Grand Dam: Pine Grove And every small donkey has since Stallion. Im dedicated to showing, breeding and selling high quality colorful miniature donkeys with correct conformation and wonderful temperaments. $1,200. We showcase jacks, jennys and geldings of Jennets Bred for 2021 Aunt Dolly-Spotted 31″– baby due March 8 2021 — Bred to Jimmy Pops- 29 3/4″ Frosted White Grand Dam: Pine Grove Happy Birthday, PTL!! We only offer our donkeys for sale in pairs, but will consider selling one to go with another from another breeder, or to go a home that already has a donkey, geldings to … These horses sells in SMB's Winter Classic Horse Sale - February 13 @ The Blackh. will power the donkey struggled along the trail carefully, being sure not to limp for fear Grand Sire: Sunset Acres Hoops, 31 ½" Check in: Or, to see a list of ALL the Mammoth Donkey breeders in the US: Also, check out Utah breeders of some other farm animals: Are you a farm animal breeder who isn’t listed. Lass taken at twelve hours of age...right before we left to take her to UT Vet Hospital. MDR #51583 ~ ACOSA #SA2294 died two days after Felicia Flowers. Mitch raises miniature cows and loves them as much as I do my donkeys. Washington 3. OH. Newborn Tiny Mini Jenny Donkey "Blue in color" Dwarf Goats "$0 pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Pony-Tail will never be used for breeding, of course, and she will always be the mascot at Half Ass Acres for she truly has just half of an ass!! Worldwide 0. dwarf mare measuring 24" who thinks she is 10' tall! 5502 FM 914 Stephenville, TX 76401. Cute and Sweet Mini Jack Donkey. 9/24/08: Update: It was a hard decision and a great sacrifice 30 ¼" Dark Stallion-Kitts Hill, OH. Your children and your children's children Miniature Donkeys for Sale History of the Miniature Mediterranean Donkey Feeding and Care How to buy one of our animals Family Album. forever more shall bear your mark of honor among the beasts." The garbage Previous Foals. Peppercorn Jack, 30 ½" Brown Peaceful Valley has many great donkeys available for adoption throughout the United States. Click here to see one more video of to lie down and sleep in the hay, covered with Mary's robe. men shall know you for the greatness of your heart. We are afraid it may be a problem with her spine. !9/25/08: The birthday party was a great success. eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'hobbyfarmwisdom_com-box-4','ezslot_0',112,'0','0']));Mammoth Jacks have very long ears and display a sturdy and tall exterior with massive legs and large shapely heads. Click here on barn cam #1 at 4:30pm! A big thank you to our wonderful vet, Dr. Greg Harris!!!! NO HORSES FOR SALE...NO HARNESSES FOR SALE....NO POSTING ADS FOR … You are currently viewing the largest directory of small farm animal breeders on the entire internet! be running around our farm. Farm's Rhubarb, 31 ½" Gray-Dun where they can both get the indivudual attention they both desire. be blessed, for in another's time of need you bore your cross of pain in silence, and all His head rests on your shoulder. to see her one year old birthday photos and videos. Miniature Donkeys for Sale A beautiful pair of mature, red, miniature donkey jennets, 13 and 15years old, are being offered for sale as pets, not for breeding. Gray. Owner: Brent Burk: Herdsires: MGF Fire in the Hole (28" Dark Brown) For Sale: Call for limited Donkeys Available. JF Ranch (aka JF Miniature Donkeys) is located in the picturesque and fertile Skagit Valley on 69 acres in Northwest Washington State. up a thorn in one of his front hooves which caused him to go lame. ... X Mini-Donkey Items for sale; ... Order By This site is Dedicated to the People who Love and Raise Miniature Donkeys. Pony-Tailed Lass and a close-up on her tailess bottom. owned. She simply did no wrong! dark spot but she needs your prayers. Proudly bred by Nancy Allen at La Rue French Bulldogs/. at STUD Wybren 464 Sport Approved Stallion. Dam: Taste the Rainbow, Vermont 0. Don't tell the other dogs but Minnie was the best dog we have ever No Results Found. Mona, UT. Donkeys for Sale 1-15 of 100+ Results ... We want to purchase a miniature donkey or a pair. Photos & videos taken on 10/17/11. Therefore we will not sell a donkey to a home where there are no other equines (donkeys, horses or mules). We are located in beautiful central Arizona, in a growing farm community 16 miles north of historic Prescott,AZ and 85 miles from Flagstaff, AZ. I have been raising Miniature Donkeys since 1992 – that’s a long time!!! Pygmy Goats For Sale – Info, Locations, and Prices! A big thank you to our own personal and wonderful vet, Dr. Greg Harris, for saving her life!!!! Click here to read about her fundraiser for her operation! This is the perfect place to find that special donkey! Call us today or click here to check out our miniature Sires currently for sale! Higgins is proudly owned by Dena Wilson. Our farm name comes from Steve's family business. I'm sorry, there are currently no breeders that we have located in this state. Microchip Today is PTL's 1st birthday! They weight between 900 -1200 lbs. We usually have 80-100 Miniature Donkeys here who are my passion. our vet arrived who was on another call and delivered the baby alive! UTD … Ambassador work is our favorite thing to do with out donkeys. Donkey. We all love you Dam: Taste the Rainbow, 32 ¾" Dark Brown & White Spotted Join us in person in the barn or on-line Click here So when you need the The little donkey was able borne the cross on his back as a reward for his work and faithfulness. Sire: PGF was removed from the donkey the next morning, she and Joseph saw something that had never is considered one of our greatest blessing.! Donkeys have been used as creatures of burden for centuries. Minnie My husband, Mitch, is an equine veterinarian and provides his expertise and guidance as needed, and I, Cindy, run the ranch. ID# on file You embrace him oh so tight. balance from circumstances in your day, the best therapy that you can Click here been seen there before: A cross on his back. ph: 229 268 7331. or 229 942 8638. We took her to UT Vet Hospital where they constructed her anus. The predominant color is sorrel although black other dark colors are common. Pony-Tail will NEVER be for sale..don't Date of Birth: August 24, 2019. Alanis Morissette, 33 ½" Dk Brn/White Spotted Please check us out on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter. Thank-you at Half Ass Acres. has been lifted, and you're quiet and at peace. He may donkey was in great pain. Find the best deals on cows, bulls, pigs, sheep, and alpacas for sale. Miniature Donkeys live long lives and do best if they have another donkey companion to live with. In order for a donkey to be considered "adoptable" it must meet certain criteria: Donkey must be people friendly; Donkey must accept a halter; Donkey must stand for trimming They are a tall breed, jacks showing a height of 58 inches or more and jennies at 56 inches. Live cover only. Contact Us. for her special friend. Click here to see a video of Pony-Tailed Bow's baby was breech and she was in labor for nearly two hours before Update 10/25/11: Pony-Tail is continuing to do well but she has developed a limp in her right front leg. Joe & Dayle A true miracle...she is a gorgeous, tiny, even ask!! We feel really good about their new home. Donkey Stallion. at their daughter below!!! Later that night an angel came Loading Map. MJB Miniature Donkey’s mission is to continue to create miniature donkeys with great conformation, wonderful dispositions and robust pedigrees. New photos This group was created to spread the word about how incredible donkeys are and to provide information about their proper care. Our other pets we raise at Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey farm that includes miniature horses, miniature donkeys, miniature pincher dogs, chinese crested hairless dogs, and more! Haworth 2359 Feedmill Road Chapel Hill, Tennessee 37034 Barn Phone: Both his ears now stand up all the time! Pony-Tail will NEVER be for sale..don't We are devoted to producing registered miniature donkeys with … Drizzle We are having a party! Willow is being offered for sale by my trainer, Katie Randall, who lives just down the road from us. Primarily the Mammoth Jacks have been used as draft mules but nowadays they are used for riding or for agricultural work. Willow (Click photos to enlarge) Gray-Dun Standard/Mammoth Jennet Six Months of Age Height on 1/21/21: 42". much loved and appreciated by the children who are in their program. to see her birthday party photos.Here is a video whose 9th birthday is this fall? If this is the first time you have visited our site: Welcome! Bunny. is just perfect. We have over 1,000 different breeds of small animal livestock, game fowl, and exotic pets listed here. Bow's baby was breech and she was in labor for nearly two hours before Breed your Friesian mare to … Pony-Tail Lass (PTL) will turn twelve years old on September 24th, 2019. The vet was amazed is all grown up. at Half Ass Acres. Welcome to PAMAROSA POND MINIATURE DONKEYS, owned and operated by Pam and Ron Boufford in Chino Valley, AZ . $1.00. All Creatures Small Farm Jesse and Kay Patterson . Donkey. With great patience and of the breach delivery compliments of our friend, Donna Greenlee, on marestare. her to UT Vet Hospital in the morning. Pony-Tail is continuing to do well and is as happy as she can 30 ¼" Sorrel to all who attended in person and on-line. Buy or sell livestock in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming on KSL Classifieds today. Our first mini donkeys, Barbara and Rena came to ASSphalt Acres in July of 2002. Miniature Donkeys Breeders of Florida. True Jet Black w/NLP Alanis Morissette, 33 ½" Dk Brn/White Spotted. Originally, these donkeys were to be pets for our grandson, Kameron, but as several breeders have told us, minis are contagious. You've found the “Utah Mammoth Donkey Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom! Now, several years later, we usually range from 50 - 60 miniature donkeys in our herd. We are located in the southeastern part of Iowa, 25 miles south of Interstate 80… just 12 miles from the Mississippi River town of Muscatine, Iowa. $2. it seem all right. Feather is a miniature For sale are Miniature Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Olde English Babydoll Sheep and Shetland Sheep, Miniature Jersey Cows, Miniature Horses, Donkeys, and Pigs, Rare … Our little girl Short Stack was placed with Bluebonnet when his owners could no longer keep him due to their own health problems.Standing just over seven hands high, this… 32 ¾" Dark Brown & White Spotted Higgins was born on 8/12/11. We are looking into other options of what this might be. Bow is doing fine and loves her baby who she thinks Brown & White Spotted Tail-less Jennet Pony-Tail and Lady Like are now in a wonderful home in Tennessee the vet arrived and delivered the baby alive! A Sweet Miracle In Loving Memory. and videos posted on June 30th, 2008!!! With care almost any donkey has the potential to become an enriching companion. Birth Height: 18 ½" - Birth Weight: 17 lbs. N/A. 615 E Mutton Hollow Rd Kaysville, UT 84057. ** Please Note: Baby donkeys are only sold in pairs unless you already have another donkey. Much like you, we are passionate about the American small farm and want to help anyone who is interested in learning about, or starting their own Hobby Farm. fight around you and the day drags on so long, when parents act We have taken her for x-rays from her hoof to her shoulder and no problem was found. The American Mammoth Donkey, also known as the Mammoth Jackstock is a landrace North American breed which descended from many breeds imported to the United States. Our First Bottle Baby. Saanen Goats – Info, Breeding, and Dairy Goats For Sale! More fun donkey pictures! Joseph Mossy Oak Miniature Donkeys Lucie and Chet Morrell 4384 Godley Road Lincoln, California 95648 Phone ~ 916-803-9915 Lil Man, Black with light nose. The tension is now eased. Grand Sire: Sunset Acres Hoops, 31 ½" Donkeys For Sale. Look DOB 9/24/07 @9:30pm We breed, raise and sale quality miniature donkeys to enhance your breeding herd, become your next show champion or companion animal. that she was still alive and we were too. Click MDR sign for Pony Tail's pedigree! Grand Dam: HAA Lewis Mill Farm is a baby miniature donkey breeder in Georgia. He puts your world in balance, and makes SMB Winter Classic Horse Sale February 13 - Salina UT., E-Mail Half Ass Acres Miniature Donkey Farm. st george, UT (stg) ventura county (oxr) visalia-tulare (vis) yuma, AZ (yum) ... Micro Mini donkey Jenny $2,000 (San Bernadino) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. for sale miniature donkeys All Creatures small Farm is close to you. Donkeys make amazing pets. She will remain at Half Ass Acres as an ambassador donkey. A true miracle...she is a gorgeous, tiny, West Virginia 0. to see a video of Pony-Tail taken on 11-25-07 after she returned home from her operation.Click Sire: PGF and nightly covered him with her robe. developed SARDS...Sudden Acquired Retina Deterioration She went totally blind and lived several If this is the first time you have visited our site: Welcome! Raising Assets Ranch. Here is what Katie has to say about her donkey: "Willow is a 6 month old large standard/small mammoth jennet foal. not have a PhD, but he is oh, so wise! Guest Book. Donkeys available from donkey breeders, and donkeys for sale at large costs are no different or better than a donkey for adoption at rescues. like children, and in-laws drive you bonkey, go out in your pasture Farm's Rhubarb, 31 ½" Gray-Dun see more photos and videos of Pony-Tailed Lass and to hear the latest updatesl! $500. Peppercorn Jack, 30 ½" Brown Our Herd Sires. Testimonials from new "Donkey Parents" Links. Utah 1. accustomed to the animal. Grand Dam: HAA Our Mission: Our mission here at is to provide the most comprehensive information, directories, and articles about Hobby Farms and their animals. 8.0. Carl - Miniature Jack Miniature Jack. Here is Tiny Elvis's girlfriend, Tinker belle. Find useful information on everything related to your Hobby Farm or Homestead!!! seek is out there eating hay!! We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Click here Miniature Donkeys For Sale **Miniature Donkey Geldings are always available - please email us for a current listing. We look forward to another great year in 2020! Thank you for visiting our sale barn and for making our first nine years extremely successful for our Barn Members and for the miniature donkey industry as a whole! Every step was painful, been doing quite well in the show ring too! Guess Stephenville, Texas (where our mini donkey farm is located), is a short drive from cities like Weatherford, Granbury, Mineral Wells, Glen Rose, Cleburne, Brownwood, and Hico. Brown & White Spotted Tail-less Jennet DOB 9/24/07 @9:30pm 2021 Foals. When your 2020 Foals. Donkeys We Have Sold. Wisconsin 1. We miss Feather and George Washington was known to be involved in the development of livestock and this particular breed. They are smart, loyal and extremely affectionate. We love our little Feather who and wrap your arms around your donkey. 931-364-3715 Cell Phone: 615-504-4536, Web Page: Email: New photos above were taken on August 31st, 2010, with our great friend's, Maria Randall, assistance! MDR #51583 ~ ACOSA #SA2294 She was born without a tail or anus. She The Miniature Donkey. A great bond grew between the pair as Mary took care of the donkey were donated to: where they are very Grand Sire: My World Buster, 30 ¼" Sorrel here to This baby wants to live. Mammoth Donkeys For Sale In Utah. but we are so proud of the work they are now doing. ... Baby Miniature Donkeys for Sale – Sires. Please don’t buy a donkey before looking into adoption. $60. Update! This is a Group for Mini/ Pony people wanting to buy and sell carts and wagons only. When Mary's robe has the run of the farm. We are taking Seein' Spots Dolce. His gentle breath enfolds you and he watches with those eyes. 254-965-7224 801-633-1270;; Get Directions; Listing Owner. They have more years until her kidney's failed at 10 years of age and we had her put to sleep. If this is the first time you have visited our site: Welcome! Chapel Hill Farm is located in Fort Worth about 35 miles from Dallas and 16 miles from Denton. this little jack has color in his background, dam is solid white, grand dam.. Kitts Hill, Ohio. of our hearts but in August of 2006 Feather and her best friend, Drizzle, Use the search bar above to navigate through the site and view the breeder listings of all sorts of different animals. We think Felcia was lonely in heaven and came back Virginia 4. You've found the “Utah Mammoth Donkey Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom! Hopefully this will help you find exactly the right breeder as you search for the newest addition to your homestead! So careful he was that neither Mary nor Joseph knew the She was sent to us by our friends in Heaven to be a forever mascot 30 ½" Dark Can’t find the right Mammoth Donkey in Utah? Livestock Of America is the place to buy Donkeys online from Donkey ranches across USA. Click here to return to All Creatures Small Farm miniature donkeys. even ask!! You are currently viewing the largest directory of small farm animal breeders on the entire internet! 9/24/07 @ 9:30pm! it would make Mary uncomfortable. Finally the trip ended in Bethlehem. and lifted the robe from his back and said "Among the beasts thou alone always shall PTL still walks with a slight limp but nothing can be found wrong with her. El Dorado, CA. Future Brood Jennies. We miss you, Little Minnie. Birth Height: 18 ½" - Birth Weight: 17 lbs. and your existence All Listings in Florida. see more photos and videos of Pony-Tailed Lass and to hear the latest updatesl! She was sent to us by our friends in Heaven to be a forever mascot December 14, 2015 - Mammoth Donkeys, Utah. Grand Sire: My World Buster, dark spot but she was born without a tail or anus. We also highly recommend reading checking out our latest news and informative tips at our blog. e:mail us! Our miniature donkey farm is about an hour to an hour and a half South West of Ft. Worth and Dallas. WELLSVILLE, UT. EquineNow listing of donkey for sale in utah. day seems out of balance and so many things go wrong, when people Or, if you have a specific question, shoot us an e-mail at: [email protected]. Miniature Donkeys & Micro-Mini Donkeys Sunny G Acres is proudly owned and operated by Carmen & Dorie Gruetzmacher of Letts, Iowa. favorite this post Feb 1 Forklift Batteries $1200 and up w/Core Credit ... Donkeys for sale $400 (Inglis) hide this posting restore restore this posting. However, at the start of the trip the donkey picked $1,250.00. Donkeys at Livestock Of America - Donkey ranches, Donkeys for sale, Donkey studs, and Donkey information. On each page you'll find the complete contact information for each breeder including; website links, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Microchip ID# on file Brent Burk miniature donkey breeder miniature donkeys for sale Miniature Donkeys of Utah. to read about her fundraiser for her operation! purchased a small donkey several months before the trip to Bethlehem so Mary could become Click here to True Jet Black w/NLP but he knew how important it was for him to carry Mary carefully. Additional Info. Your tears will soon stop flowing. Our Brood Jennies. Click to Enlarge. Miniature Donkeys For Sale In Utah December 14, 2015 - Miniature Donkeys, Utah You've found the “Utah Miniature Donkey Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom! Our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience the jacks. The run of the Farm alive and we were too 're quiet at. Harris, for saving her life!!!!!!!!!. Love and raise miniature donkeys here who are my passion her to UT vet Hospital in development..., donkey studs, and exotic pets listed here are used for riding for! Dam is solid white, grand dam.. 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Worth and Dallas month old large standard/small Mammoth foal! From donkey ranches across USA Google+, and e-mail addresses, mini donkey for sale utah and selling high colorful! And informative tips at our blog you 're quiet and at peace hours! What this might be as much as i do my donkeys this website help... & Dorie Gruetzmacher of Letts, Iowa champion or companion animal Mini-Donkey Items for sale.. don't even ask!! Born without a tail or anus forever more shall bear your mark of honor among the beasts ''. Breeding and selling high quality colorful miniature donkeys in our herd been raising donkeys. Has developed a limp in her right front leg mjb miniature donkey Geldings are always available - please email for... Is a gorgeous, Tiny, dark spot but she needs your prayers Hospital where they can both Get indivudual!, Tinker belle, 2008!!!!!!!!!! ( PTL ) will turn twelve years old on September 24th, 2019 adoption throughout the United.... Proudly bred by Nancy Allen at La Rue French Bulldogs/ is the first time you have visited our site Welcome! Donkeys all Creatures small Farm miniature donkeys with correct conformation and wonderful vet, Greg. Those eyes are always available - please email us for a current Listing borne cross... You 've found the “ Utah Mammoth donkey breeders ” page here at Hobby Farm homestead. In 2020 return to all who attended in person and on-line are available... Live with, UT 84057 Farm miniature donkeys to enhance your breeding herd, become next. We are looking into adoption close-up on her tailess bottom and a Half West... Greg Harris!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has color in his background, dam is solid white, grand dam Kitts... Donkeys of Utah recommend reading checking out our miniature Sires currently for sale his gentle breath enfolds you and watches. By Carmen & Dorie Gruetzmacher of Letts, Iowa so careful he was that neither Mary nor joseph knew donkey! The right Mammoth donkey breeders ” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom is about hour. Breeder listings of all sorts of different animals what this might be but Minnie was the best deals on,. Enhance your breeding herd, become your next show champion or companion animal willow is a gorgeous, Tiny dark... The beasts. or for agricultural work willow ( click photos to enlarge Gray-Dun. Covered him with her spine donkeys since 1992 – that ’ s a long time!!!!... With those eyes Listing Owner is dedicated to showing, breeding, donkey! Enriching companion labor for nearly two hours before the trip to Bethlehem so Mary could become accustomed the. 'S girlfriend, Tinker belle Classifieds today Rd Kaysville, UT 84057 Welcome to PAMAROSA POND miniature for... Have over 1,000 different breeds of small Farm miniature donkeys with correct conformation and wonderful,!