To qualify to become an eldritch knight, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. The eldritch knight gains Combat Casting and Skill Focus (Concentration) at first level. If you’re a Wizard you take Enlarge Person and hit things really hard. Spiderskin gives you more AC, and you love AC. Standard familiar saving procedures apply.Feats and SkillsThe most important thing to do with feats is to download the fix that allows you to take Practiced Spellcaster. You also want Keen Edge. Create Greater Undead gives you a friend who helps you stab people.Level 9: Only Wizards get these spells because WotC hates Sorcerers. Greater Magic Weapon is awesome and you love it and memorize it every day. They can dispel you too, but your spells are better. I’d say their higher Charisma lets them get laid more, but Paladins are prudes and don’t get laid. To qualify to become a purple dragon knight, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria: Alignment:any non-evil and non-chaotic Base attack bonus:+4 Feats: mounted combat (requires ride1) Skills: intimidate 1 rank, listen 2 ranks, persuade 1 rank, ride 2 ranks, spot2 ranks They tend to be driven individuals, because simultaneously perfecting their spellcasting and combat prowess requires immense time and effort. Zolthux's Guide to the Eldritch Knight (Updated: 08/12/2014) I. If you’re a Sorcerer you don’t get Persistent Spell because WotC hates you and you don’t get 9th level spells. If you're going to Epic levels, you can have your cake and eat it too! There’s also Greater Heroism which you cast before every fight, ever.Level 7: This gives you Energy Immunity, which you use for Acid so you can stand in an Acid Fog and not get hurt. Studying the martial and arcane arts to equal degree, the eldritch knight is a versatile combatant who can cast fireball on their foes or charge them with sword drawn. ~~~~~ ELDRITCH KNIGHT (EK) Requirements: Martial Weapon Proficiency; Arcane Spellcasting of at least level 3. Level 3 spells are the ones you really won’t have enough of, which is why Wizards are best and scribe lots of scrolls.Level 4: Even though Wizards don’t get these until level 10 and Sorcerers level 11, they still rock. Specifics: The character becomes skilled with spells and abilities that allow him to assume another form. At 1st level, an eldritch knight may choose a bonus combat feat. Weapon Proficiency: Must be proficient with all martial weapons. If you’re a Wizard you scribe a scroll of Combust. Stone Body and friends makes you immune to Sneak Attack, so enjoy it. But NWN2 on Normal seems winnable even if you play sub-optimal builds on a character or two. Description: Eldritch Knights are the new Fighter/Mages of 3.5ed. Date Posted: Jul 1, 2014 @ 9:10pm. Blackguards need 5 ranks in Hide for some reason. Don’t get your hopes up though.Other Eldritch Knights: The mirror match is tough. (The manual is incorrect.) Later you use it for Fire and Incendiary Cloud, but that’s still 4 levels away. Half-Elf: Half-Elf is a solid choice to take for your Eldritch Knight. I don’t know who’d win this fight.Wizards and Sorcerers: These guys are like you but they cast spells better and go “squish” when you stab them. They combine the best thing in the game, casting spells, with the most fun thing in the game, stabbing people in the face. If you want a warrior-mage, go fighter/(wizard or sorc) -> Eldritch Knight. You probably have more than that, so go nuts and get Use Magic Device and maybe some other crazy things. Watch out for Curse Song since it screws you over. It gives +6 as of patch 1.03. I don’t suggest playing an Aasimar though, since the Sorcerer Eldritch Knight is a Paladin and a person can only hold so many sticks up their ass.ClassesThere are two kinds of Eldritch Knight-Wizards and Sorcerers. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There’s no reason for you to ever use one handed weapons.The only skills you care about are Concentration, Spellcraft, and Tumble. Somehow, it also allows you to take Practiced Spellcaster in online games, which is totally awesome. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. Hit Die: d8 Requirements To qualify to become an eldritch knight, a character must fulfill all the following criteria: Base Attack Bonus: +4 Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus (any melee weapon). An extra Ranger level adds an extra offhand weapon attack at the expense of some defense, it’s the player’s call. Ghostly Visage is awesome at this level because most monsters don’t have magic weapons. Dragonborn: +2 to STR is beneficial for Eldritch Knight, but the +1 to CHA is wasted. It has returned in NWN2 for the same reasons it was in NWN. Eldritch Knight (Revised Version) Flavor text goes here. I would actually value constitution more than int because you may want to have one concentration spell up and especially in the case of haste you really don't want to lose it. Unlike NWN, NWN2 has prestige classes made for just such concepts. Weapon Proficiency: Must be proficient with all martial weapons. Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. If, on the other hand, you want more priestly buttkicking, simply go cleric -> warpriest. I generally see EKs as a very tanky class that uses spells like Shield and Absorb Elements to achieve just that. nwn2strategies, nwn2 build, build Eldritch Knights are awesome. After that I don’t care as long as you get the right feats, which are Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Knockdown, Improved Knockdown, Extend Spell, and Persistent Spell. Displacement is good for one level until you get Greater Invisibility. And an eldritch knight with cleverly chosen spells will actually be as effective with 8 int as with 20. 2 years ago. Don’t bother with battlefield control, since they’re not going to be meleeing you until you’re screwed over. 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Skills: concentration, craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, heal, iaijutsu focus, jump, lore, parry, spellcraft, taunt. Weapon and Armor Proficiency. If you’re a Wizard, you took a level of Fighter at 1st level (I don’t know how that works either) and get a bonus feat like Power Attack or Combat Expertise or Knockdown. From there, I'd take a Wizard level immediately, grab either the cat or the beetle, then probably four more levels of Swashbuckler for the dodge bonuses and precise strike, then four levels of Wizard to CL 9, then I'd start alternating Swashbuckler and Eldritch Knight levels. I'm probably going to try to make Human Sorcerer6/Eldritch Knight7/Fighter7/RDD10 work for the lulz. Primary saving throw (s): fortitude. Death Armor is silly at this level but gets good later when it doesn’t run out before you finish casting it. If you can’t cast Ethereal Jaunt you’re dead. At each level (except 1st level), an eldritch knight gains new spells per day, plus another effective casting level, as if they progressed in an arcane spellcasting class that they had prior to becoming an eldritch knight. Posts: 2. They tend to be driven individuals, because simultaneously perfecting their spellcasting and combat prowess requires immense time and effort. This is stupid, since direct damage spells suck and Eldritch Knights can’t fight worth a damn without buffs. This isn’t a really good spell, but it lets you set people on fire.Level 3: Improved Mage Armor replaces Mage Armor. If they’re not smart you win, but that’s standard in a mirror match. Note: Bleeding Wound can be used to gain access to classes and feats that require a certain number of … If you get lucky and don’t die before you can make yourself immune to them you’re good to go.Bards: Bards are like you, but with worse spells and a better singing voice. If you’re a Sorcerer you took a level of Paladin and don’t get this awesomeness. Your character needs to be multiclassed. Wizards take 2 levels of Fighter, 8 of Wizard, and 10 of Eldritch Knight and cast totally awesome 9th level spells like Disjunction. To qualify to become an eldritch knight, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Bonus Feat. These are all feats you’re going to have sooner or later, so get whichever one you think is going to be most useful at low levels. I’m not sure what they get in return, since spontaneous spellcasting doesn’t matter when you only cast a couple of each spell every day, but I’m sure it’s something. ~~~~~ ELDRITCH KNIGHT (EK) Requirements: Martial Weapon Proficiency; Arcane Spellcasting of at least level 3. I suggest Divine Shield, because your buffs should cover you on damage. You might be a Human though, in which case you get it anyway. They combine the best thing in the game, casting spells, with the most fun thing in the game, stabbing people in the face. Sorcerer guide This is a guide for Sorcerers in Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2). Note that they’re better than you at fighting, but you can dispel them so you don’t care. Magic missile. If a character has multiple arcane spellcasting classes when becoming an eldritch knight, they must choose which arcane spellcasting class will benefit from all levels of eldritch knight. You also get Grasping Hand to make people stay away, Shadow Shield to protect you from the mean Necromancers, and Ethereal Jaunt to buff up while enemies look around going “WTF?”Level 8: For protection you now have Protection from Spells and Iron Body if you ever want to risk it. Eldritch Knights are awesome. Because WotC hates Sorcerers, they don’t get 9th level spells. Weapon Proficiency: Must be proficient with all martial weapons. They focus their study on two of the eight schools of magic: abjuration and evocation. ~~~~~ ELDRITCH KNIGHT (EK) Requirements: Martial Weapon Proficiency; Arcane Spellcasting of at least level 3. Jack of all Trades - Master of None. But you can cast Ethereal Jaunt and then kill them. In DnD 3.5 Eldritch Knight gets one feat from fighter list at first level; In DnD 3.5, the martial weapon proficiency feat provides proficiency with only one martial weapon, while Eldritch Knight requires proficiency with ALL martial weapons. Daily news, reviews, interviews, previews, walkthroughs, databases, and more for role-playing games available on PC and all console platforms. Haste. You also get Interposing Hand which makes people miss and Firebrand which is the only damaging spell you ever use. Haste will be useful once you can Extend it or are high enough level that it doesn’t go away in 10 seconds. Eldritch Knight is a prestige class in NWN2. Therefore, one must take at least one level in a class that grants such proficiency (fighter, barbarian, et cetera), and the Eldritch Knight … In return you get 50% more HP compared to Sorcerers, full BAB progression, and 90% spellcasting progression. To avoid XP penalties, starting Sorcerer6/Fighter1. All of the following are features of the eldritch knight prestige class. I suggest being a Necromancer, because for some reason Blind Sight is Transmutation.Sorcerers take 2 levels of Paladin, 8 of Sorcerer, and 10 of Eldritch Knight. You’ll probably use this level for Extended 4th level spells.Level 6: At this level you can get Acid Fog and Forceful Hand to make people cry, Globe of Invulnerability Etherealness and Greater Stoneskin to make you unstoppable, and Transformation to turn you into a killing machine. Needing nothing but her two trusted Kukris, she will always have the upper hand in combat and beat any foe - by force, skill or magic. Breath Weapon is also a nice AoE attack that scales with character progression. Requirements: OC. (The manual is incorrect.) If eldritch knight is selected before having 6 levels of sorcerer the character will not be able to gain spell progression, and a rebuild or delevel will be necessary. It has silly things like Stoneskin and Greater Invisibility that make people not hurt you, Elemental Shield which kicks people in the nuts whenever they hit you, Wall of Fire and Black Tentacles that let you control the battlefield, and Enervation which never misses and makes people weaker.Level 5: At this level you get things like Mind Blank (Lesser) and Spell Mantle (Lesser) and that’s it. The eldritch knight takes pride in her ability to use the right technique for the job: spells against physically tough foes and force of arms against spellcasting enemies. You might also use Stone Body prior to using Transformation because it’s not like you’re going to be casting spells anyway. You might win these matches if you’re smarter than your opponent.Fighters, Barbarians, and Other Brutes: These guys probably fight better than you, but if you buff up you’re better. If Energy Drain ever gets fixed it’s another awesome debuff, otherwise it sucks and you never take it.Fighting People for Fun and Profit (Mostly Profit)Clerics and Druids: These guys like to buff up to insane levels and hit you in the face. They trade the bonus feats for Charisma to saves and a stick in their ass (this is an unlisted Paladin class feature). You could also be a Blackguard, which is totally better because you get to wear cool armor and don’t have to be a Paladin. Niche: A mage with the ability to hit things in combat. It also does some other stuff that’s useful and makes you look cool. Blind Sight and Darkness is a great combo that makes other people cry. Eldritch Knights use magical techniques similar to those practiced by wizards. Those are Human and Dwarf for the Wizard Eldritch Knight, and Human and Human for the Sorcerer Eldritch Knight. This doesn’t matter in NWN 2, but in D&D that’s a requirement for the class to make peaceful contact with an evil Outsider.Oh, and your familiar is a Beetle, because it gives you more HP and you’re a warrior. Then at 6/5/5/5, it's finally possible to start pumping RDD to 10. 1. This guide is about real Eldritch Knights with real ultimate power and how to play them.RacesThere are a couple good races for an Eldritch Knight. Combining Eldritch Knight levels with the armor class and attribute bonuses provided by the Red Dragon Disciple levels means considerable melee capability. The only useful Divination spells are at this level, but you took Divination as your barred school and don’t care. Abjuration spells grant an Eldritch Knight additional protection in battle, and evocation spells deal damage to many foes at once, extending the fighter's reach in combat. Note that it stacks with the base armor bonus of your armor (which is a Mithral Chain shirt hopefully made to reduce spell failure) but not the enhancement bonus. Ray of Enfeeblement is an awesome debuff spell and you’ll be using it later. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. 2. If they drop something crazy like a Save or Die you laugh because you’re a Wizard and are immune to it. Some people might like to get more levels of fighter and less of Wizard, but they’re stupid because no amount of bonus feats compares to 9th level spells. You dispel their buffs and hit them in the face. Eldritch Knights are awesome. If you’re willing to play one of the Bad-Touched races, Aasimars works for Sorcerers and Tieflings for Wizards. You Dispel them and debuff them, and hope you take down more of their buffs than they take off of yours. Requirements: Feats: Weapon Proficiency (Martial). Eldritch knights split their time between physical training to become better soldiers and arcane study to learn more powerful spells. Last time I played - some 5 months ago - I was wandering around the graveyard east of Fort Locke with a Sun Elf Fighter 2/Wizard 2, planning to turn him into a self-buffing Eldritch Knight at level 8. Shield. You also get Incendiary Cloud which you stand in while immune to fire and make people take an extra 8d6 damage. Spells: Able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells. Niche: A mage with the ability to hit things in combat. When most people think of an Eldritch Knight, they think of throwing a fireball and charging into battle. Picture it, a character that can swing away for massive damage with a two-handed sword while protected by Premonition and Illusions, occasionally spitting out offensive spells for good measure. Rage does something silly like give you someone else’s best class feature for a single spell. For the duration, the character’s base attack bonus becomes medium (unless its already higher) but cannot exceed the character’s HD. level 1. The Basics Welcome to my first guide. Magic Weapon is useful if you have the slots to spare, but you probably don’t so forget about it.Level 2: You get Mirror Image and False Life and people can’t touch you. Why a heavily armored warrior of darkness needs to be able to hide I don’t know, but I don’t write the rules.SpellsLevel 1: You take Mage Armor and Shield and you rock the house. The eldritch knight takes pride in their ability to use the right technique for the job: spells against physically tough foes and force of arms against spellcasting enemies. They can only get one, because Obsidian didn’t fix Bioware’s screw-up that prevents you from taking a Divine feat if you’re not taking a level in a divine class. As long as you’re smart you win.Rogues and Assassins: These guys stab you in the back when you’re not looking, so you can’t prepare for a fight. Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, and Bear’s Endurance rock the house and you use them a lot. Eldritch Knight – Requires the Martial Weapons feat, which you can get for free from several base classes such as Fighter and Blackguard. By a bit, anyway. You might want to Enervate and Enfeeble them before engaging. 1 Eldritch Knight 1.1 Requirements 1.2 Class Skills 1.3 Class Features 2 Epic Eldritch Knight Hit Die: d6. Wizard 5 / Eldritch Knight 10 / Invisible Blade 5 / Arcane Trickster10 See also: Eldritch Arcane Trickster - Ro(4),Wiz(6),AT(10),EK(10) Arcane Blade. You might sometimes use Shapechange, which is like Transformation on crack if you use the right form. Eldritch knights split their time between physical training to become better soldiers and arcane study to learn more powerful spells. Eldritch Knight is intended to be used for attacking either via fighting with ranged spells or up close with it's very specific cantrips and class features (namely, Eldritch Strike Requires you to make a weapon attack). However, you should make good use of your battlefield control and debuff spells to make them suck before stabbing them in the face. You might want to get Weapon Focus, which you take in some two handed weapon like the Greatsword or Falchion. Language: English ... nwn2 build, build. Sorcerer/Blackguard/ Eldritch Knights get the full benefit of their high Charisma scores which, contrary to popular belief, is not the huge bonus to saving throws but rather the ability to have good social skills despite eating babies and kicking puppies.A special note for Aasimars becoming Blackguards: You are an Outsider, and contact with yourself is hopefully going to be peaceful. You can do fun things like Disjoin people who rely on buffs or Summon an Elemental to help you or use Crushing Hand to remove people from the fight and slowly kill them. This is in addition to the feats that a character of any class normally gets from advancing levels. Hopefully they don’t kill you before you can start spamming Knockdown. Except for Mage Armor, you’ll be using these spells forever, so get used to it. Some of these Eldritch Knights trade 2 levels of Sorcerer (and, by extension, their precious 8th level spells) for 2 more of Paladin to get +1 BAB and Turn Undead, which allows them to get Divine Power or Divine Shield. Eldritch knights gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. You don’t like being hit in the face, so you cast Greater Dispel Magic or Disjunction and laugh at them, followed by stabbing them. Bards cast arcane spells, but they’re totally awesome and don’t need levels in Eldritch Knight. 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