1 SR. Super Rush Headlong. For all things Yu-Gi-Oh!, check out YGOPRODeck.com It’s without a doubt one of the best Duel Links decks. 11 7 4 0. There are no in-person events. 2-Player, ready-to-play, entry level decks to get your started with MTG. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. Duel Decks are a series of theme decks for the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering. 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus using pre-made Decks (Rental Decks). Unlike YGOPRO, Dueling Nexus is supported on Windows, Mac, Android and many other operating systems. 1 Anime 2 Manga 3 Video games 3.1 Stardust Accelerator 3.2 Reverse of Arcadia 3.3 Over the Nexus 3.4 Duel Transer 3.5 Decade Duels 4 Notes 5 References Hunter uses a Skull of Fire Deck1 focusing on the "Burning Skull" series. Do I need to adjust it? Yami Yugi godly deck. Prank-Kids / DE Extravaganza Giant Card 5th Place, Virtual World / DE Extravaganza Giant Card 4th Place, Altergeist / DE Extravaganza Giant Card 3rd Place. Yu-Gi-Oh! The Pandemic still hasn’t ended. Dueling Nexus AI has been upgraded: - The AI now supports Master Rules 4 - 19 new decks have been added to the AI. Duel Links deck is the best? February 3, 2021 kakashddr 700 0 Comments Blue-Eyes, Dragon. Rush Duels have been released! And lastly. For example, look at Exo's deck below. The ideology of a Hero is something that transcends the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game. online game. Duel Links Psychic Synchro deck, Psychic Synchro deck in the meta, how to build Psychic Synchro deck. sylvio, kite, and yusaku are my favorites, ok listen for the thumbnail i did not pick the cards it randomized them so i did not copy that Submit a Deck. Maybe this is because of the accessibility of the site, but my winrate on Nexus is noticeably higher than edopro and db. TCG Deck Profile brought to you by Ru-Fi-Oh!For today's deck profile we're looking at the popular, classic card donned by Joey W... 36. Into Duel? Deck advice: Duel room: Decks. 3 4 SR. Blue Dragon Summoner. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. ARC-V era, this set introduces cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! ** A: Unfortunately you can't edit decks on iOS. Deck-list Yugioh, Cards, Recipes, Decks, Builds, YDK Files and More. Ask a question, post a review, or report the script. Rental Decks. The most successful version currently in the meta is a 30-card deck that make use of That Grass Looks Greener. 0 13k Shortlink: Use this deck with Yami Yugi and the Balance skill. Deck pages; PvP Best decks: All decks: Auto Duel: Tips for farming LDs: King of Games decks. Featured post RP Submission/OC Creation Guidelines. Super Blue-Eyes. Duel Links; Tag Force; Duel Generation; Legacy of the Duelist; Duel Terminal; Main Characters. 5D's Decade Duels; 4.10 Duel Transer; 4.11 Duel Terminals; 5 V-Jump Magazine; 6 References; 7 Notes; Anime Ground Past Deck . Read more. In order for us to continue bringing you fresh daily content, please whitelist our site in your ad-blocker. 60 0 0 Master Rules 5 Duel Starter Deck is a Starter Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh! wow thanks captain obvious, it's not like they probably know and are using it for something specific, ever think of that? 0. Decks Speed Duel Decks . Recently, Duel Links has received a new world based on the movie Yu-Gi-Oh! and for Zeekou i have not dug any holes besides this one i gess but you all need to understand that people make decks and it looks like they copyed them but they did not so this conversation is over and if any one has something to say forget it and if this deck looks the same and you still think i copyed it then 100% of the credit gose to monobluetron ok lets end this and all be friends thank you for ur time. When you first start out in Yu Gi Oh Duel Links, you’ll have a small and basic deck based on which character you picked in the beginning. Speed Dueling is a good way to learn the game as it’s a “cut-down” version of the full Yu-Gi-Oh! **Q: Will Nexus add speed/turbo/duel link format/anime cards/manga cards? **Q: How can I edit decks on iOS? Decks. Springans Introductory Thoughts & In-Depth Review, A HERO's History Part 2: The City Never Sleeps, I Really Hate the January 2021 OCG Limit Regulations, Salamangreat Control: Strong Rogue Contender, 8 New Cards: Majestic, Stardust & Synchron, Red-Eyes (Semi-Semi-Semi-Semi-Semi-Competitive), Abhyss (Meikai) CONTROL - NEW Archetype 2021, REVERSAL QUIZ FTK DECK 2021 *MONARCH FTK*, Tier 1 Dragon Link - Combos + Decklist NEW META 2021, A Decent Phantom Knights Deck February 2021. TRADING CARD GAME. YGOPRODeck, your ultimate Yu-Gi-Oh! Today we take an in-depth look into Springan; a new FIRE MACHINE archetype that focuses on XYZs! Although it will face a different problem of being inconsistent. Duel Links Breaking News. Planeswalker Nissa Revane gathers her forces to protect Zendikar from annihilation. Join the community. I have found 10 of the best decks that are not only the top tier in this game but are guaranteed to score you some wins in PVP and against the A.I.! Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). They spent all of the original series fumbling about trying to figure out the game, then, with Yu-Gi-Oh!GX, they gave us a bigger focus on the already existing Fusion Monsters.But with the new series, they decided to start introducing new Summoning types. It’s an easy archetype to fall back on. With four different worlds and thousands of cards to choose from, how can any duelist build the right deck? 31. Cyber Dragon, Machine, OTK Non-Meta Decks. Seeing OCG release new cards or strategies is always a fun and interesting time, as it can be a way for players over in the TCG side to observe and reflect on what is to come. Card Database available. Not belittling them, but it isn't easy. Was messing around with Duel Nexus and playing Exodia.. 0. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Android Deck Building Application. They contain two ready-to-play 60-card decks designed specifically to … 1. They have ruined Exodia and have given the deck a bad name. Here are the Top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links Best Decks in 2019… We have the best Yugioh Deck Recipes, we will teach you combos, Decks, gameplays and everything about the Trading Card Game Yu-Gi-Oh. Deck pages; PvP Best decks: All decks: Auto Duel: Tips for farming LDs: King of Games decks. Monster Beatdown. harpie deck in order to summon cyber slash harpie lady and activate magic and trap effects. 32nd Mini Box: Photons of Galaxy. Official Card Game (OCG). Jaden Yuki's Deck has evolved greatly within both the anime and manga versions of Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist - Link Evolution on PC/Steam) This mod aims to improve the singleplayer experience by adding a new storyline with 15 new story duels and 30 new competitive decks taken from the meta/fun-meta. Featured post Yu-Gi-Oh! It’s without a doubt one of the best Duel Links decks. Home; About Menu Toggle. Home; Yugioh Deck Recipes. They are pre-built, and contain cards that fit together and good support, but could take some improvement. What are some great deck recipes to use while on dueling nexus? decks! This is a listing of each deck in the Shadow of the Code video game. Salamangreats in January 2021? (While looking at it, I conceived a new game and reality show called Battle Bridge, where we combine pa… I chose Duelling Nexus because it was the only option available for browser-play and I was in a hurry at the time. Tournament Meta Decks for Yu-Gi-Oh! ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. 11 7 4 0. Battle City Box. All of those strategies are boring, no fun and everyone else uses them. Get Amino. Nexus has explicitly stated that the site will only be master rule style, aka the official main trading card game, this means no anime effects, or speed duels. Deck pages; PvP Best decks: All decks: Auto Duel: Tips for farming LDs: King of Games decks. Gravekeeper’s. **Q:Why can the Bot use Banned cards? Duel Mavericks (Mod/AddOn for Yu-Gi-Oh! Hola a todos♣Sigueme en Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/relixter/ ♣♥Sigueme en Twitter:https://twitter.com/Relixters♦Se les quiere!♦ Optimized Harpies feat. has a Speed Duel format (based off the Duel Links video game) that released in 2019. ... Deck advice: Duel room: Decks. We also host the most comprehensive Yu-Gi-Oh! 2 SR. Sage’s Stone. Also used this deck to win a Bo3 tournament, the deck only dropped 1 duel throughout the entire tourny. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. The release of Blazing Vortex comes with the release of new archetypes. Read more. I use: 2 Wheel, 1 Comander, 3 tracker, 3 serene, 1 green kappa (nice for clean backguard and is lvl 3 for synchro), 1 cleric (lvl 3, nice defence, and enable to.. update 22/10/2020. Our Top Decks statistics give you the most current and comprehensive metagame picture of any site on the web. Dueling nexus decks . Never fear! Nearly a decade into Yu-Gi-Oh!’s existence, Konami needed to give the card game a bit of a shot in the arm. 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus using pre-made Decks referred to as Rental Decks. 2. This deck focuses on Summoning powerful Level 6 and Level 9 Synchro monsters … How to Edit Your Deck – Yu Gi Oh Duel Links. Latest: Crystals maaaaaaan; ABC Post Blazing Vortex February 2021 ; BUDGET DINOSAUR DECK February 2021; Dark Magician Harem; Starvinc Pendulum Deck; YGOPRODECK. I have several, but I am wanting to try some new ones out. It'll successfully accomplish point 1 and 3: summoning and powering Slifer. Which Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus. Never fear! About Us; The Corporate Commitment; HII Philosophy of Coaching; Meet the Founder The malefic deck works but it's a bit slow so here's my edited version of the malefic kingdom turbo deck: Cards in main deck-41: Monsters- 21: 1x blue eyes white dragon 1x red eyes black dragon 2x double coston 2x earthbound immortal ccapac apu 1x malefic blue eyes 1x malefic cyber end dragon 1x malefic parallel gear 1x malefic rainbow dragon Recently, Duel Links has received a new world based on the movie Yu-Gi-Oh! Trapped on Zendikar for centuries, the demon Ob Nixilis will do anything to reignite his Planeswalker spark and escape. Well! Author Mo D Genesis Daily installs 0 Total installs 460 Ratings 0 0 0 Version 0.1 Created 2018-01-18 Updated 2018-01-18 License N/A. Comment . Rush Duel (遊戯王ラッシュデュエル, Yū☆Gi☆Ō Rasshu Dyueru), or Rush Duels for short, is a card game introduced in Japan alongside the Yu-Gi-Oh! DL Coveiro. I would’ve liked to see more support for the occasional Duelling Nexus tournament – and the ability to earn ‘Star Chips’ or some form of experience points to your profile when you duel. 13 new cards revealed from Ancient Guardians. Duel Links deck is the best? 0. Check that you now have the "DLM Pro" role in the Discord server. Install this script? Monster Beatdown. Download and Share Yu-Gi-Oh! Come and duel on: https://duelingnexus.com You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment. Isn't as good. Database and Deck Share Site. 10 6 4 0. Optimized Harpies feat. XYZ SPBCB. 2. Opinions? To play a rush duel, start by making a rush deck, all of the cards must be rush cards, then head over to the custom games section, click on "Host a custom game", then select rush duels instead of master rules 5. All tokens have descriptions added, so you can search pile of tokens by token name. update 08/02/2021. Dark Magician. Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; … Seto Kaiba; Chazz Priceton; Jack Atlas; Kite Tenjo; Declan Akaba; Varis; Tatsuhisa Kamijou; Gakuto Sougetsu; Explore. Online; 4.9 Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks. DeckTin - Yu-Gi-Oh! Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). It is similar to dueling using Structure Decks, except many Rental Decks are archetype-based rather than a centered theme in Structure Decks.. Decks by Players; Yugioh Online; Articles and Tips; Deck Healer; Store; Recent Decks. Deck-list Yugioh, Cards, Recipes, Decks… are current level Meta Decks that are capable of going up against the best of the best. Here are the general features: Speed Dueling is a specialised version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Dueling Nexus is a free, fully automated, browser based Yu-Gi-Oh! 3 4 SR. Legion the Fiend Jester. Read more. Share to. Table of contents. and for toe u can sort ur cards out the way u want them We have the best Yugioh Deck Recipes, we will teach you combos, Decks, gameplays and everything about the Trading Card Game Yu-Gi-Oh. Yu-Gi-Oh is not unfamiliar to Heroes, with each of the seven animes being based on a singular main protagonist who has to save the world. It's not bad for a quick duel with friends, but feels like the worst place to actually improve with a deck or face as much of a challenge. INTRO Package contains all 18 Magic: The Gathering (MTG) Duel Decks. 1. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Playing a game works fine. Decks Speed Duel Decks . Mai Valentine + Harpie’s Hunting Ground. 2 6 UR. The objective of the deck is to summon Red-Eyes B. Dragon and control the board by Champion's Vigilance. To play a rush duel, start by making a rush deck, all of the cards must be rush cards, then head over to the custom games section, click on "Host a custom game", then select rush duels instead of master rules 5. N'T edit decks on iOS not always yes, they are pre-built, and many other operating systems browser... Things Yu-Gi-Oh!, check out YGOPRODeck.com the Duel Links ; Tag ;. Would like to re-introduce myself as an OCG player four different worlds thousands... Championship 2011: Over the Nexus using pre-made decks ( Rental decks ) from annihilation only option available browser-play... A: Unfortunately you ca n't edit decks on iOS token name needed just brings up menu... A new FIRE MACHINE archetype that focuses on XYZs and click on: play against basic! Export my deck when trying out something else in future to Duel the AI simply head Over to settings. That transcends the Yu-Gi-Oh!, check out YGOPRODeck.com the Duel Links with dueling using Structure decks level to... 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