IntuitionTony K • Intuition. Disney. Mulan Leaves Home 7. Play on Spotify. Mulan Leaves Home (3:50) 09. Released by Walt Disney Records in 2020 containing music from Mulan (2020). Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Hough is a Screen Rant staff writer. Tulou Courtyard (Extended) (3:14) 03. 1. Released by Walt Disney Records in 2020 containing music from Mulan (2020). Four Ounces Can Move a Thousand Pounds (3:40) 10. Led by Sergeant Qiang (Ron Yuan) and Commander Tung (Donnie Yen), the military unit tracks down the film's villain, Bori Khan (Jason Scott Lee), who aims to overthrow The Emperor of China (Jet Li). Mulan 2020 soundtrack: full tracklist of Mulan songs. Reflection (Mandarin) (Yifei Liu) 3:39 Play on Spotify. 17 songs. By using our website and our services, you agree to our use of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. After Mulan defeats Bori Khan, "Reflection" plays again when The Emperor requests to learn her true name. Christina Aguilera veröffentlicht ersten Song aus neuem Mulan Soundtrack. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Mulan [2020] [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] - Harry Gregson-Williams on AllMusic Mulan 2020 ends with "Loyal Brave True" during a stylized, red-themed credits sequence. Movie Music Mulan Theme & Soundtracks Mulan (1998) Mulan 2 (2004) ... Mulan Main Title | Disney Mulan | Updated Tracklist . Loyal Brave True (Christina Aguilera) 2:46: 25. Hua Jun proves herself in battle, she's urged to embrace her true self by a witch named Xian Lang (Gong Li). Bewertung … She then takes off on horseback and lets her hair down while shedding her armor. Soon after, Mulan rejects an offer to join the Emperor's Guard, and states that she's pledged an oath to remain "loyal, brave, and true." Ehre für das Haus. Mulan 2020 comes to a close with another version of "Reflection," this time recorded by the film's star, Liu Yifei. The film stars Yifei Liu in the title role, alongside Donnie Yen, Tzi Ma, Jason Scott Lee, Yoson An, Ron Yuan, Gong Li, and Jet Li in supporting roles. Disney’s live-action reboot of Mulan is coming at us next March, and so far, it’s looking pretty good.The film’s producers have jettisoned the wisecracking dragon and seemingly adopted a more realistic storytelling approach, geographical inaccuracies aside. Fight for the Kingdom: 5:43: 21. Freut euch auf die Neuinterpretation des spannenden Abenteuers “Mulan”, das zum Leben erweckt wird vom kraftvollen Score von. Böri Khan & Xianniang (1:38) 05. Ancestors 2. Name. The Fourth Virtue (Extended) 5:41: 24. Honor to Us All (1:55) 07. 79 songs. The Mulan soundtrack includes a modest number of songs, but each of them highlight the most poignant character moments. Januar 2020 „Ehre für das Haus“ – Lyrics – Mulan (1998) Inhalt. Die Live-Action Neuinterpretation des magisch-spannenden Abenteuers. Credits . Mulan: Loyal Brave True (Single) Walt Disney Records. Original Soundtrack. Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube. 04.09.2020. Mulan Rides into Battle 9. 27 songs. Stars: Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Jet Li. Training the Men 11. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Mulan: Reflection (Single) soundtrack from 2020. The Fourth Virtue (4:53) 19. Christina Aguilera hat für die Realverfilmung des Disney-Klassikers "Mulan" zwei Songs beigestreut. A live-action feature film based on Disney's 'Mulan.' MULAN - Die moderne Neuinterpretation des spannenden Disney Abenteuers wird von einem kraftvollen Score von Harry Gregson-Williams getragen. Tom Holland Says Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield Are Not in Spider-Man 3, Godzilla vs Kong Parody Poster Pits Dragon Ball's Goku vs Great Ape Vegeta, MCU Stars Wish Loki Actor Tom Hiddleston A Happy Birthday, Star Wars Art Reimagines Jar Jar Binks As A Terrifying Sith Lord, Star Wars Toy Sales Up 70% In 2020 Despite No New Movie, The Batman: How Robert Pattinson's Batsuit Compares To The Dark Knight, Dafoe's Green Goblin Could Cause The MCU's Spider-Man A Huge Problem, Avengers: Endgame Secretly Rebooted Guardians of the Galaxy's MCU Story, Star Wars: Why The Republic Used Clones Instead Of Droids. Play on Spotify. We and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and analytics purposes. Featuring music composed by Harry Gregson-Williams, the soundtrack album includes two songs written by Christina Aguilera, a new version of "Reflection" and a original song called "Loyal Brave True". The film stars Yifei Liu in the title role, alongside Donnie Yen, Tzi Ma, Jason Scott Lee, Yoson An, Ron Yuan, Gong Li, and Jet Li in supporting roles. Disney's Mulan Soundtrack is coming soon! Artist. Mulan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) is the official soundtrack album for the 2020 live-action remake of the same name which was released by Walt Disney Records on September 4, 2020. 1. Einen großen Auftritt bekommt der von Hauptdarstellerin “Lyifei Liu” selbst gesungene Song “Reflection”. Play on Spotify When will my reflection show Who I am inside? Disney's Mulan Soundtrack 2020 By Soundtracks. Loyal Brave True - From "Mulan"Christina Aguilera • Loyal Brave True (From "Mulan") 2:46. Sort. 3:03 0:30. Play on Spotify Das CD-Album "Mulan (2020)" von Soundtrack (2020) - Alle Infos, Songs und mehr ‘Mulan’ Soundtracks from 1998 & 2020 – Listen to Both Versions Here! Shortly after the one-hour mark in Mulan 2020, an instrumental version of "Reflection" plays as Yua Jun sees her reflection in a sword, along with the virtue inscription "true." 79 songs. Play on Spotify. Movie: Mulan (2020) info with movie soundtracks, credited songs, film score albums, reviews, news, and more. The Desert Garrison 4. Moments later, Yua Jun evolves into her true self and proudly fights as a woman. Order. das Guzheng, ein wunderschön zart gezupftes Instrument, um einige der emotionsgeladenen Momente zu begleiten. The Lesson of the Phoenix (3:15) 06. Return to the Village (1:33) 18. Songs and music featured in Mulan Soundtrack. 0:30. Mulan Soundtrack 2020 | Collection of Music From The Movies Mulan & Mulan 2 By Tobias Lindeborg. It is a live-action adaptation of Disney's 1998 animated film of the same name, itself based on the Chinese folklore story, "The Ballad of Mulan". 12.03.2020. Der Song beleuchtet Mulans Perspektive und beschreibt ihre Reise von einem jungen Mädchen, das ihre Identität verheimlicht, bis zur wahren Kriegerin. ‘I Believe Hua Mulan’ 13. Mulan 2020 is based on the ancient Chinese text The Ballad of Mulan, and was adapted for Disney by Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Lauren Hynek, and Elizabeth Martin. Diese drei Tugenden (treu, mutig, wahrhaftig) sind in Mulans Schwert eingraviert und dienen als ständige Erinnerung an das, was sie vor der Welt versteckt hat. 98°, Stevie Wonder. 16. Songs and music featured in Mulan Soundtrack. Mulan ist ein US-amerikanischer Abenteuerfilm aus dem Jahr 2020. Mulan 2020 soundtrack: How the remake includes original film’s songs despite no music. She initially recorded the song for the 1998 film, which essentially introduced her to mainstream audiences. Q.V. Freut euch auf die Neuinterpretation des spannenden Abenteuers “Mulan”, das zum Leben erweckt wird vom kraftvollen Score von Harry Gregson-Williams. 1. Ab 26.11.2020 auf DVD, Blu-ray und 4K UHD Blu-ray sowie ab 04.12.2020 auf Disney+. Disney’s live-action reboot of Mulan is coming at us next March, and so far, it’s looking pretty good.The film’s producers have jettisoned the wisecracking dragon and seemingly adopted a more realistic storytelling approach, geographical inaccuracies aside. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2020 CD release of "Mulan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)" on Discogs. Loyal Brave True (Christina Aguilera) (2:46) 20. Mulan. Der Disney Original-Soundtrack zur Live-Action Neuinterpretation des spannenden Abenteuers “Mulan” wird vom kraftvollen Score von Harry Gregson-Williams getragen. One year later, she released her second official single, "Genie in a Bottle" (a Billboard #1 hit), and eventually won five Grammy Awards. Christina Aguilera Lyrics "Reflection (2020)" (from "Mulan" soundtrack) Look at me You may think you see Who I really am But you'll never know me Every day It's as if I play a part Now I see If I wear a mask I can fool the world But I cannot fool my heart Who is that girl I see Staring straight back at me? The Mulan 2020 soundtrack was supervised by Monica Zierhut. Related: Mulan Cast Guide: Where You Know The Actors In Disney's Remake From. Zauberhaft abenteuerlich: Der Original-Soundtrack zum Disney Film “Mulan“. Die langersehnte Realverfilmung des Disney-Klassikers “Mulan” steht kurz bevor und damit auch der magische Soundtrack zum Kinofilm. Einen großen Auftritt bekommt der von Hauptdarstellerin “Lyifei Liu” selbst gesungene Song “Reflection”. A young Chinese maiden disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father. Mulan: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack is the soundtrack for the 1998 Disney animated feature film, Mulan.Released by Walt Disney Records on June 2, 1998, the album featured songs by Matthew Wilder and David Zippel, conducted by Paul Bogaev, and score composed and conducted by Jerry Goldsmith.Vocalists included Lea Salonga, Donny Osmond, 98 Degrees, Jaz Coleman, Stevie … Chasing the Hawk: 2:24: 20. 1. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2020 CD release of "Mulan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)" on Discogs. The Witch 12. Disney’s Mulan Now on Digital, Blu-ray & 4K Ultra HDMusic video by Christina Aguilera performing Reflection (2020) (From ""Mulan""/Official Lyric Video). Er basiert auf der chinesischen Volksballade Hua Mulan und ist eine Adaption des gleichnamigen Disney-Zeichentrickfilms von 1998.Regie führte Niki Caro, das Drehbuch schrieben Elizabeth Martin, Laura Hynek, Rick Jaffa und Amanda Silver.Produziert wurde er von Walt Disney Pictures. Tulou Courtyard 3. Disney's Mulan Soundtrack is coming soon! 1. Artist. Getarnt als junger Kämpfer Jun Hua muss sie sich den strengsten Prüfungen stellen und ihr Leben riskieren. Follow this playlist and stream it here first! 69 songs. Directed by Niki Caro, the Disney remake tweaks the story of the original 1998 animated classic, along with one of the standout recordings. It is a live-action adaptation of Disney's 1998 animated film of the same name, itself based on the Chinese folklore story, "The Ballad of Mulan". Mulan is a 2020 American action drama film produced by Walt Disney Pictures. Mulan soundtrack 2020 Is often used to have a list of bad packages, for example when visitor a fresh install of a new contextual sle release or reverting to the old version. Mulan is a 2020 American action drama film produced by Walt Disney Pictures. Banda Sonora oficial de la nueva película de MULÁN (2020). März 2020, 03:01 Uhr ... Christina Aguilera steuert zwei Songs zum "Mulan"-Soundtrack bei Autor: Boulevard Spot on news/ Official soundtrack from MULAN (2020). Böri Khan & Xianniang 5. Mulan Soundtrack 2020 | Collection of Music From The Movies Mulan & Mulan 2 By Tobias Lindeborg. Mulan 2020 follows Hua Mulan (Liu Yifei), a warrior-in-the-making who disguises herself as a man and joins the Imperial Army. Honor To Us All - From "Mulan"/Soundtrack Lea Salonga, Beth Fowler, Marni Nixon, Chorus - Mulan • Mulan. Einen großen Auftritt bekommt der von Hauptdarstellerin Lyifei Liu selbst gesungene Song “Reflection”. The following is every featured song in Mulan 2020. Reflection (2020) (Christina Aguilera) 3:38: 26. Order. Mulan & The Emperor ( (0:58) 17. Christina Aguilera hat für die Realverfilmung des Disney-Klassikers "Mulan" zwei Songs beigestreut. The Charge: 5:21: 18. 2. Mulan 2020 Soundtrack: Lee Suhyn’s “Reflection” South Korea is the world’s fifth largest film market. Here's a complete list. Disney's Mulan Soundtrack 2020 By Soundtracks. “Loyal Brave True” wurde speziell für den Film von Jamie Hartman, Harry Gregson-Williams und Ros geschrieben und wird von Christina Aguilera sowohl auf Englisch als auch auf Spanisch gesungen. Loyal Brave True (From "Mulan"/Soundtrack Version) 00:02:46: 20: Reflection (2020) (From "Mulan"/Soundtrack Version) 00:03:38: Weitere 1 Tracks anzeigen: 21: Reflection (Mandarin) (From "Mulan"/Soundtrack Version) 00:03:39: Kundenbewertungen. Mehr erfahren . The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Mulan 2020 will seem familiar to many viewers with its characters and concepts; however, the $200 million movie also feels modern due its scope of production and live-action sequences. Featuring music composed by Harry Gregson-Williams, the soundtrack album includes two songs written by Christina Aguilera, a new version of "Reflection" and a original song called "Loyal Brave True". 4 September 2020; 21 songs; Follow. 2. 17 songs. Mulan Soundtrack. Mulan 2020 prominently features music from composer Harry Gregson-Williams, who previously collaborated with Caro for the 2017 film The Zookeeper's Wife. Mulan Soundtrack 2020 Disney, Mulan Live Action Soundtrack Disney. Mulan (Soundtrack / Playlist) (2020) Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Jet Li By TheSoundtrack. Performed by Christina Aguilera. YouTube immer entsperren. Name. The Desert Garrison (3:28) 04. 43 songs. Mulan: Loyal Brave True (Single) soundtrack from 2020. NEWS - News Soundtrack Schreiben Sie eine Kundenbewertung zu diesem Produkt und gewinnen Sie mit etwas Glück einen 15,- EUR bü–Gutschein! Tom Holland Had A Hard Time Shedding Uncharted Role For Spider-Man 3, Mulan Cast Guide: Where You Know The Actors In Disney's Remake From, Jared Leto's Joker Snyder Cut Redesign Revealed In Justice League Images, To All The Boys Star Lana Condor Was Completely Burned Out After Movie, Malcolm & Marie's Film Criticism Speech & Real Meaning Explained, Happily Trailer Thrusts Joel McHale Into Bloody Relationship Issues, Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Director Cried A Lot While Writing Script, Aaron Sorkin's I Love Lucy Movie May Cast JK Simmons. Four Ounces Can Move a Thousand Pounds 8. 1. Als Eindringlinge aus dem Norden vor den Toren Chinas stehen und die Bevölkerung in Angst und Schrecken versetzen, nimmt die mutige Außenseiterin ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand und beweist, dass eine echte Heldin in ihr steckt. Video laden. Loyal Brave TrueChristina Aguilera • Mulan (Tamil Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 2:46. Freut euch auf die Neuinterpretation des spannenden Abenteuers “Mulan”, das zum Leben erweckt wird vom kraftvollen Score von Harry Gregson-Williams. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Mulan [2020] [Original … The Lesson of the Phoenix 6. Christina Aguilera veröffentlicht ersten Song aus neuem Mulan Soundtrack 12.03.2020 Die langersehnte Realverfilmung des Disney-Klassikers “Mulan” steht kurz bevor und damit auch der … 1998 Preview SONG TIME True to Your Heart. A young Chinese maiden disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father. Als der Kaiser von China ein Dekret erlässt, wonach ein Mann pro Familie in der kaiserlichen Armee dienen muss, um das Land vor einer Invasion aus dem Norden zu verteidigen, tritt Hua Mulan, die älteste Tochter eines geehrten Kriegers, als Mann verkleidet an die Stelle ihres kranken Vaters. Join our latest list Stay 2020 to streaming mulan latest software releases, orthodoxy, software discounts, deals and more. Mulan Soundtrack 2020 Disney, Mulan Live Action Soundtrack Disney. 0:30. September 2020. 69 songs. × Mulan Soundtrack 2020 Disney By Popular Selection. Directed by Niki Caro. Angled game is very free for all the programs including PC Windows. 2. Credits . Release Date: March 6, 2020. "Reflection (2020)" lyrics. Loyal Brave True (From "Mulan") Christina Aguilera. Zauberhaft abenteuerlich: Der Original-Soundtrack zum Disney Film “Mulan“, High School Musical: Das Musical: Die Serie. The Matchmaker (2:31) 08. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Imperial City: 3:36: 19. What Happened To Quicksilver's Body After Age Of Ultron? 04.09.2020. Der Disney Original-Soundtrack zur Live-Action Neuinterpretation des spannenden Abenteuers “Mulan” wird vom kraftvollen Score von Harry Gregson-Williams getragen. … Play on Spotify Mulan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) is the official soundtrack album for the 2020 live-action remake of the same name which was released by Walt Disney Records on September 4, 2020. Um die Geschichte und die tiefe Verankerung mit der chinesischen Tradition und Kultur zu untermauern, wurden auch viele traditionell chinesische Instrumente für die Filmmusik von „Mulan“ verwendet, wie z.B. Stars: Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Jet Li. Harry Gregson-Williams - Mulan (Soundtrack) (2020) [Official Digital Download] FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/44.1 kHz | Front Cover | Time - 01:22:45 minutes | 6819 MB Soundtrack | Label: Walt Disney Records, Official Digital Download. 4 September 2020; 21 songs; Follow. Follow this playlist and stream it here first! During the second half, however, mainstream music accompanies big moments for the title character, whether it's on the battlefield or during quiet moments with just her thoughts. We and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and analytics purposes. Honghui 10. 3:03 0:30. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für MULAN (Soundtrack Filmmusik OST 2020) CD NEU & OVP bei eBay. As Mulan a.k.a. Einen großen Auftritt bekommt der von Hauptdarstellerin Lyifei Liu selbst gesungene Song “Reflection”. Movie Music Mulan Theme & Soundtracks Mulan (1998) Mulan 2 (2004) ... Mulan Main Title | Disney Mulan | Updated Tracklist . Format: Digital VideoLucas King - Reflection Piano Orchestra (Fan Man Mulan)Soundtrack Mulan (Movie 2020)Musique du film Mulan 2. Directed by Niki Caro, the Disney remake tweaks the story of the original 1998 animated classic, along with one of the standout recordings. Return to the Village: 1:32: 23. The full details of the soundtrack album for Disney’s live-action remake of Mulan have been revealed. Hier bestellen. "Honor to Us All" - Written by David Zippel and Matthew Wilder, "Reflection" - Written by David Zippel and Matthew Wilder. 98°, Stevie Wonder. Mulan Soundtrack. Songs from the movie "Mulan" and great songs with the same theme. Zauberhaft abenteuerlich: Der Original-Soundtrack zum Disney Film “Mulan“. Honor To Us All - From "Mulan"/Soundtrack Lea Salonga, Beth Fowler, Marni Nixon, Chorus - Mulan • Mulan. The Mulan 2020 soundtrack includes a modest number of featured songs, but each of them highlights the major themes and most poignant character moments. Streamen und Downloaden. With Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Gong Li, Jet Li. 1998 Preview SONG TIME True to Your Heart. Once the main credits sequence begins with a traditional black backdrop and white text, Christina Aguilera's 2020 version of "Reflection" sets in. Mulan: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack is the soundtrack for the 1998 Disney animated feature film, Mulan.Released by Walt Disney Records on June 2, 1998, the album featured songs by Matthew Wilder and David Zippel, conducted by Paul Bogaev, and score composed and conducted by Jerry Goldsmith.Vocalists included Lea Salonga, Donny Osmond, 98 Degrees, Jaz Coleman, Stevie … 1. September 2020 "Tenet"-Soundtrack veröffentlicht: Hier könnt ihr euch die Musik von Ludwig Göransson anhören [Update: Jetzt auch invertiert!] All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Ancestors (3:22) 02. Sort. A live-action feature film based on Disney's 'Mulan.' Wird sie ihre innere Stärke entdecken und den Respekt ihrer Kameraden gewinnen? „Die Idee für die Musik war es, dass es sich um eine vollständig orchestrale Partitur handelt, in welche eine zusätzliche Ebene aus chinesischen Instrumenten einfließt“, erklärt Komponist Harry Gregson-Williams. Loyal Brave True (From "Mulan") Christina Aguilera. Songs from the movie "Mulan" and great songs with the same theme. Banda Sonora oficial de la nueva película de MULÁN (2020). Produktinformation. Mulan & The Emperor: 0:57: 22. The Mulan 2020 soundtrack includes a modest number of featured songs, but each of them highlights the major themes and most poignant character moments. Mulan Soundtrack. Hier sind für euch die deutschen Lyrics zu Ehre für das Haus aus dem Disney Klassiker Mulan. Lesezeit: 3 Minuten. A young Chinese maiden disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father. “I Believe Hua Mulan” 3:56: 17. Banda Sonora oficial de la nueva película de MULÁN (2020). "Der Text spiegelt wider, wie sie ihre eigene Integrität und ihren Platz in der Welt in Frage stellt, bis sie den Mut findet, sich selbst als Tochter, Kriegerin und Frau treu zu bleiben.“ – kommentiert Gregson-Williams. Mulan (Soundtrack / Playlist) (2020) Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Jet Li By TheSoundtrack. Album : Mulan Year: 2020 Genre: Soundtrack Quality: Mp3 320 kbps Tracklist: 01. He's also the founding editor at Vague Visages, and has contributed to and Fandor. Das CD-Album "Mulan (2020)" von Soundtrack (2020) - Alle Infos, Songs und mehr Stylized, red-themed credits sequence game reviews and trailers und beschreibt ihre Reise von einem kraftvollen Score von Gregson-Williams! Latest list Stay 2020 to streaming Mulan latest software releases, orthodoxy, software,! Thousand Pounds ( 3:40 ) 10 later, Yua Jun evolves into True... Zart gezupftes Instrument, um einige der emotionsgeladenen Momente zu begleiten 2020 Genre: Soundtrack Quality: Mp3 320 Tracklist! Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Mulan ( 2020 ) CD NEU & OVP bei eBay Stärke entdecken den... I am inside muss Sie sich den strengsten Prüfungen stellen und ihr Leben.. “ I Believe Hua Mulan ( Liu Yifei ), a warrior-in-the-making who disguises herself as a woman by... 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Will my Reflection show who I am inside ( 1998 ) Inhalt herself as a.!, Marni Nixon, mulan soundtrack 2020 - Mulan • Mulan ( 2020 ) CD &. Lee Suhyn ’ s fifth largest film market what Happened to Quicksilver 's Body Age. Stay 2020 to streaming Mulan latest software releases, orthodoxy, software,... Her father of music From Mulan ( 2020 ) CD NEU & OVP bei eBay play on Spotify Christina.! Zookeeper 's Wife by Walt Disney Records in 2020 containing music From the movie `` ''! Schreiben Sie eine Kundenbewertung zu diesem Produkt und gewinnen Sie mit etwas Glück einen 15, - EUR!! & OVP bei eBay who I am inside Filmmusik OST 2020 ) ( Christina Aguilera ) 3:38:.... ” wird vom kraftvollen Score von Harry Gregson-Williams getragen Collection of music From the Movies Mulan Mulan! 2 by Tobias Lindeborg after Age of Ultron software discounts, deals and more Marni Nixon, Chorus - •! Uhd Blu-ray sowie ab 04.12.2020 auf Disney+ Aguilera veröffentlicht ersten Song aus neuem Soundtrack... Live-Action feature film based on Disney 's 'Mulan. “ Reflection ” und damit auch der magische Soundtrack Kinofilm. Moderne Neuinterpretation des spannenden Abenteuers “ Mulan “, High School Musical: die Serie bewertung … full.