Always seek the advice of a trained veterinarian. Chronic cases of doggie digestive troubles means you need the help of a veterinarian (not an antacid). Please let us know because we're always trying to improve! Last updated on Nov 2, 2020. This combination drug is not safe enough for animals. Avoid experimenting with Maalox. The problem is this stomach acid reducer contains a concoction of chemicals that can easily be problematic for pets. My dog got up this morning with very loud sounds coming from her tummy, like a gurgling gas sound. Small dogs: 1/8 to ¼ teaspoon every 12 hours (twice daily). Two Better OTC Ideas. Using this dosage, 2 teaspoons would be an appropriate dose for a dog weighing 25 pounds. Over the course of 1 year, there was a significant reduction in mortality rate in the group of dogs receiving calcitriol (28%) as compared to the placebo group (63% mortality)." Certain foods can improve your dog’s minor stomach problems. We still don’t recommend it. Required fields are marked *. The ingredient in Maalox Children's, is calcium carbonate, and belongs to a group of drugs call antacids.Antacids work by neutralizing the acid in the stomach and help reduce symptoms of heartburn. Max: 12 sachets daily. Maalox for Dog's Gas? In the U.S. 1. If there were no side effects that’s great! Antacids are used to reduce the acidity in the digestive tract by increasing the pH to a more basic level. Adding Maalox to the equation will just upset their digestive system. General dose is 1 mg / pound Weight Amount Less than 12 lbs 12.5 mg 12 â 25 lbs 25 mg 26 â 50 lbs 50 mg The same goes for similar antacids such as Mylanta. Medium sized dogs: ¼ to ½ teaspoon every 12 hours (twice daily). Maalox/Maalox Plus(Per Maalox 4.3 mL oral susp Mg hydroxide 400 mg, Al hydroxide 460 mg. It’s a bad idea to give your dog this antacid, and your vet will likely confirm this. This should be ⦠Consider that the reason people can take things like Maalox, for our various upsets, is because they can last for an hour or more, or we have some social function or ⦠In tablet form, 1 to 2 (up to 4 times per day) should do the trick. Pumpkin or boiled rice tend to very effectively soothe the digestive system. Maalox Anti-Gas 9. Baby Gasz 4. ... Dosage/Direction for Use . It could be expired which would obviously make it dangerous for your dog (or anyone else for that matter). It should be administered 20-60 minutes after meals and before going to bed. Ascriptin is a drug that has the active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid. Note that these medications are not FDA approved for use in dogs or cats and should only be used under the guidance of your veterinarian. The line of products contain numerous active ingredients (too many) including aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, potassium and sodium. Solution Therapeutic Class: Antiflatulent The average dose is 1ml per pound of body weight, and that is the TOTAL dose for the day. It may be doing more harm than good. This article also has information on dosage levels, and suggests that intermittent rather than daily dosing may be preferable when using calcitriol. She has 3 dogs of her own and cares about the welfare of all animals.Please visit the About Us page for more information about Stephanie and this website. Tablet, Chewable 3. Production has been suspected at the main manufacturing facility. Maalox was once used by vets but it is becoming out of the ordinary. If you use maximum strength liquid, give half as much. Alka-Seltzer Anti-Gas 2. Tablet 4. Possible Side Effects One big reason not to use Maalox for your cat is the side effects that are noted in humans after extended use. Vets are pricing themselves out of business. Maalox Children's is an over the counter medication used to relieve symptoms of acid indigestion, heartburn, and sour stomach. Per Maalox Plus tab Mg hydroxide 200 mg, Al hydroxide 200 mg, sime. Overview of Misoprostol for Dogs and Cats; Misoprostol, also known by the brand name Cytotec®, is used to prevent and treat stomach ulcers for dogs and cats. Maalox could complicate your dogâs life. Everybody online advises us to take our pets to the vet for every little thing. The recommended dose is 2-4 teaspoons four times a day, usually after meals and at bedtime. Some human medicines are also effective for dogs, however the dosages are usually lower due mostly to the smaller size of the animal. Perhaps you have a bottle of Maalox sitting in your medicine cabinet? Even then, food is much preferred (when possible) instead of potentially harmful medications. Other signs can be a bit harder to spot such as a poor appetite or rumbling noises coming from the stomach. Generally, the dosage of Pepcid for dogs is 0.25mg to 2mg per pound of weight, twice daily. Uses; Warnings; Dosage; Side effects; Storage; Uses of Maalox: It is used to treat heartburn and upset stomach. ; It may be given to you for other reasons. Ascriptin is a name-brand aspirin product that also contains Maalox to protect the stomach. If possible, get a written dosage schedule and directions from your vet so you know exactly how to use the medication. You’ve also got to be on the lookout for general weakness and an irregular heart beat if your dog gets Maalox. The maximum daily dose is 16 chewable tablets. Mylicon 11. It should not be used in children. I've been reading online that it may be okay to give her Maalox, but I'm not sure. It can also be used to induce abortion in dogs with unwanted pregnancies. Are you thinking of using it for your dog’s upset stomach? Simethicone, another active ingredient, is found in Maalox Plus. My vet recommended Maalox for my dog and provided me with the correct dosage. Actually, it’s FDA approved for large animals and often recommended by vets in a pinch. The following are only general guidelines: For liquid Regular Strength Gaviscon, half a tablespoon (up to 4 times daily) is sufficient for a medium-sized adult dog. in susceptible dogs Benadryl (diphenhydramine) Give dose twice daily. Pepto Bismol is a good alternative to Maalox. A hit or miss approach with over-the-counter medicines (such a Maalox) isn’t the solution you are searching for. Pharmacology, adverse reactions, warnings and side effects. NSAIDs work by inhibiting the synthesis of a chemical called prostaglandin in your pet's system. In the past, my vet prescribed Maalox for my dog but I’ve forgotten the dosage. Equilizer Gas Relief 5. Even for a healthy hound, there are way better choices! Mylanta Gas 10. So, if a pet weighs 30 pounds, they would get a total of 30ml a day or 10ml every 8 hours. And it could be especially dangerous for an animal with an existing kidney or heart condition. MAALOX TABS prescription and dosage sizes information for physicians and healthcare professionals. Warning: Speak to your vet before giving medicines to your dog. Dental nerve blocks in dogs and cats provide a quick and easy pain management technique to decrease the amount of inhalant anesthetic needed during oral surgery and enhance postoperative patient comfort. Generally, Kaopectate for dogs dosage ranges from 0.5ml-1ml per pound of dog body weight per day. Normally, the ⦠Click to view Maalox detailed prescribing information Amalia Syeda-Aguirre answered Mylanta can be given to a dog with an upset stomach, but the dosage depends on the size of the dog. Mytab Gas 12. And, if it is okay, how much? Maalox is a combination medication which, in and of itself, makes it questionable for a precious pet. Maalox is an antacid that can help with heartburn, tummy aches, nausea and indigestion. We do not recommend any version of Maalox in any dose. Dosage of Pepcid AC For Dogs. This chemical is responsible for inflammation and pain when it bonds to receptor cells throughout parts of your pet's body. It has much more of a track record for dogs and it is certainly safer. The most commonly prescribed directions for magic mouthwash are to swish for two minutes then spit and swallow. Large dogs: ½ to ¾ teaspoon every 12 hours (twice daily). Vomiting and/or diarrhea may occur if Maalox is not sitting well with your dog. Genasyme 8. Anti-Gas Ultra Strength 3. As an Amazon Associate this website may earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Milk of Magnesia, Mylanta, Maalox: Antacid, laxative, gas: 2 - 4ml per pound of body ⦠Ovol 2. It has been used with human medicine for years and is growing in popularity for use in dogs and cats. Your email address will not be published. Maalox Adult â¥15 yr 1-2 sachets. This should be administered two to four times a day for two days. Try it! Quite honestly, Gas-X is safer for reducing flatulence and/or bloating. Maalox/Mylanta â helps the active ingredients stay on the sores and affected areas of the mouth and throat longer. Are Potato Chips Really That Bad For Dogs. Betty, the information above suggests that a teaspoon of Miralax can be given to a 12 pound dog every 12 hours. Have you already given this product to a pet? Build V2.2 10-24-2011, By: BizLab Web Development, Antibacterial ointment for scrapes and wounds, 4 - 10 mg per pound of body weight (dose varies with the purpose of the medication), Antiseptic liquid soap for cleaning on or around wounds, Use full strength to wash the affected area, Dilute to 0.2% (2ml to 2 quarts of water - or the color of weak tea), Soothing topical lotion for pain and itching, Keep at least 30 tablets available, give once and only under the direction of a veterinarian, Dilute to 0.05% (25ml to 2 quarts, 1.9Liters water), 5 - 20mg tablet or 1/2 to 2 pediatric suppositories (10mg), You may repeat every 15-30 minutes (max 3 times), Kaolin and pectin (beware - some formulations contain salicylates, 1/2 to 1ml per pound of body weight (or 1 - 2 teaspoons per 10 pounds), Odor neutralizer for skunk spray or body odor, Use a soak for 15 min, then bathe as usual, For constipation or to add fiber to the diet, Once daily - for short term use, unless otherwise directed, Add to food - do not give separately due to aspiration risk, Antibiotic for preventing wound infection, Histamine blocker for antacid effect, and vomiting, 0.50 - 1mg per pound of body weight (or 1 teaspoon per 20 pounds), Apply to sore area once or twice daily for up to 2 days, Smear a small amount on your pet's chin for easier breathing, Daily - divide total dose over several meals throughout the day. If you are taking the chewable tablets, chew thoroughly before swallowing, then drink a full glass of water (8 ounces or 240 milliliters). A List of OTC Meds for Dogs. Maalox. Phazyme Liquid Gas Relief, Maximum Strength Available Dosage Forms: 1. You should stop giving Maalox if your dog experiences these effects. When This Supplement Makes Sense! Consider that the reason people can take things like Maalox, for our various upsets, is because they can last for an hour or more, or we have some social function or ⦠Even for a healthy hound, there are way better choices! In other words, your vet should advise you on dosage! The maximum dose per day should not exceed 16 teaspoons. in dogs: 5-30 ml by mouth every 12-24 hours, the dosage is not per lb I can not find that information right now, so you should call the vet before giving this medication. Maalox Advanced Regular Strength (200mg aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide and 20 mg simethicone) The suspension must be shaken well before use. Generic Name: Aluminum Hydroxide and Magnesium Hydroxide Suspension (a LOO min uhm/mag NEE zee uhm) Brand Name: Alamag, Maalox Medically reviewed by The good news is there are superior medicines as well as excellent food remedies you can try. Dental nerve block in dogs and cats are an essential component of a high-quality dentistry service in small-animal practice. Polycystic kidney disease, though more frequently occurring in cats, may also appear in young dogs⦠Gas Aid Maximum Strength 6. It has much more of a track record for dogs and it is certainly safer. Phazyme In Canada 1. Do not use in patients w/ kidney disease. Gas-X 7. Take a closer look at the label. But again, for your dog’s sake, it should be off limits regardless. It is recommended that 6 ounces be given to small dogs, 8 ounces for medium dogs and 12 ounces for large dogs. Gas-X is available in regular strength, extra strength and ultra strength formulations. In dogs, the dose of Simethicone recommended for treatment of excessive gastrointestinal gas ranges from 25 mg total dose for small dogs and up to 200 mg total dose for large dogs every 6 to 12 hours as needed. Milk of Magnesia is a better choice as well. So check the expiration date on your bottle of Maalox! It should not be used longer than 10 days. Species: Dogs, Cats Administered: Oral liquids, capsules FDA Approved: No General Description. Call your vet to find exact dosage requirements for your pet and ensure the safety of administration. There are two options, liquid and pill form. The recommended dose for Maalox Plus chewable tablets is two tablets four times per day. This is dosing for regular strength Pepto-Bismol. Doctor Stephanie Flansburg Cruz (a veterinary physician) has carefully reviewed and endorsed this article. Before is a list of safe OTC meds for dogs (as suggested by the Dog Ownerâs Home Veterinary Handbook). This eases gastrointestinal upset, but shouldn't be given more than three times daily for 10 days because it contains full-strength aspirin (325 mg per dose). This type of acid is classified as a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug, or an NSAID. © 2009-2021 - All Rights Reserved. Giving your dog Maalox could cause their electrolytes to become out of whack. Maalox could complicate your dog’s life. With all their fancy new testing equipment, it’s hard to get out of there for under $500 these days. However, depending on what active ingredient is used and what its concentration is, this could differ. Magic Mouthwash Directions. Pepto Bismol is a good alternative to Maalox. And to make matters worse, the FDA has warned about mix-ups regarding Maalox products. Newer drugs such as Cimetidine are superior. 208 Breeds, 422 Health Conditions | Find a Vet. Maalox is not commonly used for dogs and there are very good reasons for that. When using this product do not exceed 16 teaspoonsful (80 mL) in a 24-hour period or use the maximum dosage for more than 2 weeks unless directed by a doctor Keep out of reach of children. It is used to treat symptoms associated with heartburn, acid reflux, and peptic ulcers. Capsule, Liquid Filled 2. Dogs and Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) Once again, age often plays a factor in kidney/renal problems in dogs, though some breeds may be prone to inherited conditions, too early in life. We mention this because it is rare to see this antacid in stores these days. Do not attempt to treat the condition at home, always take your pet to the nearest animal emergency clinic. She is 65 pounds. Also be aware that bloat is life threatening without professional veterinary attention and is the second biggest killer of dogs behind cancer. Cod Liver Oil For a Pet Dog? Maalox is similar to Pepto Bismol which is another OTC medicine that owners sometimes give to their dogs. Your email address will not be published. Suspension 5. In cats, the liquid formulations are most often used with doses that range from 0.3 mL to 0.5 mL every 8 to 12 hours as needed. Do not take >16 tsp (80 mL) in a 24-hr period or use the max dosage for >2 wk. Maalox is similar to Pepto Bismol which is another OTC medicine that owners sometimes give to their dogs. This drug exists in the form of chewable tablets and syrups. Good luck! Pantoprazole, also known by the brand names Protonix® and Pantoloc®, is used to prevent and treat stomach ulcers and gastric acid related diseases in dogs and cats. You can get Pepcid AC without a prescription, but it is still important to follow your vetâs advice when it comes to the dosage. Overview of Using Pantoprazole in Dogs and Cats. Besides, most digestive troubles will pass on their own. 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