It is the best I have ever seen it and I have not had a spot since- absolute lifesaver of a product! Bin 41 und kämpfe schon ewig mit unreiner und leicht reizbarer Haut, die zu Akne-Ausbrüchen neigt. Bought the small size of this, been using it for a few days and it’s great! Pores have shrunk abit. It even effected my confidence as I could not put foundation on, without the blackheads looking noticable. I am in my mid 20s and am very fortunate to have relatively problem free skin - suffering only from small blackheads on my nose and chin and small hormone related breakouts each month. Especially the spots on my jawline were really difficult to get rid of and they left small scars as they healed. Only negative is that it can makes your face feel tight but yet when you touch it, its really smooth, so make sure you apply serum and your SPF/Retinol moisture afterwards. However, I have also been using t all over as a treatment every other night and the difference is really noticeable. I've seen many ads for this product and I decided to try it and I'm glad I did. Routine Finder So glad I have found it and I will be recommending it to everyone. Und siehe da: Eine Bloggerin hatte das gleiche Problem. Would the lotion or the gel be more gentle to my skin? I never had much acne growing up but panicked when my skin changed to more acne prone. I've olny had it for 2 weeks but it has worked wonders on my acne and has really cleared it up. Very happy :)). 420,00 kn. The effect was immediate. The texture was also quite nice, it was light and not sticky or tacky in any way^^. Unglaublich wie dich meine Haut grade um die Nase und Wangen verbessert hat! Its not as effective as before. An der Wirkung habe ich nichts auszusetzen. Anyway, I had a few burst, and since my skin seems to be doing great. Babybell - Wonderful and not at all drying! I emailed customer services who were no help at all and expected me to spend more money as they offered to suggest suitable products for my skin type. Mein Fazit: Vorsicht bei sehr empfindlicher Haut die kein Vitamin C vertragen. Ich bin fast 35 Jahre jung und hatte die letzen 5 Jahre mit einer maßiven Akne zu kämpfen. It’s friendlier to your wallet, but it still provides a ton of niacinamide. Smoother skin with reduced redness and fewer clogged pores. Love Paula's choice!! I've been having the worst skin of my life since I turned 20, a year later and I've tried what felt like every brand and every product but experienced continued dissppointment. Now thinking maybe should order other one but feel scare for get the same one. This concentrated peel dramatically improves multiple signs of aging, sun damage and congested pores with a powerful multi-acid blend. Zusammen mit dem 2%BHA-Exfoliator. My foundation does not become oily and shiny as quick as it used to. Ich habe wirklich den Eindruck das meine Haut das Produkt super aufnimmt und der gewünschte Effekt erzielt wird. Stelle). Die Konsistenz ist toll und er lässt sich super in die Routine integrieren. I decided to buy this from looking at the reviews and it’s the best thing i’ve done! Seit ich das Produkt benutze, sind sie viel weniger sichtbar. There have been a few occasions where for some reason or another I have gone a few days without using it and my skin reverts back to its old ways- cannot recommend it enough!!! Persönliche Beratung Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, September 2014, pages 1021-5 neu. I really thought this would help clear my skin. Personal advice Awful - I am so disappointed. I'm using it with products from the skin balancing and resist line. Saw the trial size on offer via FB and decided to give it a go, as heard so much about PC and this product. Nachdem ich gefühlt 100 Produkte ausprobiert habe, hat dieses endlich geholfen! Sie können den hochwertigen 10% Niacinamid Booster mit anderen Produkten kombinieren, die Niacinamid enthalten. Super strokovni nasveti, super uporabniška izkušnja in seveda super izdelki za nego kože. Thank you for this amazing product I only hope these results last! really wanted it to work. I wouldn't stick with it if it breaks you out, its not worth waiting to see if its a purge or not and you could be left with scars :(. I bought the small version of this to test it out and have now just ordered the full size. I have been using this product for just over a week and I am amazed. Could be that it just doesn't suit me looking at other reviews? Ich hatte das Vitamin C im Verdacht (hatte vorher keine Pflegeprodukte mit Vitamin C) um ganz sicher zu sein habe ich mir Proben von der Brightening Essence bestellt die auch Vitamin C und Niacinamide enthält, aufgetragen und gleiches Problem wie bei dem Booster. I cannot recommend this product enough! Die Kombination aus dem Nia Booster und dem 2%igen BHA Peeling hat mein Hautbild nachhaltig verbessert. I like to cleanse it away with Micellar water but I don't force the little flakes off and let it fall by itself because trust me, you don't want to pick at your skin when it is flaky. They help us to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Danke dafür! This product is so good my skin has never felt so soft. Ever since coming off the pill 3 years ago, I’ve had mild acne and always had breakouts and blackheads. Ich verwende den Booster seit etwa einem Monat, je zwei Tropfen morgens und abends. Telo . I got the travel size. I have tried this product first as a sample size from Lookfantastic and then I bought a full size because I couldn't not have it in my skin routine regime anymore! Aufgetragen habe ich jeden Abend 2 Tropfen, mit meiner Nachtcreme vermischt. This product cleans out your pores before it can form into a spot. My skin was red and inflamed and painful to the touch, with about 20 whiteheads appearing in the space of a few days. I don’t usually have sensitive skin, so this is unusual for me. I usually do not write reviews but this product is amazing. Salicylic acid is an excellent anti-inflammatory ingredient that can enhance the skin's natural healing process as it works to reduce post-procedure redness. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, June 2013, pages 96-102; and April 2004, pages 88-93 It works. Paula's Choice, The Ordinary, Good Molecules, Kristina Holey + Marie Veronique, ... Now, what happens if you mix niacinamide with your AHA or BHA of choice, or layer one straight on top of the other? It seems like this product is unreliable when it comes to treating acne and blackheads, it may work at first but it's only temporary. Ich hatte mir von Paula's Choice unterschiedliche Produkte bestellt. Niacinamide tends to work best in an environment with a neutral pH and because salicylic acid is, well, an acid it does not have a netural pH – it has an acidic one. I used intensively for the first week and now just once a day. Been using for 3 weeks and have not seen any difference - in fact, has made my skin more sore and bumpy. Ich möchte den Booster nicht mehr missen. Wieder ein Top Produkt von Paula! It is a relief to find a range of products that work. My husband who can use anything-agrees his old leather shoe face also looks much healthier and has a glow with this, when he doesn’t use it his skin looks dull! Even if I don’t see exceptional results with The Ordinary, at least I won’t feel as if I wasted a lot of money. I am really really disappointed. It was the only thing that changed in my daily routine and I'm certain that it's made my mild acne worse. So anyway, I say all this to say the product is really and truly good and has for me, lived up the hype and is worth the price. Just about to purchase the full size now, well worth the money for amazing results! All the comedones are gone. I haven't changed anything else in my life except add this product to my skincare routine morning & night so I am certain this is the miracle worker. Ich kann diese Kombi wirklich nur empfehlen! Proizvodi za njegu . Yenna Random - Bei richtiger Nutzung: Ein Traum. Die hohe Konzentration an Niacinamid verbessert die Struktur der Poren und verleiht ihnen wieder eine normale Form. I cannot believe in 3 days just how amazing my skin is, the under skin bumps have gone completely, my spots have faded and even the scarring looks amazing, I am genuinely shocked at just what this product has done to my skin, i am going to order the big bottle now, I don't think I will ever be without this now, it's a game changer!! Super stručni savjeti, super korisničko iskustvo i, naravno, super proizvodi za njegu kože. Glavni kriterij pri izbiri izdelkov v našem asortimaju je njihova učinkovitost in blagovne znamke, ki jih najdete v naši spletni trgovini zagotavljajo točno to – izpolnjujejo svoje obljube. Within a few days I could see an improvement in my skin texture and blackheads without any irritation. It seems to have worked for me anyway. Von den meisten PC Produkten bekomme ich Unreinheiten, vom Booster jedoch nicht. I've noticed less blackheads, skin looking smoother, and I was impressed to see it actually reduced redness of acne scars. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird gemäß der DSGVO behandelt. I fell in love with this product and ordered the full size and I cannot rate it enough! For the last couple of years I have never had spots as such, what I did have was quite an uneven texture on my forehead. I won’t go back from this. I have normal skin with occasional blackheads and blemishes, but ever since i started using it I haven't had one blackhead on my face, even the stubborn ones on my nose seem to be disappearing! I tried this after some research online. Thank you Paulas Choice wish I had met you sooner. Paula’s Choice . Meine Poren haben sich sichtbar verkleinert. Both are suitable for all skin types but best for normal to oily or combination skin. I had being using the dermalogica gentle cream exfoliant which had AHA and a tiny amount of BHA and I was still breaking out all the time. At 22, and after trying countless brands of skincare, I was pretty much losing hope that I would ever have clear skin. This has to be the best thing I've ever put on my skin - ever!! Kategorije. It’s a better version of a clarifying lotion I used for years, but much better! I have had acne-prone skin for a year. 8630798. Got given this as a sample and first day of using it, someone asked what makes my skin glow? I have oily combination skin that does get dehydrated sometimes but I have had no issues with this one. I have seen some people say it takes time for the skin to adjust - but I was wondering how long this is supposed to last? Meine Haut ist glatt und unter ein getönten Tagescreme sieht es wie Rouge. For daytime, follow with a moisturiser that contains a broad-spectrum sunscreen rated SPF 30 or greater. My skin has never looked so good, after the first week of use I did have a small break out, I stuck with it and I now get compliments on my skin. When I tried using this product, it felt a bit irritating at first, but once my skin gets used to it, it works perfectly. Bin 41 und kämpfe schon ewig mit unreiner und leicht reizbarer Haut, die zu Akne-Ausbrüchen neigt. I used this once very 3 days and then every other day and now every night! Paula’s Choice and The Ordinary also make good salicylic products. It was hard to believe. only had it a few days thanks Paula xx. Definitely recommend it to anyone! Ich bemerke einen GEWALTIGEN Unterschied, wenn ich ihn ein paar Monate nicht mehr benutzt habe. Der Booster ist für mich unersetzlich: Ich hatte den Booster ausprobiert, da ich vergrößerte Poren hatte und als ich ihn ein paar Monate wegen Knauserigkeit wegließ, konnte ich feststellen, daß er für mein verbessertes Hautbild mindestens genauso wichtig war, wie der Retinol Booster. This product has really helped to clear blocked pores and blackheads on my teenage sons nose and also calmed down the acne breakouts he has experienced for about three years now. The first few nights I tried this my skin became quite dry and sensitive, so maybe start slow if you're new to salycilic acid! Hat eine enorm große Fähigkeit, Feuchtigkeit zu speichern. I also didn’t find the product lasted. It does sting a tiny bit on application but quickly settles. Primarily an exfoliant, helps to shed dead skin on the surface and inside the pore, therefore effective for reducing breakouts and blackheads. Nacht sehr großzügig auf mein gesamtes Gesicht, etwa 8 Tropfen, auch auf die Augenlider. Ich kann aber jetzt schon sagen, dass dieses Produkt definitiv dazugehört! This is a product I will keep ordering! I know it helps clean out pores to prevent spots but my pores must have been mega clogged!! I skipped the face scrub when using it religiously for a month, and my skin is now more congested than ever. Pores look smaller and my skin looks brighter and feels softer. My verdict is that you get what to pay for. The Ordinary’s niacinamide 10% plus zinc 1% -1 ounce bottle. Apply once or twice daily after cleansing and toning. Not only has my problematic skin finally cleared up, but my scars have started to fade, my pores appear smaller and my entire face feels like it's been resurfaced - the texture is softer and much closer to what I would consider 'normal', clear skin. Dann aber habe ich mich weiter eingelesen und war sehr neugierig auf diesen Wirkstoff. I gave it four stars because I do find it rather on the expensive side for the amount of product you get but I’m happy it works. Die Wirkung war nach 2xliger Anwendung sofort zu sehen und war überwältigend. Recently I did some further research & found this product. But nothing was budging it and just making it worse! I'm really cautious about introducing any new products to my routine, I've been using Pai Skincare range for 6 years now, but I felt something was missing in my routine. Don’t hesitate to buy it! Zum Vergleich habe ich mir dann ein anderes Serum auch mit 10% Niacinamide gekauft, da hatte ich keine unerwünschten Wirkungen. Not sure how I feel about this product I just want to love it like everyone else. Wurde schon mehrfach auf die sehr positiven Ergebnisse hingewiesen. Kategorije. Ich bin restlos begeistert und werde ihn immer wieder kaufen wenn es so bleibt. I've not broken out at all since starting to use this. I've used it now for the last 2 days (2x a day) and I can actually see some changes on my skin. I have combination to dry skin but have been suffering from clogged pores and occassional breakouts. I really. I am not going to buy another one. I wouldn't use this daily though, 3-4x/week is enough for me. I didn't get rid of all the blackheads but I that was less of an issue for my anyway. Wish I’d contacted customer services then. I have acne prone, combination skin which is super sensitive and prone to redness / rosacea and breakouts on my cheeks, jaw and chin. Eines vorweg: Als ich diesen Booster das erste Mal benutzt habe, habe ich selbstverständlich NICHT auf die Nutzungsanweisung geachtet. My skin is oily and I've had to deal with blackheads for a very long time (not just a few on my nose, I mean all over my face)! The BHA product is amazing as is her retinol. However large pores aren’t always hereditary or caused by clogs. Welkiniaber - Amazing, amazing product!!. I have seen an improvement with my skin, I have been using this product twice a day with no irritation or flakiness I also see a nice healthy glow to my skin when I use this product. I don't have many problems with my skin but I sometimes get small painless bumps on my forehead and didn't know how to get rid of them - they're completely gone now! Ich verwende ihn morgens nach dem 2% BHA Peeling. Ich bin wirklich sehr zufrieden mit den Produkten von PC aber der Booster passt einfach nicht zu meiner Haut. 2 490 Ft. Nincs készleten. I'm a 26 year old male with oily skin that is prone to break outs. Meine Wangen sind leicht gerötet aber ich habe keinen Pusteln ect mehr. This exfoliant helped my skin so much. Ich hatte seit dem Absetzen der Pille ganz fürchterlich mit unreiner Haut und vor allem Pickelmalen zu kämpfen. When the breakout hits, this Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant from PAULA’S CHOICE is an essential in your skin care armoury. It has made my open pores less visible and has evened out my skin tone. It is the only product I have ever used that has consistently prevented breakouts. The pores on my nose have become less noticable and my combination skin with oily t-zone is much more 'normal' now. I’m so glad I tried it! Zumal ich vorher ein günstiges Nia-Serum im Einsatz hatte. First, texture: One is a fluid with a toner-like consistency, the other is a thicker, clear gel. Jessica - Not for me. However; this did the opposite effect and actually made my skin much much worse. After that I decided to go to a dermatologist, because it was just getting worse and worse. i do use a full skincare routine though so i'm not sure how my spots would be without using my lira salicylic acid moisturiser. I really enjoy it. It immediately made my skin red noticed no difference of shrunken pores my skin is inflamed!!! Skin feels smoother. I bought this for my blemish prone skin, but mostly for those little bumps under my skin that are all over my face (skin texture etc). To help with my nose have become less noticable and my life, and had smooth skin before it form..., dank dieser Produkte endlich der Vergangenheit an giá thành cao i began to come... Cleared my skin is breaking out pores omg squeaky clean of them in a week hard to but. Pretty severe hormonal acne around my under Eye area, forehead and around my under Eye,. 24 hours i could see results within a week!!!!!!!!!!. Direkt ins Bett falle die beworbenen Effekte leider nicht viel, wenn ich ein! 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