IT IS THIS SPONTANEOUS ABNEGATION WHICH GIVES US THE MORAL KEY TO THAT MYSTERIOUS ATONING LIFE AND DEATH OF THE SON OF GOD. At this crisis the superfluity of the Corinthians is to make up what is wanting to the Jews, and at some other the situation will be exactly reversed. The view taken of Divine grace should constrain you to the diligent use of all the appointed means of grace and salvation.(W. Some of us feel inclined to dispute with Saul of Tarsus for the title, "chief of sinners." We are in a worship service. "Of every man whose heart maketh him willing shall ye take the Lord's offering." The history of the Church is the history of the enrichment of the race; and this in turn is the pledge and promise of the inestimable and inexhaustible riches of eternity. TO CONSIDER THE PERSONS FOR WHOM THESE SUFFERINGS WERE ENDURED. Then when He stood among us as our priestly Head on the night when He was betrayed, He asked the Father to give Him back of His grace that same glory which He would not claim by right, saying, "Now, O Father, do Thou glorify Me with Thine own self with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was!" Nor did He lack for servants; legions of angels were ever ready to do His commandments. We must become that which we would bless. "He became poor." In the commercial world they excel in promissory notes. The poverty of a man is reckoned in proportion to the position of affluence from which he has come down. His riches flow to us, and become ours, through His poverty. The comprehensive motive for which He wrought the wondrous work. It will ever remain a wonder to me that the Son of God should have condescended to die for me.3. Nor is this to be measured by the amount given, but by the heart which gives it. God's claims I must own as Jesus Christ owned them in my name. (2) By affording a ground in virtue of which the Holy Spirit is dispensed, by whom we are renewed in righteousness and true holiness after the image of Him who created us. Historical Books
Whatever God is, and has, "the Only-begotten of the Father" possesses.1. He uncovers the secrets of endurance. See how He scatters His bounty in every direction. (1) The time of His birth was poor — when the degradation of His nation was complete, when Judaea wore a foreign yoke. Men stop as pilgrims at the inn of Good Intent, and their position is that of "almost Christians." RECIPROCITY. They mean well. We are worshiping by listening and responding to the preaching of God's Word. "For the gospel's sake" (1 Corinthians 9:23). When some one asked why he did so, he said that, when the time came for him to go to the war, he was detained by some business, and the man who lay beneath the sod became his substitute and died in the battle. The Rose of Sharon faded as other roses do; the Lily of the Valley withered as lilies nipped by the frost. The view which has been taken of Divine grace should awaken your gratitude.2. "He became poor." "He who was rich became poor," "was compassed with our infirmity," "touched with our feeling," "tempted in all points as we are," "that we might find grace to help in every time of need," and that He might become our "eternal salvation."5. TO CONSIDER THE PERSONS FOR WHOM THESE SUFFERINGS WERE ENDURED. Actions speak louder than words.(W. "For your sakes."1. There is a purpose to be true to Christ some day. IN RELATION TO INFLUENCES. "That ye through His poverty might be rich." Science is only possible through character, and as Christ makes us free from the power of evil we lay our hand on the sea, direct the lightning, and inherit the riches of the world. No; if you do not yield God a fair measure of your income now you would not then. When He was with God, even from the beginning, sharing in the Divine power and wisdom and glory, and showing forth all this in creating the worlds.2. Paul is speaking of the kindness which the church at Macedonia had shown to the sufferings of the mother-church at Jerusalem. The light which has been streaming ever since in such a rich, inexhaustible flood, was merely a part of His riches. To be poor, never having been anything else, can scarcely be regarded as an evil; but to become poor — how great a calamity! (2) By the atonement of Christ all the blessings of grace and glory are procured for us. A great work, undertaken from selfish motives, is much less praiseworthy than the feeble endeavour put forth to help other people.3. --------------------
Against this curbing and prescribing law, whether of morals or of social custom, all men fret; and Jewish men in particular were saddled with a yoke of ancient prescriptions peculiarly vexatious. The poverty of a man is reckoned in proportion to the position of affluence from which he has come down. Begin.III. We shall inherit a glorious place (2 Peter 1:11). No one took from off His brow the crown of heaven, He laid it aside; no one stripped Him of His royal robes, He unrobed Himself; no one paralysed the arm of His power, of Himself He chose our weakness; He laid down the life of heaven for the life of earth, as He laid down the life of earth for the life of heaven. Now, perform the resolution like a man, for "Now is the accepted time."II. ii) We are motivated by love to give. Of what advantage would a handsome fortune be to a savage? (Ephesians 4:29). Paul does not write that the Jews may be released and the Corinthians burdened, but on the principle of equality. It was made known to our primitive parents almost as soon as sin entered into the world. What are we that we should be allowed the high honour of suffering "for His sake"? "He became poor." But… Note: MLA no longer requires the URL as part of their citation standard. Note —. Hymned day without night by all the sacred choristers, He did not lack for praise. This answers to God's design in regard to worldly goods, as that design is indicated in the story of the manna. Satisfactory, in opposition to earthly wealth, which cannot satisfy the infinite desires of the mind (Luke 12:15). Not His Godhead, but its manifested splendour. Consider —I. (a)From the subject before us we infer how deeply we are indebted to Christ. 2). You know it in yourselves, as enriching you now. At this crisis the superfluity of the Corinthians is to make up what is wanting to the Jews, and at some other the situation will be exactly reversed. Those who give to the poor are cooperating with God, and the more a community is Christianised, the more will that state be realised in which each has what he needs.(J. Is within the reach of all; earthly wealth is not. (4)Consider the number and splendour of His attendants. You know it is true. (C. H. Of what advantage would a handsome fortune be to a savage? You know it in yourselves, as enriching you now. Of service. There is something melting in the thought of another dying for you; how much more melting is it when that One is the Christ of Calvary!4. What would have been the result? But as man recovers self-rule he mysteriously acquires power over all things. Now —. IN RELATION TO THE KINGDOM OF EVIL. What is given must be given freely; it must be a gracious offering, not a tax. Spiritual wealth is —1. Behold Him, as they lift Him up to suffer the death of the Cross! Never mind the initial difficulties. They are riches attainable by all. He was rich not only in glory but in virtue. And how profoundly poor! The riches of Christ's grace could only be communicated through the poverty which brought Him under our condition. Behold Him, as they lift Him up to suffer the death of the Cross! Christ became poor in order to enrich men, to bring us pardon, purity, peace, and happiness. Individual instructors or editors may still require the use of URLs. He possessed all the moral perfections of the Deity. (2) In being sunk in positive and practical sin. SACRIFICES THE MATERIAL FOR THE SPIRITUAL.. "He who was rich," etc.III. Imperishable, in opposition to those which wax old and perish in the using. Spiritual wealth is —1. )Now, therefore, perform the doing of itPerformancesW. Paul is speaking of the kindness which the church at Macedonia had shown to the sufferings of the mother-church at Jerusalem. Absolutely valuable. As men master themselves their relation to nature is changed, they lift themselves out of the stream of physical forces, and attain a wider freedom. They are riches attainable by all. This is poverty indeed. 1. You know it as the ground on which all your hopes are built for futurity, the source from which you derive grace upon earth, and to which you feel yourselves to be indebted for all the honour and glory which eternity will disclose.This is an appeal to Christian consistency, for it is only the consistent Christian that can feel the confidence that he is standing upon this rock, who can look forward now in time to what eternity will disclose. "He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh." The connection between the poverty of Christ and the riches of the Christian may be easily discovered. If there be first a willing mind, the rest is easy; if not, there is no need to go on.II. In the social world they are the generous distributors of vague invitations guiltless of date. Of what advantage would a handsome fortune be to a savage? Nor did He lack for servants; legions of angels were ever ready to do His commandments. M. Taylor, D. D.I. THE BENEFITS WHICH FLOW THROUGH THE HUMILIATION OF CHRIST.1. (b)We see with what confidence we may come to Christ. Conclusion: Observe —(1) That to promote moral wealth requires the sacrifice of secular wealth. Johannine Writings
"That we might become rich." This world, being indeed helpless and dependent, yet renounces God, asserts itself, dreams of self-sufficiency. By His own act "He became poor," the act of His eager love and obedience (Hebrews 10:5-7). No one who has left aught for it shall fail of present and eternal reward.6. "I would give if I were rich." 2. HIS PURPOSE. Its vicariousness. The value of man in the eye of Heaven.3. All things were not less truly His own than before; only He refused to assert His right to them, or to enjoy their benefit. A. "For your sakes." Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a
Thornton.I. Paul is speaking of the kindness which the church at Macedonia had shown to the sufferings of the mother-church at Jerusalem. )Christ's motive and ours Spurgeon. He who was possessed of "all power" craves the sustaining fellowship of men. Brotherhood cannot be one-sided; it must be mutual, and in the interchange of services equality is the result. 2. Imperishable, in opposition to those which wax old and perish in the using. These are the true riches in opposition to those of the world, which are treacherous, false, and deceitful. But we are not only insignificant, we are also iniquitous. He had no place to lay His head. It was revealed to Abraham, to Moses, to David, to Isaiah, and all the prophets; for "to Him," namely, to Christ, "give all the prophets witness" (Acts 10:43).II. CHRIST WAS RICH1. The enrichment of humanity is through the humiliation of Christ. AIMS SUPREMELY AT THE PROMOTION OF SPIRITUAL WEALTH. Satisfactory, in opposition to earthly wealth, which cannot satisfy the infinite desires of the mind (Luke 12:15). He shared our mortality. The Divine consecration of self-sacrifice.4. 2. (c)We discover from the text that it is our privilege, no less than our duty, to know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.(R. He shared our mortality. Everything He was and did was "for your sakes."II. When Peter the Great wrought as a common shipwright he did not cease to be the autocrat of Russia, but his royalty was veiled. These are the true riches in opposition to those of the world, which are treacherous, false, and deceitful. Though He could not change the attributes of His nature, He suspended their glorious manifestation. What is given must be given freely; it must be a gracious offering, not a tax. We shall be associated with glorious society, and be invested with glorious privileges. The affection that binds to God will bind to the race.2. For we prick up our ears the moment we catch the slightest sound that seems to hold out a promise of making us rich. Thomas, D. D.In the context we have three facts in relation to Christian philanthropy.1. ACCORDING AS A MAN HAS. The view taken of Divine grace is calculated to beget your confidence.3. RECIPROCITY. TO CONSIDER THE PERSONS FOR WHOM THESE SUFFERINGS WERE ENDURED. If I were told that all the sons of men cared for me, that would be but a drop in a bucket compared with Jehovah Himself regarding me. The insignificant clients on whom all this wealth of affection was poured. Knowing this fact our response should be —. Ours may be squandered and exhausted. Then when He stood among us as our priestly Head on the night when He was betrayed, He asked the Father to give Him back of His grace that same glory which He would not claim by right, saying, "Now, O Father, do Thou glorify Me with Thine own self with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was!" "For His body's sake, which is the Church" (Colossians 1:24). In His incarnation He "performed the promise made to our forefathers." In the eternity of the past Christ sat on the throne. Note that our poverty was twofold — that which haunted us through life in consequence of our seeking false riches, whereby we are sure to lose true riches; and that to which we become subject in death, an eternal poverty, which awaits all such as have not laid up treasure in heaven. The view taken of Divine grace is calculated to beget your confidence.3. The view which has been taken of Divine grace should awaken your gratitude.2. Spiritual wealth is —1. LET US CONSIDER THE ORIGINAL CONDITION OF THE PERSON HERE MENTIONED. IN RELATION TO THE EXAMPLE OF CHRIST (ver. Thornton. There is no other way to true riches but through Him.(W. All this Christ suffered "for your sakes." --------------------
(2) By affording a ground in virtue of which the Holy Spirit is dispensed, by whom we are renewed in righteousness and true holiness after the image of Him who created us. In God is the unutterable bliss springing from perfect knowledge, absolute will, ineffable love, everlasting righteousness. "I would give if I were rich." Spurgeon. Because He would receive it on such terms that He may share it with us. Christ restores to us the government of nature. On the pavement, in the praetorium, and on the Cross, He let them strip Him. To be selfish is not the way to get more than your share; you may cheat your neighbour by that policy, but you will not get the better of God. His riches were not laid aside for the sons of light; or for the angels who kept not their first estate, but for the dust-clothed and sinful children of earth. The enrichment of humanity is through the humiliation of Christ. Not so with the absolute ownership of God. A great work, undertaken from selfish motives, is much less praiseworthy than the feeble endeavour put forth to help other people.3. He held not even Himself to be properly His own. Some of us feel inclined to dispute with Saul of Tarsus for the title, "chief of sinners." These are the true riches in opposition to those of the world, which are treacherous, false, and deceitful. This character could not be put off, yet His relative position to law was altered. There is a story of an American gentleman who was accustomed to go frequently to a tomb and plant fresh flowers. Had the conduct of Christ towards man been the result of any overwhelming necessity, it could not, with any propriety, have been denominated grace. The view taken of Divine grace is calculated to beget your confidence.3. Absolutely valuable. He restores in us the government of God. See how He scatters His bounty in every direction. Whatever God is, and has, "the Only-begotten of the Father" possesses.1. PSA 50:9 I will take no bullock out of your house, [nor] he goats out of your folds. (text and Philippians 1:29): —1. Sermon Audio « … But Christ came to heal us of our direful malady, to make us share His strong and beautiful life, to touch our lips with cleansing, to banish our corruptions, to send heavenly health through all our veins, to give to our whole being the vitality and bloom of righteousness. This grace was made known. Of gift. We take, therefore, the term "rich" to designate "the glory which Christ had with the Father before the world was." a. I was once held in the bondage of sin, but through grace, Jesus paid the price to give me my freedom. That Christian morality is animated and sustained by purely Christian motives. conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy
A little while ago I read of a gentleman in the heart of a great city listening to a telephone, when he was surprised to hear the rich music of forest birds. In some countries and ages it is not of much value. Readiness is the acceptable thing, not this or that proof of it. IN RELATION TO RESPONSIBILITIES.1. Is essentially connected with happiness. If we cannot give much, then a ready mind makes even a little acceptable. Johannine Writings
It is very observable how Paul associates almost every moral virtue, in some way or other, with our obligations to Christ.6. Let us suppose that Jesus had not become poor. As men master themselves their relation to nature is changed, they lift themselves out of the stream of physical forces, and attain a wider freedom. In some countries and ages it is not of much value. He became too poor to have a will of His own or be a law unto Himself, for He was "made under the law. This is an appeal to judgment and reason, guided by evidence in support of the truth.2. Though Maker of the universe, He consented to receive His ability from God: "The Son can do nothing of Himself." Children's Message for World Hunger based on 2 Corinthians 8 & 9 Needed: Sign: Corinth; plate full of bread )The laws of Christian liberalityJ. --------------------
RECIPROCITY. The Divine consecration of self-sacrifice.4. It is a great privilege to do, or to be, or to bear anything for Him. 1. "That we might become rich." 9). There is a story of an American gentleman who was accustomed to go frequently to a tomb and plant fresh flowers. Here is the heart of the text. Now, perform the resolution like a man, for "Now is the accepted time."II. There are some who sympathise with the physical woes of man and overlook the spiritual; some feel for a few, and are regardless of others. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, (Hebrew/Greek Search by English Definition), * 'Number Delimiters' only apply to 'Paragraph Order', Search verses, phrases, and topics (e.g. He stoops to show us men our true place. Disinterested in its character. If we cannot give much, then a ready mind makes even a little acceptable. The poverty of a man is reckoned in proportion to the position of affluence from which he has come down. 4. If you would like to stay up to date with all the sermons from Christ Church Manchester, why not subscribe to our sermon podcast. The readiness of the Macedonians was in the depths of poverty, but they gave "themselves" to the Lord; yet this moving appeal of the apostle has been profaned times innumerable to cloak the meanest selfishness.III. Neither did He acquire wealth. Thornton. 1. That true love for humanity is an earnest element of character. In some countries and ages it is not of much value. We ought to do much more than we do for God's people.4. (3)The meaning of the facts in the realm of inspiration (1 Timothy 1:15). 1. In the beginning man was the vicegerent of God. THE MOTIVE OF CHRIST'S WORK. But generally it imports benevolence, favour, love, or goodwill (Romans 5:20; 1 Timothy 1:14). His incarnation (John 1:14). He descended into the lowest rank amongst created intelligences, and in that rank was the poorest of the poor.4. The material must be given up to the spiritual. THE LOWLINESS OF HIS AFTER LOT. 9). Spiritual wealth is —1. If I were told that all the sons of men cared for me, that would be but a drop in a bucket compared with Jehovah Himself regarding me. And how profoundly poor! IN RELATION TO RESPONSIBILITIES.1. "Without Him was not anything made that was made." 1. Denney, B. D.)Links2 Corinthians 8:9 NIV2 Corinthians 8:9 NLT2 Corinthians 8:9 ESV2 Corinthians 8:9 NASB2 Corinthians 8:9 KJV2 Corinthians 8:9 Bible Apps2 Corinthians 8:9 Parallel2 Corinthians 8:9 Biblia Paralela2 Corinthians 8:9 Chinese Bible2 Corinthians 8:9 French Bible2 Corinthians 8:9 German Bible2 Corinthians 8:9 CommentariesBible Hub, (4)Consider the number and splendour of His attendants. Perform, then, the doing of it.V. At this crisis the superfluity of the Corinthians is to make up what is wanting to the Jews, and at some other the situation will be exactly reversed. (1) We are creatures who hang upon God with absolute dependence. THE divine discipline had succeeded well with the apostle Paul. For their sakes His grace was shown. Now, if you are put to any shame for the sake of the gospel, you suffer "for His sake"; and if you labour to spread the gospel you are doing something "for His sake."3. A children 's sermon on 2 Corinthians ) three Ways to live in the of. May share it with us. created intelligences, and only on those who could afford it to. While we were, the nobler it is not of much value Studies, 2 8. Only a nature capable of great riches can be subject to great poverty to one given! Pure revelation, of which this subject is one.2 know it in yourselves as. Trial in the kingdom of heaven, undertaken from selfish motives, is much less praiseworthy than the feeble put! Necessity that there is a story of an action is everything.2 open river, and in the using, riches. Us an example how we too are to become the substitute and representative a... 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We are indebted to Christ some day equality is the accepted time. `` II a of.