum Width: 38″ (two passes)• Minimum Length: 21/4″• Maximum Thickness: 4″• Minimum Thickness: 1/32″• Dimensions: 42″L x 26″W x 24″H• Drum: 5″ x 19″ extruded aluminum• Drum Speed: 1740 RPM• Dust Hood: One 4″ vacuum port(min. I bought a new belt form WoodCraft and got about five years out of it. SuperMax 60-0322 Abrasive Conveyor Belt 22 for 19-38 & 25-50 Drum Sanders. The 19-38 Drum Sander offers 19" width sanding in a single pass and 38" in a double pass. SUPMX 60-0322, SuperMax Abrasive Conveyor Belt 22 (19-38 & 25-50 Drum Sanders, 22-44 Plus) JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. “This is an industrial level product now available to the everyday woodworker. With a larger conveyor bed and sanding head than the smaller 16 … ... and no conveyor belt tracking adjustment has been necessary. INTELLISAND also provides a consistent finish, even with varying grain patterns and densities. The cloth backing is X-weight and 100% cotton. Due to increased volume and safety measures, we are experiencing delays in processing times and order fulfillment. Warren introduces a couple of SuperMax's line of cantilevered sanders that are perfect for completing some of the finishing jobs that can't be done with a flat sander. The belt that came with it split like yours. SUPMX-71938-D, SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander on Open Stand, 110V, 1-3/4HP. Additional accessories and sandpaper are available for purchase. Conveyor Drive Belt Supermax 37 $ 64.95. The casting of the 19-38 Combo machine is also different from that of the 19-38 Drum. The fit and finish are superb, and the heavy-duty cast-iron construction gives the sander strength and rigidity while reducing vibration.”. There are easy height adjustments: a thrust bearing below the handle and a nut positioned above prevent the drum from moving out of the set position while sanding, and there’s no backlash or slop in the height adjustment mechanism to allow for easier and smoother height adjustments. Your 19-38 drum sander is one of a family of machines from SuperMax Tools designed to help you achieve re-sults comparable to industrial-size sanders at a fraction of the cost. The 19-38 Drum Sander is not equipped with an AC Inverter, which allows the brush heads to be run at variable speeds. Find out how it compares to other brands, watch videos and more! The Woodcraft July catalog features the SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander, a machine Woodcraft added to its product line because of its unique capabilities for woodworking, superior construction and large-scale capacity. It enables the user to sand large projects with super results because of tighter tolerances in the drum. The 19-38 is a very good value, being simply a rather plain, heavy-duty, industrial-quality machine that would be fine for a small professional shop. Packs of three wraps are available in 36, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 180 and 200 grits. Simple alignment feature Just one nut will adjust the conveyor to parallel the sanding head, making aligning the conveyor to the sanding head fast and easy. This drum sander also has a Flatness Guarantee: the precision-flattened steel conveyor bed is reinforced with four steel cross sections for no “flex” that guarantee flatness to less than .010″ across the width of the sander. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Add to Cart. “These features improve performance and allow the tool to flatten and smooth a wide panel more efficiently and accurately than any other drum sander,” Bondi said. Full machine features and specs can be found b… ... is not parallel to the conveyor belt—the right side of the machine (from the operator’s viewpoint) is closer to the conveyor belt than the left side. Please take notice: JET has Model 16-32 that takes a 17 3/8" X 38" belt and a model 16-32 PLUS which takes a 16" X 43 1/2" belt. Item #: PM17087. Supermax comes with INTELLISAND Technology which will automatically change the conveyor speed based on load. Subscribe to the newsletter and get 10% off your next purchase in addition to the latest products, guides and project ideas. Home Item #: PM17022 . The fast The built-in versatility of the SuperMax 19-38 lever should always be able to be Drum Sander allows it to be used for a wide range moved back and forth between and of tasks. $52.95. Drum Sander Conveyor Belt. SKU: LTSUPMX-60-0322. The 19-38 Drum Sander comes standard on the Open Stand. Supermax Tools - Conveyor Belt for 19-38, 25-50 and 22-44 Sanders - 60-0322; Laguna Tools. The 19-38 has an indexed alignment setting for narrow and wide stock. With SuperMax sanders you can interchange various parts to customize the look that you want for your woodworking pieces. made to the same size specifications as the manufacturer's original belts.. Five exclusive features address easy height adjustment, easy access to abrasive fastening, simple alignment, easy alignment setting changes and providing an extra-wide conveyor to properly support stock over 19″ wide. • SuperMax Pre-Cut Abrasive Wraps sized to fit the SuperMax 19-38 come pre-cut and ready to attach to the sander. It worked, bout had to be very tight to avoid Page 17: Conveyor Belt … It features INTELLISAND™ technology, which prevents surface burns and gouges by automatically controlling the conveyor … Steve Johnson just received the SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander and goes through the unboxing and assembling process of the sander. The conveyor belt is too loose if it can be stop- ped by hand pressure applied directly to the top of the conveyor belt. The SuperMax Tools 19-38 Drum Sander is an excellent sanding solution for any woodworking shop. Performax Conveyor Belt Powermatic 2244 . Abrasive Wraps - https://www.oaktreesupply. “Manufacturing standards for the 19-38 are excellent. • To add mobility to the sander, use four 3″ Double Locking Swiveling Casters with 1/2″ Threaded Spindle. 600 CFM recommended)Shipping Weight: 286 lbs. Can't decide what to get the woodworker in your life? Find out how it compares to other brands, watch videos and more! This category of belting is reliable when moving materials under demanding conditions such as heat, impact and abrasion. Log In. The SuperMax Tools 19-38 Drum Sander is an excellent sanding solution for any woodworking shop. $43.95. Replacement conveyor belt for the Supermax 19-38 & 25/50. The SuperMax Tools 19-38 Drum Sander is an excellent sanding solution for any woodworking shop. As far as working height, the Supermax 19-38 has a full 4” capacity to handle thicker stock. Sometimes a tool works just as it should. Articles Upcycling Furniture with LAGUNA Machines | Using a LAGUNA Tablesaw and SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander. The drum is pre-wrapped with 80 grit sandpaper. SUPMX-71938-D, SuperMax 19-38 Drum Sander on Open Stand, 110V, 1-3/4HP. It features INTELLISAND™ technology, which prevents surface burns and gouges by automatically controlling the conveyor … No other drum sander on the market has these features! The19-38 Drum Sander comes standard on SuperMax’s open stand, and the drum is pre-wrapped with 80-grit sandpaper. SuperMax Pre-cut Abrasive Wraps are ready to attach to the sander. Formed to the everyday woodworker - conveyor belt 22 for 19-38 & 25-50 Drum Sanders 22-44! And wide stock separately for the SuperMax 19-38 has a full 4 ” to... Javascript in your browser the drive end and extends 1/3 of the 19-38 Drum is! 600 CFM recommended ) Shipping weight: 286 lbs get 10 % off your next in. Sander, use four 3″ Double Locking Swiveling Casters with 1/2″ Threaded Spindle, the 19-38! 'S original belts three Wraps are ready to attach to the Open Stand thin stock, the 19-38... 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