Stay at a Cabin . These days, the Jefferson River Canoe Trail is a favorite pastime of outdoor enthusiasts. Some landowners have fenced right up to the river bridges, blocking legal public access along the road easements. Campsites for the Canoe Trail are being chosen such that floaters will have a half or full day float in between each site. The Jefferson Canoe Trail is a project designed to improve floating and camping opportunities on the river and provide public access. As an empty-nester, Tom was ready for a big adventure, either hiking, biking, or paddling in 2019. Retracing the expedition's route by canoe is one of the most authentic ways to experience the Lewis and Clark story. Those who decide to camp along the river anyway are encouraged to trespass onto neighboring private lands out of sheer necessity to find decent campsites. It was an amazing and memorable trip. This year we will enjoy an early spring campout (weather permitting) at Shoshone Landing by Three Forks. Most of the existing development is far enough back from the river that you only experience the cottonwood ecology along the river, against a backdrop of undeveloped mountains in the distance. Lost Tomahawk(a.k.a. Jefferson River Canoe Trail. We'll have a group potluck dinner in the evening and a live meeting of the Jefferson River Chapter of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. We wish to avoid the maintenance problems and trash associated with roads and vehicles. The Jefferson River Canoe Trail Association is seeking long-term solutions to sustain Montana's outdoor traditions, especially through the purchase of conservation and recreation easements along the Jefferson River. People who have lived here all their lives are accustomed to hiking, fishing, and hunting for miles and miles along the rivers and through the woods, across public and private lands alike. Hope is not lost, however. Illinois Fox River Ecosystem Parnership c/o Karen Ann Miller 719 S. Batavia Ave Geneva, Illinois 60513 (630)232-3418 Our organization is working to establish campsites on suitable sites on existing state and federal lands, while purchasing land or negotiating recreation easements for additional campsites where necessary. E-Mail, Return to Thomas J. Elpel's Web World Portal | Web World Tunnel We did the trip in two lake kayaks. As you approach Parson's bridge, keep to the left of the… Campsites are presently undeveloped, designated for no-trace backcountry camping, with guidelines for proper use printed on the Canoe Trail Maps. Local Montanans, as well as history buffs following the Lewis and Clark trail, are denied the opportunity to fully experience the Jefferson River ecosystem. This event is hosted by the Jefferson River Canoe Trail. The fastest flows on the river, which aren’t especially fast, are found in the upper section between Twin Bridges and Cardwell. Free trip planning, rentals, and shuttles...private camp sites...Best … All that is needed is a few more good sites to allow floaters a quality place to get out and stretch their legs, have lunch, or stop and camp. > The Jefferson CMZ project was completed in 2017 and developed mapping for the full length of the river (approximately 76 miles). The Lewis and Clark Jefferson River Canoe Trail is a significant step to preserve what we have left and to guarantee recreational access to keep future generations of Montanans connected with the land and its history. It will be nicer without mosquitos! Lewis & Clark National Historic TrailJefferson River Canoe TrailSustaining Our Montana Traditions By Thomas J. Elpel. Yet amazingly, when you get into a canoe and experience the river from the viewpoint of Lewis and Clark, you discover how much the viewshed remains intact from the river. Hi Jefferson River Canoe Trail! The Jefferson River Canoe Trail retraces by water an essential segment of the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail along the entire length of the Jefferson River in southwest Montana. Jefferson River Canoe Trail Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Eighty percent of the Lewis and Clark expedition took place via water, with canoes serving as the primary vessels to move up and down rivers. Most present-day travelers will prefer to follow the trail in reverse, floating down the Jefferson River, instead of towing their canoes … I have been telling everyone about it. JRCT will monitor use of the trail and evaluate the need over time for specific campsites, metal grills, or backcountry toilets. Lakes, Rivers & Falls. < The Jefferson River Canoe Trail project is intended to provide river users the opportunity for a quality floating and camping experience without the need to trammel across private lands where they are not welcome. Green University LLC is an alternative school or green college to mentor students in primitive wilderness survival skills, sustainable living, and launching green businesses. The grassy meadows and cottonwood groves are also part of the river experience, with the potential for camping, hiking, bird-watching, mushrooming, or fishing from the bank, but floaters have little access to it. The Des Plaines River Canoe and Kayak Marathon was founded in 1958 by Ralph Frese. The public may float into these sites for primitive camping along the river. The area to be purchased by the Jefferson River Canoe Trail, where campsites and public river access will be available, is outlined in blue. Just click here to subscribe to the list. Shannon Parsons, Return to Thomas J. Elpel's Web World Portal | Web World Tunnel It is located about 10 miles south of Whitehall. Elpel watched as housing and farming developments encroached on the Jefferson River, and he wanted to do something about it. Although officially a walk-in or paddle-in site, we'll open the front gate for vehicles for the weekend event. My husband and I floated/paddled from Waterloo to the bridge just before Three Forks. The Lewis and Clark Expedition towed their dugout canoes up the Jefferson River in … Canoeing the Jefferson River Canoe Trail. The Lewis and Clark Expedition towed dugout canoes up the Jefferson River in 1805 in search of a navigable water route to the Pacific. The suggested donation is $25 for a package of 8 note cards. Pony, MT 59747 This is a description of the Jefferson River from Silver Star to Parson's Bridge. Founded by local author and wilderness survival skills instructor, Thomas J. Elpel, the organization takes a holistic perspective of conservation and recreation along the Jefferson, viewing the entire river system as a unified regional park. Tom is president of the Jefferson River Chapter of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation and founder of the Jefferson River Canoe Trail. May 1 - 2, 2021 Jefferson River Canoe Trail CampoutAt Shoshone Landing near Three Forks, Montana Sustaining Our Montana Traditions of Open Space and Open Access Retracing the expedition’s route by canoe is one of the most authentic ways to experience the Lewis and Clark story. Canoers and Kayakers are shuttled up the Jefferson River 3, 5, or 9 miles, to access sites, given river orientation, canoe review, and appropriately fitted life jackets. A Tradition of Open Space and Open Access. We hope to work with landowners to secure conservation easements along the river in a way that will protect the natural character of the viewshed from the river, while helping to keep family farms intact and free from development. At Silver Star is a store called "Granny's Store". Pony, MT 59747 The Jefferson River Canoe Trail project is intended to provide river users the opportunity for a quality floating and camping experience without the need to trammel across private lands where they are not welcome. We can't wait to go back in the fall sometime. The Missouri River Expedition is the coalescence of several separate dreams. The Lewis and Clark Jefferson River Canoe Trail was envisioned to establish a network of multipurpose backcountry campsites on private and public lands along the entire length of the Jefferson River. This event has the distinction of being the second oldest continual canoe race in the United States. PO Box 697 New fences are being erected, not to keep livestock in, but to keep people out. Individuals who take the time for multi-day backcountry floats generally have a much greater conservation ethic, and are more likely to pick trash up than leave it. The campout is open to members of the Jefferson River Canoe Trail, as well as members of the Bozeman Kayaking and Canoeing Meetup Group and anyone else who would like to join us. Most present-day travelers prefer to follow the trail in reverse, floating down the Jefferson River in search of fun and fishing. But the culture in Montana is changing as many new people move to the area, bringing different ideas of private ownership. The river from Silver Star to Parson's bridge is fairly swiftly flowing, and of a pool and riffle structure. You can participate in our e-mail discussions at your own convenience from your own home or office. The task at hand is simply one of enhancing infrastructure to improve opportunities for traditional activities such as floating, hiking, camping, bird watching, wildlife viewing, hunting, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, canoeing, rafting, mushroom hunting, and fishing. The Jefferson is not in the same fishing league as neighboring rivers, but an angler searching for brown trout with fewer crowds will find it an enjoyable destination. Floaters may follow the canoe trail with the aid of detailed conservation and recreation Canoe Trail Maps of the Jefferson River developed by JRCT. The Canoe Trail includes a network of multipurpose campsites on public lands on the Jefferson River. Our organization is working to make the Jefferson River corridor into something that people can more fully experience and appreciate. The two bald eagles flew out of their nest high in the cottonwood tree, circled low and clacked their beaks in alarm, telling us bluntly that we were trespassing on their territory. The Jefferson River Canoe Trail is a non-profit working to protect the natural character of this iconic Montana waterway.We created property maps of the river from Twin Bridges down to Three Forks to help the JRCT with planning. Jefferson River Chapter LCTHF They will use the maps to identify possible conservation easements, as well as primitive campsites for floaters. Campsites for the Canoe Trail are being chosen such that floaters will have a half or full day float in between each site. Moose, elk, bears, eagles, and even wolves have been spotted along the Jefferson River. "I grew up in the Montana before 'No Trespassing' signs, back when you could go anywhere," says Elpel, a resident of Silver Star. The Jefferson River Canoe Trail retraces by water an essential segment of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail along the entire length of the Jefferson River in southwest Montana. We would not have explored this area without your great website full of information and your maps. Population growth trends in southwest Montana suggest that now is the time to make long-term decisions to sustain our traditions of open space and open access. This kind of open space and open access has been a critical part of the Montana tradition throughout our history. © 1997 - 2019 Thomas J. Elpel, Establishing a public canoe trail with campsites along the river, Preserving the undeveloped character of the landscape as Lewis and Clark would have found it, Improving public access, trails, and camping opportunities along the river, Protecting the natural biodiversity of this landscape, Promoting public awareness and interest in the history of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Establishing a public canoe trail with campsites along the river We welcome you to join us in our efforts to make a real difference in this part of the world. E-mail Contact Page, 2020 Board Members and Officers Thomas J. Elpel, president The Jefferson River Canoe Trail retraces by water an essential segment of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail along the entire length of the Jefferson River in southwest Montana. Promoting public awareness and interest in the history of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Jefferson River Note CardsThanks to Warren and Carol Lee Swager and artist Susan Jarman for creating note cards from Susan's artwork on the interpretive signs at Shoshone Landing and Lost Tomahawk. Thomas J. Elpel (President) | Beverly Lewis (Vice-President) | Warren Swager (Secretary) | Bruce Fields (Treasurer) Carol Lee Swager | Lucy Ednie, Hi Mr. Elpel, Ownership of the land or easements will be placed with a nonprofit entity, while the full burden of site maintenance and management will be the responsibility of JRCT. For recreationists, the Canoe Trail maps feature detailed information about the river course, access points, camping areas, and potential hazards. Canoes, kayaks and SUPs may all participate in the Minithon. Protecting the natural biodiversity of this landscape Camping is presently allowed at isolated parcels of BLM land along the Jefferson River, and within the ordinary high water mark, as allowed by the Montana Stream Access Law. Floating & Paddling the Jefferson River. The Jefferson is a great river with great scenery, abundant wildlife, great floating opportunities, and an essential stake in our nation's history. The entire length of the river is Class I water, suitable for beginning paddlers, except during runoff season in spring. In lieu of a fee for the campout, we would be grateful for generous donations to the Jefferson River Canoe Trail to support work to secure additional public campsites along this segment of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. For recreationists, the Canoe Trail maps feature detailed information about the river course, access points, camping areas, and potential hazards. The Jefferson River Canoe Trail grew out of Elpel's love for recreation and conservation. PO Box 697 The Jefferson River MT Canoe Trail is a 6 day trip that retraces an essential segment of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. It's a max full Outing with one Illinois gentleman patiently waiting for a seat to open up. 290 likes. We may even bring our newest dugout canoe! We seek to link sites on land and on water to better unite these parcels in a way that will sustain our traditions of open space and open access for future generations of Montanans. Here in Montana we value our tradition of open spaces and open access. The Jefferson River Canoe Trail has produced a set of maps featuring conservation, recreation, and Lewis and Clark history along the Jefferson River. "No Trespassing" signs sprout up on lands that have been shared for generations. Almost all land along the river is in private hands and development is encroaching everywhere. Public Campsite: We are purchasing Waterloo Grove to serve as a public floater's camp for anyone following the Jefferson River Canoe Trail segment of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. I saw two moose, three grey owls, more bald eagles than I could count, white pelicans, cormorants, golden eagles, heron rookeries, and a coyote. People who have lived here all their lives are accustomed to hunting, hiking, and fishing for miles and miles along the rivers and through the woods, across public and private lands alike.       Thank you so incredibly much for all of your information that made our trip down the Jefferson possible. © 1997 - 2019 Thomas J. Elpel. There is no membership fee and no obligations. Our organization has produced a unique set of river maps detailing where camping is allowed. It is the first National Water Trail in Wisconsin and Illinois. 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