Progressive Power Point worksheet: File Size: 16 kb: File Type: docx: Download File. In the March 2020 issue of Social Education, the journal of the National Council for the Social Studies, our “Sources and Strategies” article features an assortment of political cartoons detailing the power of trusts in Progressive America and their financial consequences to the average American. This post is by Jen Reidel, 2019-20 Library of Congress Teacher in Residence. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Progressive Era. Progressive Era - The "It's a Nauseating Job, but It Must Be Done" painting is one of the many great political cartoons from the Progressive Era. To download/print, click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download. �ޫ�����J�a�X���h�z'�=�� ?��A���?�41���"�˭'���u��!۠1�K�fn��x7X�t��ox9�,x
BYV~�{eC���he,�O��6��v�퍍�MQ�zE�M$_�1��. Found worksheet you are looking for? Lincoln Steffens was the most famous; in a … B. rights of women D. all of the above American History I Review. Students will interpret and analyze a political cartoon about the 1920 Census to better understand how the census was related to the Progressive movement of the early 20th century. Women's Suffrage Worksheet. Explain who and/or what is being represented in the cartoon: TR (man with sword), and big business (the giants) 2.) mm�\���b�%���3���"��-���\�ח3��r%�;D�v���|�7C�ϋ7o^8�釢>9)N8+N/��^�c����+j�?+��j.��튋�㣺�uմ����/�7cO?�?>���TΛٺ���S)f���m�y;ۮ�J9�+�˛�\ݔs1��_�9��ߥ�� xQ�-p��f�e7�0P���W�y^�θ+�)��w��v��o�j���zW����Wq����F@+NM�W=�Uq9+"���gE����B+(VmS��Juk�fPd�~/c1N�i{5 ��T8g�F��JW5L[+�� Review what led up to the Progressive era. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Political cartoon analysis work, The progressive era, Progressivism and the age of reform, Chapter 9 the progressive era, The progressive era, Progressive era timeline, Interpreting political cartoons to understand progressivism, Lesson plan reform today and yesterday subject. Aug 23, 2017 - Here are a few of the Progressive Era lesson plans, worksheets, and printables I found using Search PlanIt. There were many reforms during the Progressive Era. The Bonus Army WWI veterans were promised a bonus to be paid in 1945. This worksheet provides a great visual for Boss Tweed's NYC political machine, Tammany Hall. Wilson … Historical Context: During the late 1800s and early 1900s, Progressive reformers worked to improve the social, political, and economic problems in American society. The Progressive Era began at the turn of the 20th Century and lasted through World War I. Muckrakers of the Progressive Era. A political machine is an unofficial system of government that bypasses the normal political process. Fingers were lost and then put into the meat, employees never washed their hands, and the equipment was bad and flimsy. Directions: Use the information in the chart to answer the questions that follow. The lesson correlates to the National History Standards and to the National Standards for Civics and Government. Lesson Planet. Background The Progressive Movement (1901-1917) was initiated as a response to political and corporate abuses at the turn of the Twentieth Century. 3. 4 0 obj
Beginning in the late 1800s with the challenge to the "spoils system" of machine politics, progressivism gathered momentum between 1900 and 1916, as the desire for reform permeated the minds of the American people. HEAD for the Future is a educational program by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in partnership will Wells Fargo. AIM: Describe the social and political conditions that existed in America just prior to the Progressive Movement. The goal of the Progressives was to: A. Progressive Era political cartoon analysis: File Size: 18 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. This resource contains:3 political cartoons from the Gilded Age and Progressive EraQuestions to help students analyze the cartoonsRubric to help grade student responsesThis resource can be used:To supplement teaching lessons on the Gilded Age and Progressive EraAs homeworkFor work with a … HEAD for the Future is a educational program by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in partnership will Wells Fargo. Worksheets, lessons, printable exercises pdf, handouts, grammar notes. Document Analysis Worksheet. Progressive Era DBQ . Dust Bowl. This progressive reforms lesson plan is suitable for 10th grade. Standard 1B -Demonstrate understanding of Progressivism at the national level. Progressive Era … The Progressive Movement (1901-1917) was initiated as a response to political and corporate abuses at the turn of the Twentieth Century. The lesson includes historical background, teaching activities, and resources from the National Archives. Progressive Era political cartoon of Theodore Roosevelt and describe how it conveys a perspective about government. Students will interpret and analyze a political cartoon about the 1920 Census to better understand how the census was related to the Progressive movement of the early 20th century. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Political cartoon analysis work, The progressive era, Progressivism and the age of reform, Chapter 9 the progressive era, The progressive era, Progressive era timeline, Interpreting political cartoons to understand progressivism, Lesson plan reform today and yesterday subject. Era 7 -The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930) 1.1. Any Captions? Explain who and/or what is being represented in the cartoon: TR (man with sword), and big business (the giants) 2.) The lesson includes historical background, teaching activities, and resources from the National Archives. During the Progressive Era government powers were expanded in: A. the workplace C. rights of children . Analyzing Progressive Era Political Cartoons to Introduce Social Studies Students to Economic Concepts. Progressive Political Cartoon Analysis Questions . <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Overhead projection of same political cartoon Procedures: DAY 1 Procedure 1: Hand out worksheet to each student and in groups of 3-4. Guided Viewing Watch this video on Hoover and the response to the "Bonus Army". <>>>
Sometimes it seems like the fight for human rights is making no progress at all. Political Cartoons (1895) Thomas Nast was a caricaturist and an editorial cartoonist. The power of recall gave voters (people) the power to removed elected officials from office through petition and a vote. Documents: Progressive Era video . Objective(s): Students will summarize the work, subject and results of seven muckrakers on a chart. Make Your own Political Cartoon. Era 7 -The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930) 1.1. Image Of The New Monopoly And The Ballot Initiative Pioneer Institute. era. Political Reforms Chart . Tonight’s homework, a long assignment due after break, will help further the connection between reform in the Progressive era and reform efforts today. The Progressive Era solved many Gilded Age problems. Write down what you think the message of the cartoon is: One of these changes was the power of recall. Chapter 23 Imperialism. Questions includes key ideas such as muc You 2. Chapter 4-Industrial Era in America. Among the choices for president in 1912 were three major candidates, each of whom laid claim to successful reform measures. Political Cartoon #1: Title the cartoon: _____TR the Trust Buster_____ 1.) Instructional Procedures: a. Task: Using information from the documents and you knowledge of United States history and government The Bonus Army WWI veterans were promised a bonus to be paid in 1945. Download all photos and use them even for commercial projects. Guided Viewing Watch this video on Hoover and the response to the "Bonus Army". Some of the worksheets for this concept are Interpreting political cartoons to understand progressivism, Us historyprogressive era, Please sign in or sign up to the, Presidents during progressive era, Chapter 1 conservative policies and presidents, How theodore roosevelt became a leader, Mississippi satp2 history student review guide, History. These businessmen and officials controlled smaller groups of people. Political Cartoon Analysis Worksheet Name of Cartoon: _____ Observation Phase: What objects do you see? Progressive Era Imperialism Unit Set Students History Worksheet. Progressive Era Worksheet. <>
This rapid shift of industrialization caused drastic changes in the economy.